
My Martial Spirit is Nanobot

In a realm where martial spirit reigns supreme, Lin Lee embarks on a journey of self-discovery amidst the intricate power struggles of the civilization. As a member of the prestigious Lin Clan, Lin Lee faces the daunting task of awakening his martial spirit during a crucial ceremony. With each challenge he faces, Lin Lee grows stronger, honing his skills and unlocking the hidden depths of his martial spirit. Alongside a diverse cast of characters, including fellow martial artists, cunning schemers, and wise mentors, Lin Lee navigates a world brimming with danger and opportunity. In a tale that spans realms and dimensions, Lin Lee's quest for mastery takes him on a thrilling adventure filled with twists and turns, where the boundaries between mortal and immortal blur, and the true meaning of strength is revealed.

Chaos_Gray · Eastern
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124 Chs

Chapter 108 Dao Corporation

Tang Xin somehow sighed in relief, then she glanced at the aircraft, which turned into a fireball falling toward the distance, while her character pod was hanging with a huge triple parachute. It slowly landed on the ground.

Upon landing safely, the emergency pod cover opened, and the female character fell to the ground, wearing a leather uniform with a safety mask. 

"Cough, Cough, Cough," her body shook, and then she pushed her arms up, coughing constantly while shaking her head, feeling headache. She stood up, looking around at the trees and an open area beside her with a cliff; her vision was blurry.

Instantly, the screen froze and blurred completely, and an interface appeared on the screen.

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