
My Magical System

(One of the best stories you can find in this platform!) Yeman Talisman was bullied by his classmates and framed by his best friend in his high school days. One night, an incident occurred, which he rescued his ex-girlfriend from a drug organization syndicate. Too bad with his bad luck he got killed, when he opened his eyes again, he found himself in a different world? With a gaming-like system! Let’s find out what will happen to him in this world of fantasy. What if he finds out that his old classmates were the heroes of this new world and their leader was none other than his old best friend who framed him not only once, but twice? They got summoned here through a magic circle unlike him! What will happen when the system and magic clash?!!! (Yeman made a promise to himself, that the next time their path cross, he will teach them true despair.) Together with his pets, he will build his clan and rise to power!

Fhrutz_D_Hollow · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
338 Chs

Level 3

"Hey guys, look it's him again. Hehe," the guy said.

"You mean Worm?!" Another guy asked in a disinterested tone.

"Who else…" said the first guy.

"Hahaha, this guy sure has a thing about horses." The second guy laughed out loud.

"So it's him again huh, " said a beautiful girl riding the horse. This girl was the one who bumped into Yeman. Not only once but twice.

Yeman frowned.

But his attention was taken by the sound of System Notification.

<Level Up!>

Since there was no time to close his windows interface, it was in full display in front of his face. Yeman peeked on it and saw that every aspect of him increased.


Username: Zombie


Level: 3

Class: Unarmed

Sub Class: none

Title: Worm


Stamina: 130%/130%

Attack: 66

Def/M.Def: 32

Perception: 30

Speed: 32

Accuracy: 30



•Strength: 6

•Sense: 6

•Vitality: 6

•Agility: 6

•Dexterity: 6


[Personal Stats]






Extra points: 30

Exp: 48/300



•Slot (Empty)










Extra Skill Points: 6


He also noticed the green bar blinking. Inside the bar was the number 400/400. Luckily, he got a shared EXP. Now his HP was full again. And his groggy feeling came back to normal. He felt extremely fine. Even his stamina went back to full percent. He really was like what the information said in his head. He was different from humans in this world.

If he wanted to survive from all these things, he needed to follow uncle Ronny for now. But he has a problem, the psychotic girl who has an unrestrained personality.

Maybe it's better for him to go alone? Yeman shook his head. For now, he needed someone who knows best about this world. And it's too late for him to go back.

Before pulling up his body, he decided to spend all his extra points. +4 to all his basic stats and +2 to all his personal stats. Now his total stats was,

Stamina: 150%/150%

Attack: 110

Def/M.Def: 53

Perception: 56

Speed: 59

Accuracy: 56



•Strength: 10

•Sense: 10

•Vitality: 10

•Agility: 10

•Dexterity: 10


[Personal Stats]






Only 2 extra points were left. Now, everything about him went up. Yeman noticed someone staring at him mockingly. He slowly pulled his body up. He looks at the guy's face beside him.

'This guy was handsome huh, what an unfair world,' Yeman thought.

The guy wearing a nice looking outfit. Dark blue shining armor covered by the robe with shoulder pads. And a longsword was strapped to his waist.

He thought this guy was like a warrior of old age. But for him, the guy looks kinda funny with his outfit. He can't help thinking if the guy was a cosplayer.

Yeman glances at his surroundings. He saw their disbelieving eyes. Suddenly his eyes landed on a peerless beauty riding a horse. The girl has golden hair, blue eyes, and jade-like skin.

Same with the guy beside him, the girl also wearing dark blue shining armour covered by a robe.

'So this was the girl who bumps me twice with the horse.' He thought.

Based on the girl's appearances, she was the same age as the psychotic girl. Not just the girls, also the boys with them look the same age as them. 

Yeman thought they were too young.

The people around him can't believe what they were seeing. The Worm that mostly crippled by now stands without wounds or injury. But when Yeman started to walk in an unsteady manner they regained their composures.

•1 Mental point increases 3 points to his perception.

•1 Luck point increases 3 points to his accuracy.

•1 Technique point increases 3 point to his speed.

•1 Agi/Dex = 3 attack.

• 3 Str = 1speed/1def&Mdef

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