
2nd round

" You're right " Toshiro

" I'm going to my room " miwa

" Me too "

Toshiro and miwa left the scene as they left Akashi who was too busy enjoying himself than notice it..


Toshiro was reviewing his information on the next team when his phone got a message. Class d were complaining about their defeat and it was the top story in the school.

" All these things are irrelevant, I need to start learning how to use the devil's power "

" KABA "

He spoke out the devil's name but there was no response.

* Jay,. why didn't Kaba appear *

* He can't come out unless he wants to *

* Then how do I learn how to use his power "

* You go in *

* but why *

* Kaba isn't just any soul spirit, he's a devil spawn and the only one we know about *

* So he's a soul that does things on his own terms *

* Exactly *

* I get it now, but how do I go in *

* where you're going into is the soul spirits subconsciousness, can you still sense kaba's aura from inside you *

* Yeah *

* Then just follow it and you'll be in his subconsciousness *

* Okay *

With calm breathing and a steady mindset Toshiro took a dive into his subconsciousness. it took him a while but he noticed kaba's aura increasing as he drew closer.

* Who dares enter my domain *

* It's me your master *

With a narrow dark look in his eyes

* I have no master *

* What do you mean, you agreed to the contract didn't you *

* And *

* That makes me your master *

* Agreeing to the contract and being my master are two different things "

* But *

* Know your place*

* Human *

A destructive aura filled the room as the devil tried to suppress Toshiro.

In response Toshiro released his own aura and the two aura's clashed.

Toshiro held his own for sometime but stopped as the devil withdrew it's aura.

* Now do you see me as your master *

* no, I will only lend you my power from time to time.

But don't think about me addressing you as my master *


With that he was forcibly pushed out of the devil's subconsciousness as the connection was broken but was surprised to feel the devil's aura coming out of him.

Toshiro used the chance to cultivate with the devil's aura until he was tired and then he slept-off.


The next day Toshiro was on his way to the cafeteria when he got a system message.

Notice :

You have gotten a new slot in your menu.

[ Relationships ]

Miwa : Four stars ( friend )

Akashi : Two stars ( friend )

Anne : Two stars ( friend )

Gen : Four stars ( pet )

Mrs karasuwa : Three stars ( Mentor )

Kaba : unknown

* I'll look through this later * he thought as he was about to be called out with his team.


~~ well back and this is the second round of the class exchange event ~~

~~ After Class C's previous victory against Class D's they will now be up against Class B's representatives ~~

~~ They are Alka, Jane and kuboshi ~~

~~ Now the second round shall begin ~~