
My Magic Systems

Thousand of years ago, a magic portal was accidentally opened therefore creating a link between the monster and human world. With this opportunity, the monsters began to attack the earth with the hope of looting and terminating every living soul in it. Although, we humans fought back we weren’t strong enough to defeat the monsters. At the point near extinction, we humans found the core stones. The core stones were known to contain different kinds of magic with extreme powers. Due to this discovery, we humans developed the systems. These systems are known to give special abilities to whoever posses them but, will this be enough to save earth from the destruction ahead? (P. S support me by reading this book to the end)

Anonymous_234 · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Chapter nineteen: Take off

Rick, you made it in time, Tom said as he ran towards me.

Sure, I couldn't leave the both of you alone. How about the other groups, have they come up with a reliable battle strategy? I asked Tom.

No, he nodded in disagreement. Although, we Le Xian came up with a good plan, Ben didn't support it so we had to create a new one.

That's their problem. Well, I came up with a plan but, it is only going to be effective if the three of us split up from the general group.

[Nb: author is referring to Tom, May and Rick.]


Okay, we are about to take off, the pilot announced from the cabin.

May, Tom here is the plan I created, I whispered before showing them the template on my device.

Rick, this plan of your is somehow dangerous, I don't think we should separate from the group, May explained.

You don't have to worry, I will be the scout. With my time barrier, I should be able to sneak past the monsters and scan the area.

Fine then we will stick to Rick plan. If Rick can guarantee our safety, we have no problem, Tom told May before patting her shoulder.

It's not what you think, I don't doubt Rick plan but, I'm scared of dying, May said with her face tinged with fear.

Don't worry, none of us are going to die, Tom told her jokingly.

Rick, Le Xian called me.

Ehem, do you need anything? I asked him from 

my seat.

No. I am just worried, this group does not have a plan and this Ben keep getting on my nerve.

You don't have to worry about him. Once this plane docks, you can beat him to vent out your anger on him.

That's not necessary, he replied before turning his attention from me.


Okay, this is your team room, a female attendant told us after directing us to our room. You also have some devices in there to assist your research and if you need any other thing, just let me know.

Sure, Ben answered before walking into the room.

Wow! They actually gave us a nice room. Tom announced with excitement.

Hmph, Ben harrumphed coldly before continuing. I will be taking the bed next to the window.

Hey, I already picked it, May shouted.

That's none of my business, Ben yelled while trying to shove May from the bed.

Wind blade, Le Xian shouted as he activated his magic circle.

Watch it Chinese, Ben snorted as he evaded the wind blade.

Leave her alone, Tom yelled before shooting a flame canon at Ben.

Eh, when did you start keeping secrets from me? I asked Tom in disbelief before shooting a time fist at Ben to stop the fight.

What secret? Tom asked.

When did you learn a new magic skill and you didn't even tell me, I said.

Well, I learnt it about three days ago but, I forgot to tell you about it since you are still stronger than me, he replied.


Thanks for helping me fight Ben, May said in embarrassment. 

Sure, it's no big deal besides, I could have done it for anyone, Tom replied her.

Anyway, where is Rick. I haven't seen him since the fight? May asked.

I don't know, that boy keeps putting himself in trouble. I just hope he doesn't leave the base, Tom told May. 

What will happen if he leaves the base? She asked.

He dies, Tom replied her.

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