

The day fairs on well and soon it's time to head home. As am packing my belongings, Luna pulls up next to me hands crossed over her chest. I turn and look at her with a raised brow.

"What's your plan for the weekend?"

"Nothing really am planning to stay indoors," I say as I finish zipping up my bag.

"You're such a bore, outside work you barely have time to do anything good for yourself," she says and I bring my hand up to her shoulder.

"What did you have in mind?"

"To go on a shopping spree, it's been long since we last hanged out together," she says excitedly and my hand drops from her shoulder.

"Am sorry Luna, tomorrow I just want to rest. Maybe another time?"

She eyes me and slowly shrugs her shoulders.

"Suit yourself but you'll be missing out big time," she says and I grab her wrist pulling her towards the door.

"That am certain."

We say our goodbyes and soon am on my own as I head to my apartment. Images from the forest cross my mind.

"Maybe I should check the library for answers," I say to myself as I cross over the path.

With my mind resolved, I drift off to a peaceful slumber. I wake up at the sound of my alarm blaring and I stretch out my hand trying to turn it off. After numerous unsuccessful attempts, I slowly sit up and stretch my hands above my head as a yawn escapes my lips. I rub my eyes as I look around the room trying to clear the blurriness in my eyesight. After a few minutes of laying around in bed, I reluctantly get down and move to clean and prepare myself. Early that afternoon, am on my way to the library to seek answers. I look around the vast shelves filled with books and my jaw clenches.

(I don't have any lead and this place is huge. It'll take forever to find what am looking for.)

"Hello miss, can I be of assistance?"

I spin around and come face to face with a neatly dressed young lady.

"Oh? Um... am looking for books on curses. Can you help me figure out a starting point?"

The librarian eyes me and I gulp.

(Did I ask for an odd thing? She wouldn't think am mad right?)

Numerous thoughts flood my mind and am soon drawn to the present by a tap on my shoulder. I blink and turn to the librarian.

"Did you hear what I said?"

"Am sorry come again?"

She shakes her head and settles her gaze on me," Books on curses are a rare item indeed but..."

"Do you not have one then?" I ask cutting her off and she glares daggers at me and I bite my tongue.

"Patience. I didn't say we don't have books on curses. They are over by the last row."

"Thank you. I'll not waste your time any longer."

I give her a thankful smile and make my way to the direction she had pointed to. After a few minutes of searching without luck, I take a seat on the nearby table.

"This is pointless," I murmur as my eyes dart across the books," why can't I find anything of help."

As my eyes scan the books, they settle on a black covered book emitting an ominous aura. Slowly as if under a captivating spell, I walk towards it and grab it in my hands. The soft texture of the cover feels oddly strange for a book that looks nearly a thousand years old.

" 'Dark Curse?' hmm? That's an awfully strange book name."

Slinging the book under my arm, I make my way towards the top floor and take a seat in my favourite spot secluded from eyesight. I place the book on the table and an uneasy feeling settles in my gut as I trace my finger over the initials craved on the book. I shake the feeling away as my hand makes its way to flip the cover. My breath catches in my throat as I stare at the blank page dumb founded.

(W... what?)

I flip through all the pages receiving the same result and I slam the book shut.

(This is annoying!)

I stare out the window admiring the view as my anger cools down. A few seconds later, I turn my gaze to the book and open it. Upon opening, strange initials begin forming and I gasp lightly.

"This is..."

I try to make out the words with little luck. I run my hand through my hair frustration building up inside me.

"Let's relax maybe we can try and translate," I whisper to myself as I stand from the chair.

I head back down to the main hall and pick all the translation books and head back to my spot. I place the books on the table and skim through the first book comparing the strange figures. Lastly, I pick the final book and open it when a strange glow from the corner of my eyes draws my attention.


I watch as words align themselves syllable by syllable with a faint glow.

(This looks like something ancient. And luckily, I have the right person for the job.)

I return all the books to their respective shelves and with the dark curse in my hand, I head out of the library and to the outskirts of town. I stand examining the run down building in the early evening light. Mustering my courage I walk to the door and raise my hand in front of me to knock when the door creaks open revealing a dark hallway. I walk through the door and down the dark path. The floor creaks under my feet threatening to give way but I push ahead.

"Black? Are you here?"

I call out numerous times getting no response in return.

"Maybe he's not home."

As I turn to leave, an unknown force grabs my wrist pulling me farther into the darkness.