
Chapter 1 Dangerous Encounter

"Miss? Where are you going?" A maid caught her young mistress climbing out her bedroom window.

"Sssshhh! Yaya!" A young woman with black hair wearing a very revealing strapless spaghetti tube shirt, short skirt and a high wedges heels.

The maid caught her mouth before she started freaking out more than she would if it's in the morning.

"What are you doing? What are you wearing? Those aren't something a woman like you should wear." The maid started whispering as she judges her young mistress's attire.

The young woman climb back down from her window and shut her Maid's mouth using both of her hands, pinning the poor maid to the wall.

"Yaya, it's my last night being able to do what I wanted to do. Please, don't tell my parents…" the young lady kept her hand to her maid's mouth and look at her intensely with some sadness on her face.

She didn't let go of her maid until the maid nodded profusely agreeing with her master.


The young woman felt very relieved knowing that her maid wouldn't snitch on her.

"But Miss… your special day tomorrow?" The maid tried to stop her young mistress one more time.

The young woman climb back up her bedroom window and pause for a little bit.

She look behind her back.

Smiled at her Maid.

"I'll be back before you know it, thanks Yaya!" She said with a smile before climbing down the ivy-trellis growing on the wall up her bedroom window.

The maid was left dumbfounded as she run towards the window watching her mistress drove her car away from the house.

"Oh Lord, take care of my young mistress… she's always acting on an impulse. I am glad she will be tied down tomorrow and will be able to live as proper woman." The maid sighs as the car disappear in the distance.


"Officer Brown on target locked." A man wearing a full black attire, goggles on and a headset on his head is overlooking his sniper rifle on top of the building.

"Officer Fisher speaking, copy that. I'm on my position. Target is coming from the South ninety miles per hour, get your gun lock and loaded." A man driving a police car trying to catch up on the criminal they are trying to catch that night.

"Target approaching, loading…." The man who is on the nicer rifle is moving his finger as he look at his target from his target scope.

"Three…." He is looking intensely counting down to make sure the target is locked.

"Two…" his finger is slowly moving from the trigger guard towards the trigger.

"One!" He said as the trigger was move faster than a naked eye could see.


The car that was being targeted is now rolling down the empty highway just barely hitting innocent cars around.

"Ahhhhhhhh" everyone from nearby started running away from the scene as they heard the loud boom coming from the car tire popping from being targeted the sniper rifle from the top of the building.

"Officer Brown, I think we got the target. You can come down and meet us up to investigate the crime scene." The man who was driving the car is now coming down to a stop close to where the targeted car toppled over.


The young mistress was stuck in the middle of the crowd running away from the crime scene getting push over.

"Wait, what is going on here?" She ask as she was trying to fight over the crowd pushing her away.

"Run! Run! Run!" People around her keep screaming and she cannot understand as what everyone is doing.

She just barely left her car to finally be able to enjoy the night at the hotspot club of the night.

"Crap, what a lame night this turn out to be!" She annoyingly let herself get caught and tried to run the way the people are going.

When she accidentally saw someone with a gun pointing at someone.

She move herself, to get the courage and strength to run over to the person who was targeted by than random gunman.

"Noooo! Watch out!!!!" She scream as loud as she could, enough to catch the attention of the target of the gun man.

The gun man was startled and pointed out towards her instead.

The targeted man was quick enough to grab her and embraced her to roll over.

"Tsk!" The gun man ran away when he noticed how everyone is looking at him.

Then just as soon as the shot shoot towards the young mistress and the sniper guy, everyone started running away again from the direction where the car was toppled over.

"Are you okay?" The sniper guy pulled himself away from the young Miss.

The young Miss had her eyes tightly shot.

She opened one of her eyes to sneak a peak of what is going on.

She was laying on the ground, the guy she intended to save from the shot is now kneeling beside her.

"Huh?" Realizing that she is okay she stood up and finally able to take a deep breath.

"I really thought you were a goner when I saw that guy!" The young Miss started tapping the guy she intended to save in the back.

"Yeah thanks to you, I didn't get a shot…" the guy stood up next to her.

"I thought I was a goner too! Thanks for saving me that last minute!" She sighed a relief after checking her body and the man's body making sure they are both safe and one piece.

"If you don't mind… I have to go check on my partner now." The guy tried to get away from the young Miss.

But before he was able to step away from the lady, they heard a loud gun shots one after the other.

Multiple shots and sounded like it was never ending.

"Ahhh! What was that!?" The young Miss started clinging on the man, afraid for her dear life.

"Damn! It came from the scene!" The man finally realizing where the gun shoot came from.

He tried to let himself go from the young mistress's claws but she was clinging on him really hard.

"Please, don't leave me! I'm scared!" She closes her eyes holding for dear life clinging to a stranger next to her.


Bang bang bang.

The gun shoot was coming closer to where they are standing.

The man didn't had any choice but to hold the young Miss on his arms.

"Pardon me, if we don't run now, we will be totally a goner like you said earlier." He said and started running away while holding the young Miss in his arms.

"I'm sorry, I'm so scared! I don't wanna die a virgin like this!" She said burying her face on a strange man's chest. She clanged her arms over the man's neck, hoping she won't fall as they are trying to escape death.

