
My Marvel Random Power System

Follow the journey of Alexander(Alex) Knight, as he tries to settle in the marvel world, but what if his reincarnation created problems for higher beings right from the start!!!!!!!

The_Dusk_Ninja · Anime & Comics
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Fury's … Fury? and punishing a Professor!

*SHIELD Headquarters, Washington*

If there is anything Fury does not like, it's not knowing something.

And right now he was... furious.(AN- Ok, ok. I'll stop that)

He knew about Enigma, but assumed he was just like Murdock, a victim who wants to help in his own way. He had more important matters like project Pegasus to worry about. He now knew how wrong he was. Seeing the way he took down the ambush and escaped in his report's he knew. He was like himself, prepared. There was a good chance, he knew it was an ambush, but still stepped in. If he even had half the brain required for someone to make a bike like that, he can smell the set-up suspicious a mile away. It was backed up by the fact that the next day, all black files of the person who had demanded for his arrest were aired on news.

Fury knew only 3 people in the nearby area of New York that had the knowledge, skill and resources to do so. Reed Richards, Tony Stark and Alexander Knight. Reed was out because he was nowhere as skilled in combat as shown by Enigma. Same goes for Tony, add his nature of looking down on others more to it.

That left the kid, Alexander Knight. He was very secretive ever since he woke up from his COMA. Sharon did say he was still mourning the loss of his parents, so makes sense. He remained home schooled for the next 6 years. In only three, He had enough knowledge to open his company and reach it to Stark and Oscorp's level in 3 years. It was just frightening. He solved the problem of not having a board of directors by dragging Stark and the fantastic four to it. Genius. That's all Fury calls him.

His decision to enter middle school perplexed him, since rich one's like him and Tony made trouble everywhere they go. He was especially worried because the school he had selected had kids of two opposing mutant factions studying there. But he foiled all his worries. He went under an alias. His spectacles really did give the vibe of the studious type, he had to admit. His nature was anything but like Stark's. Kind and friendly to anyone he meets.

Then again he was raised under the care of his senior. Alfred Pennyworth. Fury had respect for the man. He took retirement than work under someone's thumb. Yet here he was working as a butler. No, he was there because he wanted to be there. The man was rich enough to retire any day for a lavish life but chooses to look after his godson.

Alex was good at sport's as well, but the requirement's did not match that of Enigma's. But Fury's intuition was telling it was something related to him, so he sent his best agent's to investigate. He found some interesting facts about his lifestyle and love for technologies, shared by his friend Peter Parker. Parker's were SHIELD scientists that died in an unfortunate crash leaving the boy alone with his Uncle and Aunt. He decided to make sure he had a good future. That's something he owns to the Parker's.

But all investigations to his relation to Enigma in any way possible was a dead end. He thought Enigma might be one of the Dark Knights under him. Only he could have given the bike to him, but it seemed like he was just as fascinated by it like anything else. His escapade left a deep mark on everyone who saw it. It was Worldwide trending now. The council is pressuring him to find out his identity, or at least get the technology. But Fury had a feeling getting on his bad side could mean extreme danger. For now, he decided to send Coulson onto Enigma with Hawkeye, while Romanoff keeps an eye on both, the mutant groups and Alexander.

For now, he needed a glass of wine.

* POV end*

* Xavier's mansion, 3rd POV*

Charles was getting more and more worried about Jean. Her power's were breaking the seal he had placed on her but he could don nothing. He knew altering memories and controlling someone's life was wrong. But he convinced himself he was doing the right thing, for the greater good.

As he was starting to change Scott, all currently having lunch got sucked up into a dimension. Charles knew it was someone's mindscape. Someone far more stronger than him. He didn't know who but he wanted to talk, that's why he bought all of them here. Logan trier summoning his claws but nothing happened. The same were the case for everyone's else powers. Jean paused for a second to look around and said, "Aren't we in a mindscape professor?"

"Yes, you are right. And whoever bought us here is even more powerful than me" Charles replied putting everyone on guard.

"And right you are on that professor." A voice boomed as a huge being materialized in front of us. his robes and hood were made of shadows while his hands and face were made of light, the hood covering the upper part of his face.

"You better send us out right now bub, or you will be in a world of hurt", Logan tried intimidating but the being just looked at him calmly for a second and replied," You have combat experience of over a century Logan, you of all should understand when to fight and when not. I may had expected this from the kids but not from you. I would appreciate if you just talk calmly." the being replied to Logan who looked angry at the taunt but more ashamed.

"Who are you, and what do you want from us?" asked Xavier.

"I do not have a name, but you can call me Specter, I guess. As for why I'm here, it's because", the Specter lifted his finger to point at Charles and said" of you."

This sent a shock to everybody and looked a Charles as if asking what he did to make a guy like that come here. "Why?" asked Xavier.

"Bluntly put, because of your mind rapi*g tendencies." Specter replied with a hint of anger in his tone shocking everyone." All telepaths have a moral code they follow. Surface reading is considered fine, but in-depth reading requires a reason. And you are guilty of not only that, but for altering personal memories of those close to you as well, because you think it's for the greater good."

