
My Marvel Academia.

synopsis: "With great power comes with great responsibility." These are words that will mark me for life, but sometimes that responsibility could ultimately becomes a burden. Nevertheless, I will not give up on my path to become a great hero. In a world co-existing with extraordinary heroes, young Peter Parker dreams of joining M.A, despite lacking a Quirk. Orphaned and raised by his Aunt May, Peter's life takes a drastic turn when a series of events leads to him getting bitten by a genetically modified spider. Granting him a unique spider-powered Quirk. Determined to use his abilities for good, Peter applies to M.A. Though initially skeptical due to the Quirk-centric curriculum, the academy recognizes Peter's potential and raw talent. [Disclaimer!!! This work does not belong to me, although I may make some edits where nessary but it is not mine.]

Broken_PenX · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

A Dream Realized

After that, the heroes collected the scattered pieces of Carnage, and the villain went into police custody where he belonged. Peter stared at the armored hero who was currently taking pictures and answering questions from journalists and fans. The boy sat on the back step up an ambulance, rubbing his freshly bandaged wrist and doing his best to ignore the tongue lashing from the other heroes.

"You idiot! Did you want to die!?" Asked Rocket, getting close to the boy and starting to rap his tiny hand on his head.

"Hellooo, anyone home? Because it sure doesn't look that way!" He screamed into the poor boy's ear, further irritating him.

"There was no reason for you to put your danger like that!" Said The Thing, crossing his arms.

That was enough, and Peter glared at the raccoon standing next to him.

"Listen trash-panda, a person was about to die and you were standing around doing nothing!" He said irritably, before standing up and turning to the orange man seemingly made of rocks.

"Maybe you guys were happy to wait around for someone else to save him, but he didn't have that kind of time, did he?"

Thing sighed, "Kid, you're what, 9? You clearly don't have the kind of training where you can safely use your Quirk in public." He indicated the freshly bandaged wrist. "I'll admit you got lucky today, but it could've easily gone wrong if Iron Man hadn't saved you both."

- Yeah, so while I was being scolded for saving my lifelong bully, Flash was being celebrated for his so called "bravery". -

"You were amazing kid, I'm impressed," Ant-Man said, looking at the blond with a sullen face. "And that quirk of yours is on a whole 'nother level."

"When you become a pro, remember to come to my agency," added Hellcat. "I'd love to have you as a partner while you train."

But the boy didn't pay attention to any of that, he was just thinking of two things: Peter Parker, and the part of the villain that he could tell imprinted on his body...

At that moment, Iron Man walked over to spare Peter further berating from the two heroes. "Ok guys, settle down," he said. "Can I talk with you two for a sec?"

Thing shrugged and walked with the Iron Avenger out of earshot. Rocket followed a bit reluctantly, muttering to himself, "What the hell's a 'trash-panda'?"

Peter couldn't hear what they were saying. But once in a while, he could hear Rocket exclaim something in his usual manner. "What?That kid!? But he-" He tried to inch down the ambulance to get closer, but just before he turned the corner, Thing and Rocket came back.

"Hey uh, sorry I was a bit hard on ya, kid," Thing said, scratching the back of his head. "But you've gotta be more careful in future, ok?"

Peter blinked, "Um, s-sure."

"Shell Head wants ya ta meet him a block over," he thumbed over his shoulder.

Rocket muttered something under his breath and walked off with Thing, leaving Peter to stare after them. What the hell was that about?

A little while later, after the EMT cleared him as being ok, Peter went over to the location Thing had mentioned. And after waiting around for a bit, a familiar figure steps out of the shadows. But it wasn't the one he was expecting.

"Parker!" A chill ran up Peter's spine at the sound of the voice. Flash Thompson walked towards the boy, he looked pretty mad, but not as mad as usual.

"Um, hey Flash," said Peter hesitantly. "Crazy afternoon, huh?"

"Don't give me that, 'crazy afternoon' crap!" He snapped, advancing on his classmate. "How do you have a Quirk now!? And don't try and lie to me, or I'll kick your ass!"

Peter was taken aback, and nervously looked around. He hasn't planned on telling anyone about the day, especially if Tony Stark was already planning on removing his quirk. But at this point, he had no choice since Flash had seen him use it.

"O-Ok, I'll tell you!" He whispered, raising a finger to his lips. "But you've gotta promise to keep it a secret! I haven't even told my Aunt and Uncle yet. And I... kinda wanted them to be the first to know..."

"Ugh, fine. Whatever," Flash rolled his eyes, "Now start talking!"

The boy had to think quickly, I've gotta leave out as much as I can about Iron Man. No way I can tell Flash about his injury. Ok Peter, deep breath... You can do this.

Flash blinked incredulously, "You were 'bitten by a radioactive spider'... Do you really expect me to believe something like that!?"

"I don't care what you believe, it's what happened," Peter sighed and turned around, yanking down the collar of his shirt. "See for yourself."