The strange man laugh as he heard the young Miss mumble those last words.

"Don't worry, my name's Lieutenant Xavier Brown from the Seattle Detective Agency. We had an operation here tonight to catch our biggest criminal target. But it looks like we were ambush instead. I won't let you get hurt after trying to save my life." He started introducing himself while he ran as fast as he could.

When he reach a black car, he let the young Miss down and automatically unlock the car.

"Get inside, we'll drive from here." Xavier opened the car to let the young Miss inside.

"Thank you." She said, sitting on the passenger side.

Xavier started the engine as soon as he get inside and drove away from the scene while trying to contact his partner. "Officer Fisher? Can you hear me?" He keep repeating those words while clicking on his headset.

The young Miss was just quietly watching Xavier doing his own.

Xavier throw his headset in the backseat when he can't hear anything from the call.

He hit his fist on the wheel, thinking of the worst thing that could've happen to his partner.

"Are you okay?" The young Miss asked sorrily as she can understand what would've went down in that scene with full of gun shooting.

"Yes, we have to get away from here. I'm sorry I had you caught up in all this mess." Xavier is still trying his best to contact his partner while driving away from the scene.

"Mirabella Rose Aquino." The young Miss spouted her name while watching Xavier curiously at how he control his dashboard screen.

"Huh?" Xavier was caught off guard and looked towards the young Miss.

Then look back up on the road, only to have to do a sudden stop because of the traffic light turning red so suddenly.

"Mirabella Scarlet Rose Aquino is my name. Mia for short. Nice to meet you Officer!" Mirabella put her hand to her forehead facing Xavier trying to salute the man.

Xavier laughed at the looks that Mirabella is showing.

He put his hand up, but changed his mind last second.

He was going to try and fix the way Mirabella is saluting him.

"Mia… yeah… I'm Lieutenant Xavier Brown from Seattle detective agency. Thanks for saving me back there." He had a tiny smile on his face remembering that this young woman is just a civilian caught up in the action scene.

"This thing are dope! I wish I had become a detective like you!" Mirabella's eyes are basically twinkling just watching Xavier do his own thing.


Bang bang bang!

"He's over there! Floor it!" A car behind them are now starting to chase them while shooting at them.

"Crap they got us! Hold on tight. Mia!" Xavier started flooring the pedal.

"Ah… aaahhh!" Mirabella held on tight on the passenger seat trying not to get herself caught up.

"They're coming for us!" Xavier is watching his rear view mirror and the side mirror.

A man from the car behind them is now loading his gun to shoot at them again.

Xavier took the initiative to take a very sharp left turn to avoid the shot.

Their car skidded a little bit to the side of the road.

Mirabella wasn't ready for it and accidentally hit her head to the window.

Hard enough to knock her down.

"Mia? Mia? Mia? Can you hear me? Crap!" Xavier tried to shake Mirabella with one hand while trying to start his car engine back up.

He touch Mirabella's wrist to feel her pulse.


"Good she's okay. Don't worry, I'll get you out of here alive." Xavier was relieve the moment he felt Mirabella's pulse.

He floored it.

Revving the engine.

Running away from the enemy car.

It felt like forever driving in the highway.

He keep on driving till he was sure that he lost the car chasing them down.

The moment he was able to pull over a static started playing on his radio.

He started tapping the dash board screen with hopes he would be able to hear any word from it.

"Officer… shhkk!" It was staticky but you could hear some words from it.

"It's Officer Brown, please repeat!" Xavier was getting excited, hoping that his partner actually made it.

"Officer Fisher here, I'm glad you made it Officer Brown." You could hear a laugh coming after that sentence from the car radio.

"Hey you're still alive, what's our order now?" He also laugh confirming his hunch that his partner made it.

"The have seen our faces so I'm afraid we need to go into hiding and let things cool down for now. Lay low for a little bit." His partner answered in serious voice.

"They chased me down all the up to the highway exit. Where are you right now?" He asked.

"I see. Don't worry about me for now. You have a new order for tomorrow." His partner is trying to avoid the answer.

"A new order?" Xavier asked.

"Yeah some Filipina hotshot is getting married and her fiancée wanted us to make sure she will not be doing something she isn't supposed to." Xavier's partner started laughing hysterically.

"What do you mean something she isn't supposed to?" Xavier is getting curious as to the way it was all worded out.

"It's some asian weird shit, marriage for convenience to keep their treasure to the family of some sort and this girl is very mischievous so I'm guessing they want you to be her guard or some shit. I will send you the details in your phone. Memorize it and then delete it as soon as you do. Got it?" Xavier's partner kept laughing hysterically because of the weird task he is sending his partner to.

"Copy that."

"See you tomorrow partner."

The radio was shut after that.

Then Xavier gasped after remembering that Mirabella is still unconscious in his car.

"Nghh…" Mirabella started making some painful noise as her eyebrows started moving.

"Yeah I still have her… I don't think I can go home yet… what to do?"

Xavier started driving back as he ponders around what to do with the young woman in his car.

*****UP NEXT*****

Chapter 2 Sleepless Night

Xavier Brown took Mirabella to a hotel!