The blares of police vehicles were the only sound I was able to pick up as I sat there, staring blankly at nothing in particular. Some officers surrounded me, while one tried calming me down, as I watched them surrounding the building with yellow tape as a crime scene.
It was then that reality hit me. Lupe was... Dead.
I'd seen her body lying lifelessly on the floor, while her blood was splattered all around the house. She'd been missing an arm and a leg, and even in death, she still had this terrified look in her eyes that made me know that she'd gone through so much pain at the hands of her murderer.
When I'd screamed for help, some concerned passerby had come to support me while calling the pack's officers. They were busy with their preparations for war, but still managed to show up.
I was lost. Scared. Overriden with guilt and sadness. Lupe didn't deserve to die.