
My Magic Systems

Thousand of years ago, a magic portal was accidentally opened therefore creating a link between the monster and human world. With this opportunity, the monsters began to attack the earth with the hope of looting and terminating every living soul in it. Although, we humans fought back we weren’t strong enough to defeat the monsters. At the point near extinction, we humans found the core stones. The core stones were known to contain different kinds of magic with extreme powers. Due to this discovery, we humans developed the systems. These systems are known to give special abilities to whoever posses them but, will this be enough to save earth from the destruction ahead? (P. S support me by reading this book to the end)

Anonymous_234 · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Chapter three: New skill


Finally, you're home. My mom says while taking my bag from me. How was your first day? Did you make any new friends?

Well, I didn't have much fun but, I made a new friend even though we aren't very close. And I will like to have my dinner before I can answer any other question.

I understand, my mom said while heading to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

If you need me, you know where to find me. I tell my dad while going to my room upstairs.

Hmmm, I have to start my own research about time magic and the systems.

Time magic, I mutter while searching the internet for any information based on time magic.

Rick, here is your dinner. I realized you were not going to come downstairs to get it, so I decided to bring it to your room before it becomes cold. And also, why are you doing a research about time magic? She asked with a concerned look on her face.

Well I got time magic as my magic type, I will have to get more information about this kind of magic since my knowledge is limited.

If that's the case, I will be leaving and good luck. She said while leaving my room.



Hmm, who could be knocking on my door this early? Anyway, you can come in.

Good morning miss Tasha, I say without any facial expressions.

"Wow!" I never believed that my trainee would pay me a visit even though we only met a day ago. Anyway if you have a problem, I will gladly help you that's if it's within my power of course.

Well, I came here because I need you to teach me how to concentrate my power to other people, I say while expecting some weird reaction from her.

What, are to trying to amplify other people magic power by donating yours to them, she asked with a confused look.

It's almost related to what I am trying to do but, it different.

I should be able to use my time barrier to predict at least three to five people movement at the same time.

But unlike the time loop where I get stuck in a particular time until I disable it, I should be able to emit more magic from my body allowing me to predict the movement of about three to five people based on my current level.

I see but before I can teach you anything, I will have to get permission from principal Nath since it's a working day and as for you, she said while pointing her finger at me. You don't need to get any permission. Anyway, pass me the device next to you.

Okay, I say while giving her the device.

Hello principal Nath.

Hmm, who is speaking. I heard his voice from the device.

It's miss Tasha and I want to inform you that I won't be able to make it to academy today. Bye.

Wait, what. But before he could continue, the call was already disconnected.

Wait, how did you get my address? She asked while twitching her eyebrow.

I got it from the internet, it seems you are quite popular.

Anyway, let start the training, she said while taking me towards a stimulation room. "Ehem", do you know how to use a stimulation room? She asked with a poker face.

Yes, I answered. And besides, I have one of these at home so I have no problem using them.

Since you have no problem using the stimulation room, let's proceed to the next stage.

Also, are there any rules? I asked with a poker face.

There are no rules and try to improve that magic okay, she asked.

Yes, I understand.

Then, let's begin.

Time barrier, I mutter. Suddenly a blue light enveloped my sword as I threw it at her.

To think that you would go all out I am impressed but it is not still enough to stop me. Ice sword.

To think you could easily fall into my trap, I said with a sly grin.

What do you mean? She asked with a confused look.

Time barrier, I mutter but this time the blue light enveloped my body.

Well I don't care about any move you make because I am still going to defeat you, miss Tasha harrumphed.

While charging towards her at my fastest speed, I suddenly vanished.

What? Where did he go? I have to get out of here right now.

Got you, I said with a smirk while grabbing her arms and legs. Disable. Suddenly, my sword appeared and stabbed her from behind.

Tsk, miss Tasha clicked her tongue as blood began to gush out from her stomach. How did you do that? Anyway, it doesn't and as long as I kill you, I still win. Besides, you already fell into my own trap.

"wha—", before I could complete my sentence, my head flew off my body.