
My marriage is a lie

Taylor the cold and ruthless son of a multi billionaire is promised to inherit his dying father's company only if he gets married within a year, or else he looses his inheritance to his half brother Anthony, the tyrant of the family. Afraid to loose the company, Taylor pretends to get married to a stranger Emily, a struggling bar attendant who is also in need to pay off her debt and cater for her sick mother. They decide to get married, get the company and then he pays her off. But these two strangers who seemed to always be at war with each other begins to fall deeply in love. What would happen when Emily's old lover resurfaces, what would become the fate of Emily and Taylor, is she willing to give up everything to be in the hands of her old lover?

onyema_precious · Urban
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5 Chs


"That was close!" Emily whispered as Taylor led her back to the car.

"You have to avoid my sisters, Willow and Anna. They are nosy and would want to know more about you. Meanwhile, I have to get you a slot with the magazine you claim to model for, because I know that my family would want to do a background check on you." Taylor quickly brought out his phone and began to message some of his trusted friends that could help alter Emily's identity, to fit with the false one, Rosella Martins.

"Please, don't ever kiss me again without my permission. You didn't have to do that." Emily murmured as she slipped into the car.

"You should be glad that I managed to kiss your peasant mouth." Taylor replied sharply and started the car.

As expected, the ride was cold and silent. And Emily couldn't help but think if going on with this crazy contract marriage was a bright idea.

"Now that my family has met with you, I don't need to waste any more time. I don't want any loopholes in the plan. We are getting married day after tomorrow!" Taylor blurted out.

"What? You can't do that! My mother doesn't even know you long enough! She may not give her support!" Emily was tired of being tossed around like some toy.

"Do you need this money or not?" Angrily, Taylor swerved the car to the side of the road. 

"You act like there's something special about you, but we know there isn't. You're just a dirty and poor bartender who I am rescuing from poverty for some months. This isn't a real marriage. Make your people understand." 

"Okay." Emily bit her lip, stifling the pain that welled up inside of her. Just then, she remembered that rent was due, and she needed to get medication for her mother.

"What do we do next?" She held her breath, hell-bent on going ahead with the decision.

"Shopping. Preparations. I don't want a big wedding, something small yet classy." Taylor answered.

"I'll come pick you up for your gown fitting tomorrow. My siblings would handle the rest. Just keep your mouth shut that it is a contract marriage or we both lose." He continued.

Emily felt like a fool sitting down quietly and accepting his orders like she didn't mean anything. It was in that moment that she realized what Eric had meant to her. Eric would never shut her up. But he had left town without looking for her.

"Goodnight," she managed a whisper when the car came to halt in her neighborhood.

"You can trek the rest of the journey. I don't want to be seen around this rabbit hole." Taylor grumbled. Without waste of time, he put the car in reverse, swirled around and drove off in a screech of tires.

A tear ran across Emily's cheek as she watched him leave. But she quickly wiped it away.

"I have to be strong."

Thankfully, her mother hadn't returned from the night-out with her friends, so Emily had enough time to clean up and change up. Tomorrow was her gown fitting. 

"I wish May was here…" she uttered, soaking her pillow with more tears. She simply had to find a way to get May to attend the wedding. But there was a little problem now. She had to convince her mother that she had fallen in love with a man, and was planning to marry him.


When morning came, Emily had taken a bath and quickly left for work at Sunders. The coffee shop was still scanty when she spotted Taylor's black Sedan. Quickly she hurried out.

"I…I have to take permission before coming with you." Emily stuttered, unsettled by the sight of him.

"Get in." Taylor snorted. He thought that Emily was slow and clumsy.

Reluctantly, she got into the car. 

"Where are you taking me?" Emily asked.

"Can you stop talking? You need to learn to respect my space. Talk only when we're in public and need to make paint a picture." 

Emily bit her lip, her cheeks coloring in embarrassment. As usual, the rest of the ride was quiet with Taylor's phone calls for arrangement breaking the silence occasionally. 

Soon he drove into a parking lot in front of a classy glassy building.

"For brides only," Emily's lips moved as she studied the fine architectural design of the place.

She came out as quickly as Taylor did, suddenly becoming afraid and aware of his criticism. She had to do anything and everything to please him. 

"Welcome to Brides' only, how may I be of assistance?" A skinny blonde with a fake accent welcomed them over the counter.

"Get her something nice. We're getting married tomorrow." Taylor instinctively leaned forward and planted a kiss on Emily's face.

"Yes, and I'm going to be the most beautiful bride!" Emily responded cheerfully, but deep down, she was terribly worn out and sad.

Taylor watched as both women walked away for the gown fitting. He found a quiet spot for male visitors and sat in.

"Yes!" He gritted his teeth. The inheritance of the age long and prestigious Hawthorn Software Corporation had been in contention. Rainer and the rest of his siblings knew that he was the man for the job. But his half brother, Anthony Hawthorn had contested it. This was why he had to get married quickly and earn their father's favor.

"Nothing can stop me now." Taylor was still whispering when a familiar cherry scent wafted through his nostrils.

When he looked up, he found a curvy redhead staring seductively at him with an eye filled with sea weeds.

"Hailey?" He held his breath. He remembered the sexy green eyed woman he had met a month ago while visiting a club reserved for young billionaires. 

"I've been looking everywhere for you darling," she drawled in her Southern accent.

"Why are you looking for me?" Taylor scoffed, shifting uncomfortably.

"I'm pregnant." She blurted out.

"Why are you telling me this?"

"I'm pregnant. It's yours." She returned.

Just then Emily showed up with the perfect wedding dress.