
My Magical Phone Wallpaper

My phone wallpaper, its character turns alive and can come out of my phone to be a real being. I bought this phone a few days back, the retailer told me that the phone wallpaper is customized and cannot be changed at any condition. I didn't mind it since the handsome warrior was really an eye candy... However, I woke up at midnight to see golden stardust all over my room and a beautiful man near me... so near that he's invading my breathing space... " I've waited so long for you... I can finally serve you my lady." saying so, he kissed me gently... shocked and sleepy, I couldn't push him away and the kiss slowly turned passionate... I only came back to my senses when he gently nipped at my lower lip to seek entrance... "w..w..waittt... ah.. nngh." A short story inspired by Webnovel daily conversation topic# 10. Cover belongs to the rightful owner, comment to get it removed.

Eira_Hazel · Fantasy
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6 Chs

His lips Touched Mine

A few hours later.

The light was disturbing my sleep. I was so sleepy that I didn't feel like opening my eyes and seeing the source of light. I remember turning the lights off before going to bed. Or, did I forget it?

I felt the light intensify, sigh, I opened my eyes to find the light's switch and… Ba-dump… I almost screamed. This was a human, no, a handsome human lying by my side and looking at me intently in the golden stardust that had filled the whole room. I was about to scream when I noticed this was the man from my wallpaper. Oh… looks like it's a dream.. I slept thinking about him and maybe that brought him to my dreams.

Feeling giddy, I lay still watching his every movement while drinking in his beauty. He was even more eye-catching in person. His long jet-black hair spread on the pillow that he was sharing with me. His beautiful, sparkling black eyes looked at me as if I was the world's most beautiful girl. His face held a serene expression as I observed him.

He had a broad forehead, his straight nose was poking at my heart as I gingerly brought my finger to touch it lightly. No doubt they call the straight nose the greek nose. This man looked no less than a Greek god himself. I smiled.

Be it a dream, I had this gorgeous man to myself tonight. My hand moved to his high cheekbones as I caressed his cheeks gently, feeling his skin electrifying my fingers. So this is how it feels when you touch someone from the opposite gender..

My thumb stopped at his luscious lips. It was my first time touching someone so intimately and it felt so real that I wanted to savor every bit of it. Under my watchful gaze his sinful lips moved slowly and captured my thumb in his mouth. 'ah.. ' I yelped.. a warm sensation engulfed my thumb and moved along the nerves to reach my brain…

He was looking at me, so deeply that I felt like drowning in those beautiful eyes. He sucked my thumb. I watched him swipe his tongue over the skin, sending thousands of butterflies to my stomach as I unconsciously pressed my legs against each other. His warm mouth was sending so many sensations to my body through what? My thumb?

Suddenly I felt my mouth go dry as I felt my whole body crave his touch, as if jealous of the attention the lowly thumb was receiving if that was even possible. I was lying still, so still that I was scared of the dream being disrupted with the littlest of movements. So this is how it feels when being touched.. I was literally in havens.

He kissed my thumb and then peppered kisses on the other fingers.. The kisses then moved to the palm, making me squirm as I tried not to lose control over these strange sensations working through my body. I was so busy savoring these little feelings that I didn't realize it when he kissed me all the way up to my shoulder from the arm…

When I opened my eyes, he was too near, so near that he was invading my breathing space… I laid still, staring into his sparkling black eyes as he inched closer to me. My patience was wearing thin. I badly wanted to feel how the kiss on the lips feels before the dream ends.

Luckily for me, the dream didn't end right before the kiss and instead continued in the most dreamy way.. He moved forward, mingling his breath with mine as his lips softly touched mine. We stayed like that for a few moments before he pulled back and went back to watching me again.

'Wait..' I blurted, 'it didn't feel like how it was supposed to feel.' I wonder where I got the courage to speak in front of a person who looked like a great general from his avatar.

He looked at me for a few more seconds and then spoke in a husky tone, 'How did you expect it to feel your highness? May I know how it felt?'

This is it… I sat up feeling betrayed… my whole life was a lie.. I had read so much about wonderful kisses but this is how a kiss felt? Two lips meeting each other was the most hyped up thing in the world.. I felt more current when he sucked my thumb or kissed my fingers, or…

I turned to look at him who was now obediently sitting by my side… It felt funny how a supposedly great warrior was innocently sitting in my bed, waiting for my command.. I giggled.. Maybe I was being rewarded for my patience all these years…

Thinking about the reward brought me back to the topic of discussion, 'I've read lots of things on how a kiss feels magical or fulfilling, why didn't it feel like that?', I demanded. His submission was making me bolder.

'Answering your highness, the kiss we just had was a chaste kiss, our lips were apart before you could delve into the sensation,' He replied humbly. 'Huh.. Was that a logic even? A kiss is a kiss… Make me feel how a good kiss is supposed to be or I'll trap you here in my dream forever.'

Wait… is that a smile I just saw? But he looks so serious.. Maybe I'm just imagining it. He immediately bowed his head and spoke in his deep husky voice, 'This servant will try his best to serve you milady'. In the dark of night, under that magical stardust, his voice felt exceptionally appealing to the ears. Being treated as a master, it's not an everyday occurrence, I must seize the chance. 'What did you say? I couldn't hear you.'

He looked up to see me in the eyes. At that moment he felt too real, just like any human being. A doubt sprouted in my eyes. Could this be real? I was contemplating my thoughts when his voice entered my ears and wrapped slowly around my heart.

'I have waited so long for you… I can finally serve you milady..'

'What do you mean waited for… ahh... wait...hhh'

He pushed me on the mattress at my back and hovered above me… my heart skipped a beat..