
My Martial Spirit is Nanobot

In a realm where martial spirit reigns supreme, Lin Lee embarks on a journey of self-discovery amidst the intricate power struggles of the civilization. As a member of the prestigious Lin Clan, Lin Lee faces the daunting task of awakening his martial spirit during a crucial ceremony. With each challenge he faces, Lin Lee grows stronger, honing his skills and unlocking the hidden depths of his martial spirit. Alongside a diverse cast of characters, including fellow martial artists, cunning schemers, and wise mentors, Lin Lee navigates a world brimming with danger and opportunity. In a tale that spans realms and dimensions, Lin Lee's quest for mastery takes him on a thrilling adventure filled with twists and turns, where the boundaries between mortal and immortal blur, and the true meaning of strength is revealed.

Chaos_Gray · Eastern
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124 Chs

Chapter 106 Evidence

The dean/vice president was a senior-aged man who flinched upon Lin Lee's entry, raised his head, and looked at Lin Lee. 

Instantly, he stood up with a smile and said, "Mr. Lin Lee, you have arrived; you should have called me; I would have received you."

Lin Lee shook hands, then replied while shaking his head, "It doesn't matter; I am going to be a student here; I can't be so high profile."

"Ha ha ha, Mr. Lin Lee, you have a good sense of humor; anyway, you are now one of the shareholders of our institute; they will know you perspectively soon." The dean replied and laughed a little. He gestured at the seat while leaning down, opening the lower desk cabin, and grabbing the file from it.

"Here, Mr. Lin Lee, your transfer letter and acceptance letter; also, please sign the few forms inside." Dean passed the file and instructed.