
My Manipulation System

This story is about an everyday blue-collar man that is tired of working his life away for someone else. He is mad that he is always too tired from work to hang out with his family, friends and his pets. He has to wake up early every morning and deal with traffic, his boss, coworkers and customers. This is a story of a man that is fed up with his current life and just wants a quiet life in the woods. Unfortunately, for him one day he dies in a freak accident at work. To his fortune or misfortune, he's reborn in a new and ancient world of magic and chaos do you think he will get the peace that he craves, or will his new life be filled with RAGE?

Dylan_B_1994 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
44 Chs

Revenge on a Family Pt.1

After exiting the dungeon building Tate realized the sheer amount of mana in the air compared to the dungeon.

"Good this will help me regain my mana a lot faster, the mana was scarce in the dungeon, must be because the dungeon absorbs most of it."

"How do I want to take care of this family; I could make them my slaves, I found out years ago where they kept the slave collars but then I have to at least, kind of take care of them, I don't want any slaves slowing me down. Could also impale them for the whole city to see, the whole city will find out it was me soon enough, I impaled the slavers four years ago they would piece it together not that it matters if they know or not. I may just do something to make James suffer, I have time to think about it I got to return first and see what they have in store for me.

After an hour of walking Tate makes it back to the city gate. The guards recognized him obviously since he leaves the city almost every day of the week to go to the dungeon with the kids. Tate briefly explains to the guards how he got separated and that he is going back to Lord James manor.

The guards let him pass so Tate strolls back to the manor, once Tate reaches the house, he opens the door and walks in, Tate doesn't notice anyone or hear anything. Tate walks to Lord James study area to talk but upon arrival no one is there either. Tate spends an hour walking around the house looking for someone.

"Where is everyone at, the only place I haven't looked is in the basement I guess I will go look down there."

Tate opens the big black metal door that leads downwards, Tate opened this door every day for two years before James gave up on the experiments, and this was the first time in two years that Tate has opened it since.

One step after another Tate strolls down the long dimly lit stairway, after reaching the bottom Tate sees the whole family down here. The three kids are on wooden beds, Mary and James are Taking care of the kids and James's wife is standing off to the side. Tate walks a little closer and notices all the bandages wrapped around the kid's arms and head. The bandages where mostly bloody, James and Mary were in the process of trying to sew up what skin they could and were also resetting some bones that got broke.

Tate decided it was time to announce his presence.

"Lord James may I be of assistance."

James's wife Anna, James and Mary all turned around at the same time.

Yes, I need a fire and a hot one, James didn't even hesitate.

"Yes Master", Tate just had a Brillant idea, since he just seen how much everyone cares for the kids, he decided to help save them for now just to kill them later and leave James and Anna to suffer seeing their dead kids later.

Since they are in the basement and there isn't good ventilation, you don't want to use all of your oxygen and suffocate on carbon monoxide, James doesn't usually use fire, everything in the basement is lit using light orbs. James just so happens to have some candles on the wooden makeshift beds for extra light.

With the thousands of extra mana Tate has right now and even more floating all around him, Tate splits the small candle flame in half and makes it float to him. In Tates old world known as Earth to make a fire you need heat, fuel and oxygen. In this magical world it's the same just one slight difference and that is that mana can be used as the fuel to, and Tate can always command more air to come down to the basement from the surface and the heat well he is already holding half a flame.

With a flame in one hand being feed from his mana and the short supply of air in the basement, Tate extends his other hand to the stairs and commands the air to come to him from the surface.

Fire Manipulation Level is 18/1000 and Air Manipulation Level is 131/1000, Both levels are low compared to Earth manipulation at level 650 after finishing the dungeon by himself. Tate was just hoping with the low levels in air and fire he can make a flame hot enough, if he couldn't Tate would be running up and down the stairs with firewood trying to hand build a fire, and that would take a while.

"Let's get started."

Tate wills the air to continuously supply the flame by densely surrounding the flame so there is plenty of oxygen. Next Tate force feeds the small flame an *ss load of mana, and then Tate takes command of the flame and commands it to grow.

The small flame starts to flicker violently like a starving beast as its licking at the invisible air surrounding it and the mana feeding it. The flames slow growth doesn't last long as it burst to life the whole area around Tate is bright, it's like Tate is feeding the flame with jet fuel as it roars to life. Tates starts to hear DINGS in his head like crazy.

"OH, SHIT I'm power leveling flame manipulation I knew there was a way to do it other than just waiting over time, just need to figure out how to do the other elements when I have a chance."

The RAGING flames in Tates hand were starting to get a little out of hand. The whole room was getting hot and Tate being the one actually holding the flame was sweating buckets, then he heard another DING.

New Skill Learned

Heat Resistance Level: 1/1000


Now Tate heard even more DINGS going off in his head as Heat Resistance and Fire Manipulation are leveling up like crazy.

"System I wish you could mute that Dinging", Tate thought to himself.

Alerts muted, anything else I can help you with Master Tate.

"Thats all for now system."

Tates is about to lose his mind with all the new skills and level ups happening so suddenly and quickly, but he can think about that later.

"I have to get this flame under control."