This made everyone wide eyed at Charles while he looked like someone has just burst his bubble." Charles... is it true?" Hank asked hoping his friend would deny it. But the guilty look on his face said it all. " Hank it-" " SHUT UP. We had talked about boundaries before Charles, some to never cross until a specific situation, and you used it on those close to you? HOW COULD YOU?"

"Calm down Mr. McCoy, I'm not finished. You are free to lecture him after I am done." Specter said , then turning to Charles, " You have never been on the receiving end of the process have you?", Charles face turned pale hearing this." Memories are a necessary part of a human brain, even sad memories are necessary for a person to grow. You are responsible on suppressing both Logan and Scott's memories, preventing the former to remember anything, wile shunting the latter's metal growth. You are responsible for locking Jean's Omega level mutant power because she would have been stronger than you, and the breaking of the seal would have scrambled her mind, letting a Omega level met-human on a rampage. You do not understand how a human brain works yet did things as you pleased. REPENT" the final word's sent a mental shock to Charles punishing him in his mind for his deeds.

Then he turned towards the rest and said" I have sent him in is mind to face punishment for his crime's. He will wake up tomorrow afternoon. Scott and Logan, I will give you back as much memories as I can. They were the painful one's so I request you not to kill Charles in rage. He is essential to the future for humans and meta-humans to co-exist together. I request the rest of you to help them as well. As for Jean and Wanda , you both would be coming with me. Both of you are Omega level candidates, so it's better you learn the nature of your powers before you unknowingly use them." Specter announced." Can you give us some time to think." Hank requested. "No, in case you haven't noticed, I wasn't asking for permission. They will stay with me for two weeks to learn to control their powers. I can allow one more to accompany them.". "I'll go" Laura announced stepping forward and looked towards Logan who just nodded. " Very well, I will bring them back in two weeks time, I hope you teach him the right and wrong next time we meet". Specter waved a hand saying this and they woke up back in the dining hall with Charles unconscious and 5 people missing. There was a note on Scott and Logan's table saying' In their room'.

Hank got up from the chair still angry but wheeled Charles out of there . They all ate their dinner and went to sleep after the long day as well.

*3rd POV end*

*Galvan-prime( new planet found by Alex)*

The three girls finally wake up to find themselves lying under a tree. They stand up to look around and what they find makes them speechless. Paradise. That was the only thing they could call this place. The whole land covered in exotic plants, the lake in between with crystal clear water and the air was fresh as well. The only thing uncomfortable was the weight they were feeling. Suddenly Specter shows up and starts to dissipate. What they saw later just turned their mind blank. In the place Specter was standing was now a silver haired boy they knew well.

"ALEX??" they shouted in unison making his year's ring for a second.

"Jeez, calm down, calm down it's me" Alex said.

"I can see that, but what are you doing,... , wait you're Specter?" Jean asked, The boy they thought they knew was turning more and more mysterious every second. "Bingo", he said to Jean.

"Wait that pure silver hair, you're enigma aren't you!", said Wanda making the other two speechless again.

After a while Laura recovered and said," Wait till Kitty and Peter here about this." is all she could say.

"Yeahhh, please don't tell them. I have to keep it secret for a reason". He said pleadingly.

"That's alright, but... how?" was all Wanda could ask in the end.

"If this is about my powers, then I had it since I was 7. Went to India to train under my master for about 6 years, and I'm still learning. As for how I knew about Charles, I discovered about it when I noticed some changes in your and Scott's behavior which seemed similar to symptoms of memory suppression, so digging to find out he was a telepath opening a school for meta-humans, which I'm glad you told him about, and knew he had something to do so tried to analyze Scott's problems, how he was making him over-obsessed with Jean to keep an eye on her, so decided to act when summer break started. Why don't we go talk inside?" He explained walking toward a large futuristic home near the pond.

"So what is this place?" Laura asked curiously. It was a nice change from the smoke filled air.

"Oh! This is Galvan-Prime, a planet like earth me and Oracle discovered and made a base here." he told making them question reality. He can do space travel as well? But they grew tense on Oracle's mention and looked towards each other and nodded their head in unison, so Jean asked.

"Who's Oracle." One could see a demon behind these three, but unfortunately Alex had little experience with other's so could not. He had become a dense protagonists he used to laugh on, and doesn't realize it.

"Oh, Oracle is an AI my mother designed for me. We have been friends since I was 7.", he said entering the building. They didn't even show a confused expression now as it was just tiring and decide to go with the flow. When they entered, they felt light again.

"What was the weird weight on us?" asked Jean.

"That would be the gravity here Miss Jean, it is twice to that of earth. Nice to meet you too miss Wanda and Miss Laura, Alex has told me about you and his other friends.", Oracle said materializing in a holo-form near them.

"Nice to meet you too Oracle", They said still a bit on guard. She just smiled at that.

