
My Marvel Random Power System

Follow the journey of Alexander(Alex) Knight, as he tries to settle in the marvel world, but what if his reincarnation created problems for higher beings right from the start!!!!!!!

The_Dusk_Ninja · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

You got reverse UNO'd Boii

*3rd POV*

The news soon got updated and even more people started watching in anticipation of what will happen next. There was no knowledge about him other than his name. Were they finally going to see him? What powers does he have? Will he get caught or escape? They were the questions going inside their heads watching the heli's drop teams from the roof as well to prevent escape from their as well.

Both the terrorist and hostage team had already been taken care of by him. Suddenly all fire alarms started blaring and fire safety system's activated. Though it did not cause any problems other than drag since IR goggles to work in even fog or rain. They hadn't received any info from the cops hiding in there. They were supposed to be fully armored, how was he talking them out? That's when the watcher team got cut-off the feed. There systems were compromised and couldn't see inside the hospital anymore. Comm's were still working though. It was a 20 story hospital and teams were still rushing in and copter's surround the building with spotlight yet he didn't get spotted. The guys with microphones were yelling he was surrounded so he should surrender. Suddenly the from the comm's of the teams getting in from above got cut-off, not before letting out a shrieking noise with screams of the men.

Inside the building, the top team was surrounded with lead filled smoke and sonic charges producing sound all over. They were in pain but got fainted from fighting Enigma, who was fighting perfectly despite the headache inducing noise. He had gauntlet's in hand which discharger electricity. It was different from the description. He was a master martial artist as well. He disarmed all of them swiftly before discharging them with electricity at spots with the weakest layer of armor.

They now understood why the one's they arrested after meeting him were so scared. His eyes looked as if seeing through the soul. After knocking them out Enigma made his way up. He already prepared an effective plan with mental computation. All he needed to do was spill some oil on the mid floors to make it slippery and activate the fire safety system to spread the oil further.

And the teams moving up did get caught. The teams in elevator were also stuck as he had disabled them already. They were ready for a guy who was prepared for any situation he would face. While the teams were stuck below and no other teams were coming from above, Enigma calculated the Chopper's trajectory to make the optimal plans and got ready. When the chopper was about to reach the required location for his plan, he muttered" Detonate" and rushed to the window. Suddenly many explosions went in the building followed by sound of glass falling. The glass didn't fall far so nobody was hurt, but suddenly from one of the broken windows on the 19th floor a figure jumped.

All cameras and spotted the figure of Enigma on camera for the first time when he was falling. They were in awe at his costume but were thinking the same thing. Is he crazy, jumping from that height?

Only about two seconds had passed when Enigma raised his arm an sent an hook-shot from it which took hold of the helicopters stand. The pilot was preventing the destabilization. Even the police below were watching what he was doing with open jaws. And then he swung and unhooked the grappler. The distance and momentum were enough to reach the next building when he shot grappler from his other arm and kept swinging.

All were in daze for a few seconds, when the Captain snapped out and yelled," MOVE. MOVE!". This did the trick as they boarded bikes and cars to follow after him. The ambush had turned to a chase. A man swinging with cars, bikes and even chopper's on his tail. His situation still didn't look optimistic. After swinging two blocks, they were catching up to him, so he swung into an alley.

That alley was a dead end and they surrounded it . They couldn't see the end due to no lights. There was a ramp like trolley and a garbage bin in the front. The chopper's were keeping an eye above to prevent escape this time guns ready. The mic guys were about to yell again when they heard a noise of Engine starting and head lights flashed at them which made them close their eyes for a second.

But a second was all he needed. The vehicle used the trolley like the ramp it was placed there and came into light. Enigma was riding a bike which could only be called fictional. It looked like it had been pulled out of a sci-fi movie. Yet here he was jumping over their heads and rushing away right after landing it. They were still in daze. Not even the chopper's moved.

The captain snapped out first again and yelled "DAMMIT, NOT AGAIN!". Hearing him everyone got in and started chasing him, but he was too fast! He had made his way to the highway for some reason. That was literally the best place for chopper's to find him, but how he had seen him do things, he knew it wasn't so simple. And he was right.

The bike started accelerating at an alarming rate at which even the choppers couldn't keep up. And then they heard a BOOM. That mad-lad made a sonic boom riding on a BIKE! They could only watch him disappear into the darkness."

*3rd POV end*

I made my way back to the base to park my T-cycle. Going supersonic on the bike was a blast. I had the news feed constantly on my screen, I could see the announcer speechless. I made my ahead to enable stealth mode to prevent SHIELD using satellite's and opened a portal a some distance to base. I was still on the bike thinking about my escape. The adrenaline was still pumping in my body. It was terrific.

"That... was... AWESOMEEE!" I yelled finally burning my adrenaline out.

