
MY MASKED HUSBAND: I fell in love with the most wanted man

Hazel Green silently stood at her bed room window thinking about the events that had happened the last two days. This was an unfamiliar place for her but it could be considered her new dwelling place for the next ten months. She suddenly recalled the rules of the house. Rule number one Party B is not allowed to fall in love with the Young Master, rule number two Party B is forbidden to see the Young Master's face, rule number three Party B's contract will become invalid after giving birth an heir and is not allowed to come close to the baby, if Party B breaks any of the rules the contract will be come void and null hence terminated immediately," "Is that okay?" "Yeah, but I have one more question," "Before you ask that, the Master wears a mask unless he isn't wearing one you will be required to have your blindfold on," Zen replied. Yes, she had gotten married. For others, marriage was a result of love between each other but for her it was due to mutual benefit. And in a blink of time, Hazel had gotten married to someone she wasn't even allowed to see his face. Hazel begins to wonder if she made the right choice. As she struggles to try and not fall in love curiosity seems to be her biggest challenge as she wants to know the secret behind the mask. ........... PS the cover isn't mine it's from Pinterest. Also an Author to ✓ My Substitute Wife ✓ My two-faced lover BL Updates on friday

Reine001 · Urban
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13 Chs

Chapter 13 When did you become so perverted?

"Are you done?" Xander's voice brought her back.

"Huh? What did you say?"

"Are you done looking at me? Have I satisfied and reached your demands?" Xander repeated shamelessly.

"Aaah, no...that's not it..." Hazel tried to change his statement.

"Oooh, it's not enough? Maybe I should start working out,"

"I mean, that's not what I mean," she said nervously as she took a step behind. What am I doing Hazel, when did you become so perverted? She scolded herself inwardly.

Hazel immediately ran toward the dining table and then sat down her legs crouched under the table.

After dinner, Xander cleared his throat and then said," From today onwards you will take over Zen's duties," he glanced at Hazel.

"Me? Why?" Hazel asked surprisingly.

"Are you firing me?" Zen whined.

"Why? Can't you? Aren't you supposed to be my wife so it's normal for you to take over such duties," Xander replied.

"But, that isn't on the contract right Zen?" Hazel turned to him.

"Why are you asking me?" Zen said cluelessly. Hazel pinched his thighs so hard that he yelled in pain and then said," Yes it isn't don't worry I can handle the Master,"

"Zenky," Xander growled. Zen looked at the two in confusion he didn't know who to side with so after a few seconds he made a decision. It was better to side with the lion than the cub but was she really a cub?

"Fine, we will add another clause in the contract," he said.

"Good job," Xander smiled having achieved what he wanted he stood up and then went back to his room.

"What was that about?" Hazel asked him after Zen had gone.

"I couldn't reject him, you don't know how scary he is I had to bear with me," Zen pleaded.

"Bare with me my foot, that wasn't what we discussed aaagh I can't argue with you clear the table and then wash the plates I don't feel like seeing you now," Hazel glanced at him with eyes full of fury. Before she left, she stepped on his two feet as payback.

"Ouch! Was that necessary?" Zen yelled in pain.

"I'm not done with you Zenky," Hazel glanced at him before going upstairs.

"Did she just threaten me? Why do I find her more scary than Xander," he mumbled and shivered slightly at the thought of that. Having one Xander was enough but another Xander he couldn't take it could he?

The next morning, Hazel yawned slightly as she walked down the stairs. She didn't have anything planned that day so she wanted to find something she could do.

"Hazel, it's good you are up, this is the Master's breakfast take it upstairs," Zen ran toward her.

"Why should I? Isn't this your work? I've just woken up I'm still tired," Hazel said as she walked past him not giving him any face.

"Didn't you hear what Xander said yesterday? He refused to let me in saying he wouldn't eat anything unless you brought it to him yourself, help me do this please, or else I might even die tonight, I'm still young," Zen pleaded.

"You can as well just die, traitors like you deserve it," Hazel walked into the kitchen.

"Traitors like me? Wait don't tell me you are still mad about yesterday? I already apologized didn't I?"

"Did you? All I heard was you saying bare with me, I didn't hear any apology," Hazel stopped and then said.

"Fine, I'm sorry okay," Zen said.


"So are we good now?" He smiled.

"We are," Hazel replied calmly.

"So will you take this upstairs?"

"No," Hazel said boldly.

"But you promised," Zen was on the verge of crying. Xander had bullied him enough and now he had to tolerate Xander's wife too? How could his life be so tough he thought.

"I didn't promise I only told you that I had forgiven you but I didn't promise you anything," Hazel said as she walked into the kitchen.

After picking what she came for, she glanced at Zen and then went back to her room arrogantly. Zen could only watch her back in despair.

After Hazel had disappeared, Zen went upstairs to try his luck once again.

"Master," he knocked on the door.

"Don't you dare utter any other word, how can a young girl defeat you? Can't you just give her the instruction?" Xander replied from his room. Having interacted with Hazel the previous night, he knew Hazel was quite stubborn so he wanted to see how long she could hold on to.

Zen sighed heavily as he walked away. Who had he offended in his previous life to deserve this? He thought.

He walked back to the living room with the tray filled with food as he tried to come up with a plan. He picked up his phone and then dialed a number.

"Help me investigate if the Young Miss has or had any hobbies," he spoke on the phone.

"Yes boss," after hearing that, he hung up the call.

"Let's see, who can tame the other," he mumbled with a wicked smile. If he couldn't even handle Hazel he didn't deserve to be Alexander's right-hand man.