
My Martial Spirit is Nanobot

In a realm where martial spirit reigns supreme, Lin Lee embarks on a journey of self-discovery amidst the intricate power struggles of the civilization. As a member of the prestigious Lin Clan, Lin Lee faces the daunting task of awakening his martial spirit during a crucial ceremony. With each challenge he faces, Lin Lee grows stronger, honing his skills and unlocking the hidden depths of his martial spirit. Alongside a diverse cast of characters, including fellow martial artists, cunning schemers, and wise mentors, Lin Lee navigates a world brimming with danger and opportunity. In a tale that spans realms and dimensions, Lin Lee's quest for mastery takes him on a thrilling adventure filled with twists and turns, where the boundaries between mortal and immortal blur, and the true meaning of strength is revealed.

Chaos_Gray · Eastern
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124 Chs

Chapter 75 Combined Law

Lin Lee then glanced at all the experimental demons below, then announced the next competition round: "Begin the next round."

Instantly everyone were startled, a few demons turned and ran away in different directions.

Instantly, a burning law spread and covered all of them, and it started burning their bodies and soul.

"Ahhhh forgive." Horrible roars spread through the surrounding area, instantly burning all of those escapees demons into ashes.

The rest of the demons were frightened, looking at Lin Lee as if watching a devil.

Few among them turned and glanced at Lan Yu coldly. 

"Grab this bitch; everything we are going through is because of her." One of the demon lords shouted, pointing at her and cursing; the other demons leaped in her direction.