
My Marvel Academia.

synopsis: "With great power comes with great responsibility." These are words that will mark me for life, but sometimes that responsibility could ultimately becomes a burden. Nevertheless, I will not give up on my path to become a great hero. In a world co-existing with extraordinary heroes, young Peter Parker dreams of joining M.A, despite lacking a Quirk. Orphaned and raised by his Aunt May, Peter's life takes a drastic turn when a series of events leads to him getting bitten by a genetically modified spider. Granting him a unique spider-powered Quirk. Determined to use his abilities for good, Peter applies to M.A. Though initially skeptical due to the Quirk-centric curriculum, the academy recognizes Peter's potential and raw talent. [Disclaimer!!! This work does not belong to me, although I may make some edits where nessary but it is not mine.]

Broken_PenX · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Carnage in the Streets

In a dark, relatively far from urban traffic alley, a high-tech container containing the super psychopath had landed. The outer metallic frame withstood the impact of the fall, but the glass had cracked. It hadn't broken completely yet, but the red goo was now aware of the fragility of its captivity. The villain tried to break out in any way, but his current constitution did not help him. Without a host, his shape wasn't very strong, and he wouldn't survive long alone in this planet's atmosphere. He needed a host soon.

What he didn't know, was that his freedom was only moments away. Three boys were sitting and talking near some dumpsters. They had just gotten up and were walking towards his position.

"That was tense…" said one of the boys to the other two; more specifically for the blond who was leading. "Weren't you and Parker friends when you were kids?"

"Yeah, you were kinda rough with him today," Agreed the other boy.

"..." Flash took some time to answer, having memories flowing through his mind for a few seconds. "It is his fault for getting in my way." He said, kicking the nearest thing from his feet; a metal and glass object. It hit a nearby wall and shatters, unknowingly freeing what was trapped inside...

Flash meanwhile, perseverates on what Peter said earlier. "There's plenty of heroes without Quirks!" "Knock me around all you want, you can't stop me from trying!"

"Hunff…" he grunted, riled up by the boy's words. "Someone got to teach that useless nerd how the world really works!" He said, activating his Quirk. His arm is covered with the black goo and he smashes the soda can that he drank, without no effort. "I hate when he talks like that!"

"Hehehehe" Both henchmen chuckled at Flash's way.

"Hey, I got an idea!" Said one of the boys. "Let's go to the arcade, distract you, get your head out of this, ya know?"

"Whatever…" Flash shrugged.

"Or we could go to the bar near the station" Added the other. "I know a guy who'll sneak us out a few beers."

"Ooh, I like the sound of that!" Said the first, completely forgetting about the arcade.

"Idiots! If we get caught, there's no way M.A'll let me in!" Flash said, angry with his colleagues' attitude. He didn't altogether hate the idea, but at this point it could affect his future as a pro hero before he even began.

"Hey, what's that!?" A boy said, pointing at something behind Flash that was growing before their eyes.

The blond turned around, thinking it's some kind of stupid prank. But he was wrong. Growing behind him was an amorphous creature, like an angry, red ooze, similar in nature to his own quirk. It grew to be lanky and larger than the boys, showing large, white eyes and pointed teeth in a deformed mouth.

"Perfect, I love a young host with a lot of power!" The creature said, staring at Flash with a gleefully manic expression.

Leaving the building, Tony quickly accessed his private satellite, trying to track security cameras close to the coordinates where the container dropped. But it proved to be unnecessary when a tremor could be felt through the floor, shaking nearby buildings and objects.

Quickly detecting where the tremor originated, Tony identified a proximity to the coordinates, and by analyzing nearby traffic cameras, he found an alley that was located a few blocks away. But what made him really tremble was what he saw; Carnage, loose, insane, but much bigger than he should. To make matters worse, he had a hostage, a boy, who was maybe using his Quirk that caused the tremors.

"Friday, I need the fastest walking route, ASAP!" But as he finished his order, Tony saw a huge cloud of black smoke rising to the skies. Carnage had started a fire too.

"Forget it!" The man yelled, running in the direction of the disaster.

From the top of the same building, Peter sat in place, until he fell over due to a tremor. The entire building swayed, and he quickly saw the rising cloud of smoke on the horizon, indicating the possible actions of a villain.

"A villain! I wonder which hero will show up and-" He rushed down the stairs, and for a second the boy was excited over the prospect seeing heroes in action. The chance to take new notes on their quirks was on his mind. But the harsh reality of recent events came back to the forefront, making Peter stop.

"Sorry kid, but maybe life decided that you won't become a hero, and this is definitely not the right way to become one…"

Iron Man's words hammered back into his mind, making him sink into the truth that he never wanted to admit to himself.

The boy sighed, now walking down the stairs slower, in no hurry or excitement. He just wanting to go home.

Maybe I'll send an email to Dr. Connors. Ask him where he went to high school...

Chaos. That was the only word to describe the atmosphere. People ran and screamed in fright, a fire started and now engulfed several nearby stores and buildings. Several heroes had already arrived, amongst them were Mr. Fantastic, The Thing, Hellcat, Rocket and Groot staring down the villain. Carnage was already a well known villain, difficult to handle under the best of circumstances. But now he looked bigger, and was definitely stronger.

"He sure wasn't that big the last time I saw this guy," said Thing.

"Something must have happened…" Added Hellcat, watching while hanging off a building with claws imbedded in the wall.

"I don't care about his size!" Rocket says already cocking his gun, making it increase the size of the firing barrel, prepared to fire "He is gonna to blow up the same way!"

"Wait!" Hellcat warned him before he could pull the trigger. "He's got a hostage!" At the same time, it was possible to notice the presence of the hostage; a blond-haired boy struggling to get free from Carnage.