
My Martial Soul System

In a world with more than 99% population having supernatural abilities, a young boy named Park Eun-jae was born without any abilities. With powerful ability users rising in fame because of their heroic deeds, he dreamt of becoming one like any other kid, who admired them. But with no powers within him, his dreams got shattered and he became an easy target for those who were stronger than him. One day, he stumbles upon a mysterious book which had weird letters written on it. Upon opening it, the boy got sucked into the book and transported into another world - where martial souls and spirit masters existed. As Eun Jae was still in a daze and couldn't comprehend the situation around him, a blue transparent screen appeared before him. [You've been granted with the Martial Soul System.] [Please enter your username to start with the ----- ----- process.] Will Eun-Jae be stuck in this Martial Soul world? or Will he find a way out in order to return to his own world? To find out, please read my book "My Martial Soul System". Note:- This is my first book which I wasn’t able to complete due to various reasons for the past year. But now that the plot is ready with chapters, I’m happy to announce that this story will be as interesting as possible. So, make sure to vote the book and add it to your library if you want to read more. Your support matters!

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In the year 2020, the virus outbreak of unknown origins shook the entire ecological system of Earth and the daily lives of everyone irrelevant to their status.

In the history of mankind, it was the biggest international crisis the world has ever faced. Based on the severity of the case, the entire world united as one and tried to find a solution to the problem. Whether it was a foe or an ally in the past, everyone came together.

After four years of strenuous research and development for the antidote, the world government was able to resolve the issue at the end of the year 2024.

However, that was just a tip of an iceberg compared to the real catastrophe that befalls upon Earth in the future.


December 31, 2024. Los Angeles, USA.

It was a new-year night and a big celebration for everyone because of the recent success in discovering the cure for the deadly virus that had haunted many. The streets in the downtown were bustling with the crowd, and under the dazzling lighted canopy, the view of the whole city was just amazing. There was an exclusive live concert show at the nearby stadium performed by famous artists, which captured the hearts of the audience in a captivating way.

Moreover, the largest hotel in the city organized an event where a thousand lucky winners had a chance to view the beautiful fireworks from the open lobby at the top floor of their building.

Quite a number of people were gathered there to watch it.

"Okay, everyone! We're going to start the fireworks show soon. So, let's get ready to shout the countdown together with us." The event host immediately made an announcement on the mike when the timer almost hit the single digits while he paused for a brief second to let the crowd be prepared before continue speaking again, "So…. are you ready?"


"Sorry, I can't hear you. Say it louder!"

"Are you ready??"

"Yes, we are!!"

"More louder!!"

"Yes, we are!!!"

"Okay, let's begin then!"






















When the timer hit zero, the dark blue sky suddenly lit up like there are glitters scattering in the air and making colorful glowing images around. The scene of a rocket piercing through the night sky as it made a crackling sound when exploded was just phenomenal.

"Hey, what is that?"

When everyone was enjoying the show, a tiny bit of flame which seemed to be the remnant of the fireworks was falling downwards to their direction.

"No need to worry, everyone. Everything is under control."

This type of thing was common during the fireworks event and the flame gets extinguished before it touches the ground. Therefore, rather than getting worked up for such a trivial matter, the staff present there maintained their posture and tried to calm down the audience who were in panic mode.

"Now, everyone. Let's calm down. The real show has yet to begin." said the host with a big smile on his face.

"Hey, look! It's getting bigger..."

One of the females among the audience shouted out loud while pointing her finger out to the sky, leading everyone to look above.

"What the hell!"

"Oh My God!"

"Holy Moly!"

Strangely, the flame that was tiny until a moment ago, grew bigger as it got closer and closer.

"Why is it..!" The male host twitched his eyebrows in confusion.

Then, something crossed his mind.

"It's a meteor! Run! Hurry up!" He shouted at the people who were looking at the meteor in a daze.

It didn't even take a second for them to realize that they were in danger and everyone started running like cockroaches towards the exit.

As the people were trying to get out from there, a stampede ensued and several got injured in the process.

But it was too late for any of them to be saved anyway as the meteor was seconds away from hitting the building.


The meteor was big enough to cover the entire building with its size. Therefore, when it hit the surface of the building's top floor, it caused a big explosion that destroyed the largest hotel in the city in an instant, along with more than two thousand people in it.

The impact of the explosion was so huge that it caused severe damages to the nearby areas and the casualties were in millions.

Just like Los Angeles, the same thing happened in many states of different countries at the same time and 20% of the world population was wiped out in one go.

The most interesting part was that the meteor was never detected by any satelites until it crossed the hemisphere of earth. However, it was too late after that. The meteor was just minutes away from hitting the surface and when it hit, it caused a catastrophic destruction everywhere.

This tragic incident was later known as the "The Meteor Striking Incident".

"Mom, look! I'm floating."

The very next day, random people from young to old started showcasing supernatural traits within them.

Some started shooting water from the palm of their hands, and some could even singlehandedly lift a heavy truck with ease.

Scientists believed that it could've been caused by the radiation emitted from the meteors right after it caused a massive destruction everywhere and as a result, it mutated the human species to a certain degree.

However, the biological changes didn't just stop with human beings. It also affected the animals and plants as they evolved into sentient beings possessing intelligence equal to humans or above.

A few days later, the radiation spread all over the globe and strange occurrences like these could be seen everywhere. The cause was unknown and Scientists couldn't find out the origins of the meteor so far.

Within a few years of adaptability to this new power, supernatural abilities became a common thing among the masses and more than 50% of the population awakened their abilities.

The one fantasy we all dreamt of became a reality in front of our eyes and the world turned into a superhuman society.

However, just like the pandora box, there was a curse which came along with such a blessing.

"What the hell is that!?"

"Okasan, Mite!" (Japanese)

"ya, geuge mwoya??" (Korean)

Twenty years later,

When everything was settling down and new laws were reformed for the ability users, dimensional portals started appearing all over the world, and what came out of those portals were creatures from another dimension who were violent and ruthless in nature.

Even with the newfound power, humanity was having difficulty dealing with these kinds of monsters. Cities were destroyed and countless lives were lost. The world was almost annihilated with their overwhelming strength.

When humanity lost all hope and was in the path of extinction, a group of talented people who were also powerful ability users stepped forward and saved mankind from the brink of collapse.

Defending against the evil was their only motto. Soon afterwards, their heroic deeds became known to the whole world and a new profession was created known as "Supernaturals".

Their job was to explore the world inside the portal and defeat the monsters until there was none left.

In a short amount of time, Supernaturals gained huge popularity among the masses. They also started getting paid by the government in return for their services. Some even build their own private agencies that are backed by powerful & wealthy companies.