

Everyone was heading towards a giant-sized dome made under the sea. Their guide was none other than Former Avenger and their homeroom teacher Mr. "Hawkeye" Clint Barton.

Clint- Alright guys where we are going is called Triskelion. It was the Avengers' base of operations from 19XX to 20XX during the age of Whizzer. Later during the War Of Atlantis, it submerged by Attuma's force. Later with the help of King Namor, we had recaptured triskelion. Nowadays it serves as our training ground.

Peter- Ummm, sir, Why is it still underwater? Clint- Haha, well, some of the mutations cause severe destruction. Underwater is a secure ground that way. Though it is filled with advanced technology from Wakanda and Atlantis, so you don't have to worry about security.

The Submarine Stoped in front of the bubble-like dome and a valve attached to the submarine. The door opened and in front of us was a giant skyscraper with a Shield logo on it. Various types of submarines can be seen outside the dome. Some known and some unknown mutant and mutate future superheroes, Ex heroes as teachers, Well-known heroes' statues including Kai's grandfather Steve Rogers and Ex Iron man titleholder Howard Stark. Together all of it, it's a nerd's Paradise.

Clint- Ok, so here we are. Now we are going to meet your special teachers inside.

After some time they were in a giant auditorium with nothing. Just a bigass metallic room. Suddenly, a solid light hologram appeared. It was Hawkeye.

Clint- Students. Today we will learn about our own strength. I know you guys are powerful. But the question is what's your limits. Today, that includes our first program. at the time of your Entrance Exam, you guys fought against LMDs as human villains. Today, you will fight for killing them. Kill them or be killed. Start!

And the hologram vanished. Four gates slide open to show the number of LMDs coming. Those robots entered. The number was frightening.

Peter- Kai, are you sure they don't want to kill us?

Kai- Let's Fight Peter. AVENGERS.....Assemble!

(In a control room)

Monitor- *AVENGERS......Assemble!*

Everyone- *chuckles*

Aizawa- (facepalmed) this brat is embarrassing me.

Sarah- Hahaha, he did it just as you used to do.

Peggy- ok enough of you two. Activate the LMDs.

And the LMDs in the room started to show red eyes.

Kai- Ok listen-------

Jennifer- No time-wasting! only smashing!

She jumped and started to grab and smash the robots to each other. TA Hulk started to do the similar. Peter started to show off his acrobat skills with a mix of punching LMDs. William started to show off his Marshall art skills. in other words, everyone was doing whatever they wanted. The robots were firing hoards of rubber paint bullets, nobody cares.

Kai- *sigh* they are assholes.

Kai started to use his powers. The robots near him started to fire at him. But to surprise, any one of those bullets hit him. It was alike in the matrix movie. When the storm of bullets stopped, Kai sent those bullets back. The LMDs broke in debris. After some more time, there was nothing but only broken down pieces of LMDs.


TA Hulk- Indeed we won. We had two Monsters here!

Jennifer-......what did you say?

TA Hulk-...ha?

Kai- Peter, Will, tell to everyone to run as far as they can.

She-Hulk started to grow taller. One can easily see the TA Hulk's face in fear.


She kicked TA Hulk in his gut. He flew away from the force. A gush of wind and everyone else falls down. only four people were standing. Kai, Luke, William, and Danny.

Kai- We have to help them. Listen here, Luke, you go and save Amadeus, Peter, use your webs to stick Jennifer to the ground. Danny, keep everyone calm and William and I will try to make her sleep. Does everyone understand?

Luke- Since when you become a leader?

Kai- The moment everyone is in danger. Now as Jennifer said, No more time-wasting! only Smashing. (It's the time) AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!

Everyone started to run at the Massive fight between two monsters. As planned, Luke Punched Jennifer out of the way and grabbed near unconscious Hulk to go away. Spidy used his web fluids to stuck Jennifer to the floor.

She was still screaming.


But the thick web Peter used held her for enough time. Kai and William used telepathy to make her sleep. after some time, She was unconscious.

Will- *sigh* that was terrible!

Kai-.......I need to talk to Grandma.