"That it indeed was master Alex, why I was even imagining myself on that bike making the dashing escape." Alfred said. He had been there for me, waiting. There was a smell of the stasis serum in air, probably Oracle doing something.

"You shouldn't be waiting for me Alfred, just have left the dinner here, it isn't good for your health".

"It's a butler's duty to attend his master, sir, and I'm doing just that."

"*sigh* You know I can work out there for a week constantly and re-energize back in just 2 hours of sleep? You shouldn't push your body like that. You haven't taken the serum yet."

"And who said I didn't?", he said stooping me in my steps and looking at him confusedly, then finally realizing, the smell of stasis serum was coming from him.

"Good, how are you feeling?"

"I feel I have gotten young again."

"Hahaha, good for you, had dinner?"

"No, I have not."

"Then join in."

Oracle watched the Father-son duo eating dinner with a smile on her face watching the video of his recent escapade. This was definitely putting him in SHIELD's radar. Which also means Hydra. They will be looking for him to get their hands on his tech. Whether Alex likes it or not, it will put him on SHIELD's radar as he is one of the only people who can create a bike like this. Thankfully he was prepared for this. He had both, shadow clones, and his acting skills, ready to fool them. His acting itself could classify as an superpower, given how good he is.

"Oracle you alright?", he asked noticing her silence.

"Yes, just keeping an eye on SHIELD. Enigma is in Fury's radar and it won't be soon he tries to look your way so be ready.", I told him.

"No problem, we are having a sleepover at Pete's so it's the perfect cover to remove my name on potential candidates. As for associates, my acting tomorrow will handle it perfectly. If anything close to us, he will think Enigma is one of the Dark Knights. So I will make some plans for that. Don't worry.", he said flashing his signature smile. His charms are going to put him in a lot of trouble sooner or later.

"*burp* *satisfied sigh*, well let's get going shall we?"

"Ready when you are." I told him to which he grinned back. Though realization of what is important stuck him later, he still loved the thrill.

Next morning, it was reported that after going out to the highway, Enigma went to New York busting cases of illegal weapons and drugs again.

*Next Day*

I got out of the gate to see Peter and MJ waiting at the gate, I also felt the SHIELD guys observing more carefully. Peter seeing me literally teleported in front of me. I can already see most of the students discussing yesterday's chase. Some even had phones out seeing it.

"Please tell me you saw it . Please, please, please." he started begging to know, but even MJ was not surprised as she was a bit exited herself.

"Of course I did, that was the coolest thing I have ever seen" jumping in excitement just like Peter, showing I was still a 14 year old at heart. We started discussing it on our way to class. I could hear the SHIELD guys say about me acting like I didn't know anything, but will still continue observation. In the class, our teacher had to snatch a phone or two to get attention.

In lunch break we sat at our usual place, I noticed a bug under the table.

Kitty and Peter were still jumping around us.

"Then he went swoosh off the helicopter and, and ,and started swinging and, it was just so coollll"

"And The way he jumped the bike over their heads.."

"YOU call that a BIKE?" I stepped in startling them. It was my best act to 'Go nerdy' as Oracle calls me whenever I see a new piece of tech. Alfred had to drag me to bed multiple times because I couldn't keep track of time.

"That was a masterpiece. You saw it's design. It doesn't make any sense yet it is perfectly streamlined for maximum speed, and it created a freaking SONIC BOOM."

The other's were extremely startled by my behavior but Peter's eyes shined like he found someone who can speak English in a jungle. We started discussing the required horsepower and drag required leaving other's on the table into our own world. They had never seen me act like this, so it's understandable. Even the agent's were surprised by my change as well. They were probably gonna put Peter on their list as well, but considering he's my friend, they won't do anything.

The other's just kept looking at us like we sprouted more brains on our head. After the classes ended, we made one last check before agreeing o the sleepover. This will keep the agent's on me about 2 to 3 days before leaving me alone.

"Those guys have probably developed a hobby of stalking by now." Eliana said while driving to which I just chuckled.

*The next week*

The sleepover was really fun. We enjoyed singing, dancing, watching movies without any worries. Well no, I was a bit worried because shield had bugged the WHOLE HOUSE. The nerve. Well after enjoying and going to sleep, I silently switched to my shadow clone in the base, without anyone noticing and got to work. I enjoyed letting agent's trail me only to find me gone, while I was standing just above them in stealth. They finally pulled off me after getting conformation I had nothing to do with Enigma's case. What left me a bit cringed was Peter's room now had my posters with Captain America's. And now the other's are asking where he got it. Great, just great. I bought one with the bike for appearance sake. The summer break had finally started so it was time for me to visit a certain mind rap*r and give him a taste of his own medicine.

*Stay tuned for more..*