

"I must be going crazy," I whisper to myself as I draw the curtains close and walk to my bed.

I sit on the edge of the bed and I can't help but nervously eye the window through the closed curtains.

(Let's get some rest, maybe am hallucinating due to fatigue.)

I slide through the covers and drift off to sleep almost immediately.

"Morning Nine," Luna greets me immediately she walks into the office.


"Did you not sleep well?"

"Am fine," I reply nonchalantly and stand from my desk," if you'll excuse me."

I walk past her and into Honey's room. Upon opening the doors, cheerful laughter greets me and I smile inwardly.

"Morning girls. I see you're getting along well," I say as I close the door behind me.

"Oh Doc," Honey says her gaze resting on me.

I walk towards them and take a seat on the chair separating the two beds.

"So, how do you like your new friend?"

"Star's the best. We talked about our favourite snacks, dolls, colours, food and flowers," she says eyes gleaming excitedly.

"Really?" I ask my gaze on the shy kid who only nods in response.

"Star, you don't have to be afraid of this doctor, she's the best."

"Really?" Star asks her voice low and soft.

"Of course! You can trust her. She's the best!"

I shake my head and lightly pinch her cheek," Aren't you giving me too much credit?"

"No am not," she says and pulls away from my grip," you're honestly the best."

She gives me a thumbs up and I pet her head.

"You two seem close," Star says and I turn my attention to her.

"Don't you have anyone close to you?"

Star looks from my face to Honey and back.

"I have my father," she says," my brother and mum... left us."

She whispers the last words and a tinge of sadness courses through my body and I grab her hand.

"Now you have Honey and I."

She slowly nods and I run a few tests on the two.

"I need to go now. I'll let you two have your time."

"Can't you stay with us a little longer?" Honey asks and I shake my head placing my hand on hers.

"You know I can't. I have work to do," I say and their faces drop and I bite my lower lip," tell you what... during my lunch break. I'll take you two out, how does that sound?"

Their faces instantly light up and I smile.


"Of course, I promise."

She raises her pinkie finger and wiggles it in front of my face. I laugh and slip my finger over hers in a promise.

"See you two later. Bye now."

They nod and wave me goodbye as I head out my moods lifted. On my way out I bump into a lean figure and we both fall to the ground.


I wince as I try to move my body and the man scoffs.

"You should watch where you're going!"

I look up and my eyes land on the good looking young man.

"What are you looking at?"

I shake my head and look away embarrassment flushing my cheeks. I take a deep breathe and try to stand but a sharp pain shoots up my body and I fall to the ground again.

"You look pathetic trying so hard," the guy says and lifts me from the ground effortlessly.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?"

"What does it look like am doing?"

My body tenses against his strong grip and I bite my tongue not saying another word as he carries me down the hallways.

"Nine? Are you okay?"

Luna rushes up to us her expression worried. I slowly nod and I hear a scoff behind me. I shut my eyes ignoring him and turn to Luna.

"I accidentally tripped and twisted my ankle," I say and the colour drains from Luna's face.

"Quick! Let's get you tended to. You, follow me," she says and walks down the hall heading towards a free ward.

The man obediently follows behind her and once the bed is spread, he carefully sets me down and Luna works on examining me.

"Relax Luna, it's just a sprain, some pain killers and ointment will do the trick," I say trying to ease her tension.

She looks up from my foot and smiles mischievously before poking my ankle. A scream leaves my lips and I recoil from her touch.

"Nothing serious huh?" she asks and I sigh raising my hands in defeat.

"My bad. I misread the situation."

She narrows her eyes at me before turning her full attention to my swollen ankle. After applying some ointment and tying my foot in a bandage, I swing my feet from the bed and dangle them over.

"And where do you think you're going?" Luna asks in the authoritative tone she uses on naughty kids and I gulp nervously," you need to rest if you want to get better."

"You don't have to sound so strict," I mumble inaudibly and carefully get down from the bed.

She raises one brow and taps her elbow as I slowly place my foot on the floor. A new surge of energy flowing through my veins, I slowly limp towards her and nearly tumble.


In a split of a second, Luna is by my side supporting my body.


She mumbles something that I fail to catch as we head out of the room. I open the door and the two look up from their books and smile. I limp and take a seat and they both eye my bandaged leg worry creasing their brows.

"What happened to your leg?"

"I accidentally twisted my ankle but I'll be fine," I say reassuring them with a smile.

"Will you be okay?" Star asks and I nod.

"Of course, this little injury won't keep me from fulfilling my promise," I say and stand up wincing immediately immense pain soars through my injured foot up.