"Let's go in, master is waiting for us." Alex said getting their attention back and started moving in. The girls just looked around the house when they reached the balcony where and lady with monk clothes and a bald head was sipping drinking tea.

She looked up with a smile and said," Nice to meet you, I hope Alex has explained everything already?" she asked to which they silently nodded. " I am here to help Wanda understand her power of chaos magic, while Alex will be responsible for showing Jean the source of her power's, am I clear?", she asked getting a resolute nod from them.

"Good, we will begin right away, Wanda come with me, you two go with Alex." After that ancient one left with Wanda to teach her the origins of her power, while Jean and me were outside, with Laura at a distance observing us. "You ready", "Yes", and with that we ventured to her mindscape.

I already gave her a healing serum, which boosts a person healing factor for a while, to make sure she adapts fast. In the mindscape, I saw Charles suppressing the memories of her parent's death, and a lot of other things. One seal was for her own power. The last seal held the seal of phoenix. It was already surrounded by her negative emotions. Her transformation into dark phoenix would have started soon if I didn't do anything. We first arranged her mindscape accordingly.

I opened the seal on her memories, and remembering them made her depressed and started crying. I just consoled her in the mindscape, trying to ease her heart. She would have been fine if she remembered from the start, she may still would have felt guilty, but still would have been in a much better state. I also bought Laura in to help her calm down. After a while she steeled her resolved and we broke the shield on her power. I already gave her the knowledge of meditation technique's I had learned on Kamar Taj, so she was able to hold her powers. The serum also did it's job or her body would have collapsed because of not being able to handle it.

On the last seal , I first used the strongest Holy magic I knew to dissolve all negative emotions and slowly opened the gate. We suddenly found ourselves in a dark place surrounding by fire. There was a sudden screech behind us, and turned around to be stunned. Majestic. She was majestic. You could feel the aura of supremacy she had. she looked towards jean with delight and toward me as if analyzing and then gratefulness and said.

"You have my thanks to let me meet my host Gaeason. I hadn't been able to connect to her when that bald fool severed our connection. The negative emotions accumulating would have changed my nature from creation to destruction as well. Accept this gift from me to you, and give Gaea my regards." She said as I blacked out.

I woke up to find myself lying on grass and the sun was about to set, both Jean and Laura also lying nearby. the system's notifications woke me up.

'*DING* Elemental body has evolved into Transcendent Body

Elemental mind and soul has evolved into Transcendent consciousness.

Obtained skill Phoenix fire(5%)-

Fire of creation and destruction. The nature of flames will depend on user.

Obtained Divinity of origin(1%)- You channel the energy of origin itself.'

I was still in a daze seeing the notification when Oracle called, "Thank god you woke up Alex, you were helping Jean when suddenly you all collapsed and got surrounded by white fire. The system did give me understanding of what happened, but are you ok?" She asked worried. I noticed I was naked as well... shit. I teleported in quick to grab my clothes and instructed Oracle to dress the two as well. I did not peek. No sir.

The phoenix upgraded their bodies as well. Jean is now able to hold all her power with training, including the phoenix powers as well. Laura got a massive boost in boost in physical capabilities, and now she won't even get adamantium poisoning. I was worried about it for a while. I had a lot of things to train now myself. Guess the holidays are gonna be productive.

*two weeks later*

My powers are looking pretty good. The transcendent set was a combination of Gaea and Phoenix's blessings. it gave a boost to all my abilities and my connection to the Twilight realm as well. Phoenix fire had two uses I mastered. Fire of healing and Fire of destruction. First burned dim white, and could heal any wound I focus it to, while the other was pitch black with red mixed in it. It was literally molecular disintegration.

Divinity was very hard to understand. Mine being one of the strongest to exist didn't help much either. Master couldn't guide me either, so understanding it was completely dependent on me. I was hoping to talk with Gaea. For, both, help with divinity and the fact this was the second time someone called me Gaeason. I didn't think much when master first called me that, but the Phoenix was another thing entirely. But for some reason I couldn't connect to her. I made a robot made of enigma to let Oracle go on it while I spent time to train.

After explaining both girls about phoenix and what she had done, both instantly went to train. They both did notice the cloth change but I ran out before they could ask. Wand was a bit sulky to not get the boost though. Laura also got mental shielding, will be useful against a telepath. And such the two weeks spent in our training completely.

When Logan woke up, he was having a hard time dealing with all the loses he remembered. Scott had a betrayed look on how Charles sealed his brother's memories and was literally brainwashed to follow a girl. Charles understood what he had done after experiencing the mind rapi*g he used to love to do. He was still lectured a lot by both Hank and Ororo. He apologized to everyone there and promised he understood his mistakes an this time, would not do these unless an emergency which everyone could collectively agree on, since his sense of right and wrong had deviated.

It would be hard getting their trust back, but they were willing to give him a chance, including Scott and Logan. The three girls promised not to reveal anything, and went back. We have gotten a lot closer in these 2 weeks, but it was finally time for me to go back as well.

I arrived home to see Alfred greet me with a smile and dinner. Home is still home.

*Stay tuned for more..*