
My Manipulation System

This story is about an everyday blue-collar man that is tired of working his life away for someone else. He is mad that he is always too tired from work to hang out with his family, friends and his pets. He has to wake up early every morning and deal with traffic, his boss, coworkers and customers. This is a story of a man that is fed up with his current life and just wants a quiet life in the woods. Unfortunately, for him one day he dies in a freak accident at work. To his fortune or misfortune, he's reborn in a new and ancient world of magic and chaos do you think he will get the peace that he craves, or will his new life be filled with RAGE?

Dylan_B_1994 · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Tortures, New Life

Tate follows James into the mansion, after walking through the door a women dressed up in a maid outfit quickly approaches James and greeted him.

Good afternoon Master James is there anything I can get for you.

No Mary this is the new slave, show him his quarters and assign him work. Also send him to the basement at 8pm every night till I'm finished with him I have experiments to do.

Yes Master, ok boy follow me, Mary said.

After walking toward the servant quarters for a while Mary asked Tate what his name is.

What's your name boy or do you want me to call you boy.


Ok then Tate what's so special about you, Master James hasn't stopped talking about you for 3 days.

"Apparently, I'm a true mage."

Well Tate unfortunately your life is about to get really bad, I'm just sorry that you're a kid.

"Thats what I keep hearing."

Well, here we are this is your quarters, now I'm going to give you a tour of the rest of the house and a schedule so I can go over it with you throughout the tour.

Tate followed Mary around the entire mansion going over what gets cleaned and what goes where and what days certain parts of the house get cleaned.

Ok Tate, it's time to take you to the basement, whatever he is planning to do it's not going to be fun; I can promise you that nothing good ever happens down there. Unfortunately, you don't have a choice the collar will force you to walk there regardless of how much you don't want to.

Tate just nodes his head Hes pissed because Hes a slave, he can't even control his own body if someone commands him to do something, and he just found out Hes going to have to cleans someone else's whole mansion and Hes probably about to get tortured.

Tate starts following Mary again down several flights of stairs and through many different hallways. They finally stop at a big black door, that has thin pieces of metal riveted on it going horizontally and vertically for extra strength.

Go ahead Hes probably already down there, Mary said as she pushed the door open for Tate and then closed it behind him.

It's the typical dark staircase that goes downwards with glowing orbs attached to the wall to light the way downward, once he reaches the bottom of the stairs Tate sees James standing beside a stone alter bed thang, it has symbols carved into it that are glowing. The room itself is about 30 feet by 30 feet and 10 feet tall. There are some counters filled with scalpels and other little blades, some have saws and tongs, some have strange ingredients that Tate has never seen before. From wall to wall everything is cover in something.

You done looking around boy I have stuff to do, get on this table.

"You know I have a name right."

James walks towards Tate and stands directly in front of Tate. They stare at each other for a few seconds before James slams the back of his hand into Tates face.

You will have nothing unless I let you, NOW GET ON THE TABLE!

Tates body starts picking itself up and marches to the table like a good little soldier. Tates boiling on the inside, his collar won't let him threaten his new master, he has no choice but to bottle it up. Tates body lays on the table and the magic runes take effect.

Tates body Starts convulsing, some sort of magic is worming its way through every part of Tates body trying to forcefully scan it.




Tate couldn't do anything about it except take what he was given. When everything was done Tate had blood coming out his mouth he bit his tongue during the shaking, James didn't bat an eye at any of it.

I Heard they found your tribe at the base of the great cliff is that so.

"yes", Tate weakly said.

Then there are many things in this world you don't know.

This table is engraved with many different runes, and I can control certain ones at certain times. What I just done to you was a body scan, and the runes are able to feed me the information and it picked up some sort of resistance in your body, do you know what it is.

Left with no other choice since Tates a slave, Tate tells, "it's some kind of system that helps me get stronger."

How long have you had it?

"I think since birth I didn't notice it till; I was 2 years old."

What does this System do exactly to help you get stronger?

"It Shows me my stats and skills and what levels they are and gives me information on how to level them up."

Very interesting, what does it currently say?

"System Activate"

Name: Tate Klaus Michael

Class: The Manipulator

Age: 6

Level: 10

HP: 10/10



XP: 365/2058

Status Points:8

Strength: 5 - Lift or fight with heavy objects or use status points after leveling up.

Dexterity: 9 - Using ranged weapons, quick and nimble actions or status points to level this up.

Vitality: 2 - Increases health, leveled up by taking damage or Status points. [1 point here is 5 HP]

Speed: 6 - Slowly increases till age 30 or until speed level 30 is reached, use status points to continue to level. [1 point here is plus 1 speed]

Stamina: 11 - Running, fighting and using status points level this up. [1 point here is 4 stamina]

Magic: 56 - Practice using the elements or use status points to level this up. [1 point here is 2 mana]


Elemental Skills: Fire Manipulation Level: 18/1000, Earth Manipulation: 106/1000, Water Manipulation: 30/1000, Air Manipulation: 131/1000 - level up by using for certain periods of times per level or by using skill points. Every 5 levels a skill increases Tate gains 1 magic level and 2 mana points.

Physical Skills: Basic Spearman Level: 3/5, Basic Blocking Level 3/5, Basic Martial arts Level 3/5

Skill Points: 8

Tate read it all out for him, and his secret was no long a secret.