
My Magic Systems

Thousand of years ago, a magic portal was accidentally opened therefore creating a link between the monster and human world. With this opportunity, the monsters began to attack the earth with the hope of looting and terminating every living soul in it. Although, we humans fought back we weren’t strong enough to defeat the monsters. At the point near extinction, we humans found the core stones. The core stones were known to contain different kinds of magic with extreme powers. Due to this discovery, we humans developed the systems. These systems are known to give special abilities to whoever posses them but, will this be enough to save earth from the destruction ahead? (P. S support me by reading this book to the end)

Anonymous_234 · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Chapter fifteen: Gifts

Rick is the winner of the duel therefore, Ben have to apologize to Rick, Miss Tasha declared openly with the help of the loud speakers.

Hmph, Ben growled as he instantly apologized to me.

I am sorry Rick, he muttered softly while looking at me with hate.

I forgive you, I replied him as I left the arena.

Although our bodies had returned back to normal after leaving the arena, I was still feeling immense pain on the parts where I sustained damages.

Rick, Miss Tasha yelled as she ran towards me. I knew you won't be able to handle this pain and that was why I told you to use the stimulation room.

Don't worry about me, I replied. Besides, I had bought about seven low level healing pills so, I should be fine, I thought.

So this Rick was able to defeat a level fifteen lightening magician from an affluent clan, a man with a golden hair was currently amused after hearing this report.

Hmm, what kind of elemental magic does that boy has? The man asked a teenage girl who was at the front of his desk.

He posses time magic father.

Time magic, he mumbled before continuing. Get the katana from him and then invite home to join our clan but if he declines, execute him.

Yes father, the girl replied before leaving his office.

Rick, how we're you able to do that time fist? Tom asked while trying to conceal his excitement.

It's really complicated and even if I explained it to you for two whole days, you won't be able to comprehend the basic concept. 

This Rick is actually progressing faster than I expected. Even Tom improvement rate is better than mine. If they keep improving at this pace, I'll only be a burden to them, May worried inwardly.

Hmm, Tom responded with a nod before resuming. Sometimes, I wish I was a time magician, Tom said looking a bit disappointed.

May, I called out when I noticed she was deep in thoughts. Are you alright? I asked with a concerned look.

Ever since I fought Ben, she had been in deep thought unlike her regular attitude.

I am fine, she replied as she snapped back into reality.

Okay then, I replied her as I walked towards my house which was only three blocks away.

Bye, Tom shouted as he waved his hand at me.

Wait, I shouted to the both of them before they left. You guys don't mind staying at my house for a few minutes, I have something to give you.

No I don't mind, they replied in unison before following me into my house.

Dad I'm home, I said as I walked into the house with Tom and May behind me.

Eh, who are the visitors? My dad asked me with a confused look.

They are my friends in school, I replied him as I gestured them to follow me.

So, why are we here? Tom asked when we entered my room.

Without replying him, I brought out the low level healing pills and then, I gave each of them two pills while I kept the last three for myself.

Whoa, a healing pill. I am very grateful for this. But, his were you able to afford it? I heard only people with good jobs or people with wealthy families could afford it, Tom asked with disbelief.

Well, I work for the government so I earn fifty gold coins per month and Miss Tasha also ended me five hundred gold coins.

What, you now work for the government, May said with shock before resuming. But, you don't go to an office so how come you work for the government? May asked.

After noticing their doubt, I brought out the ID card general Zach gave me during our first training session.

It's actually real, Tom said as he studied my ID card. You are a soldier.

I feel disappointed in myself, Tom mumbled. Rick, you should be the team leader. Every time, you save us from trouble and provide us with materials we can't easily afford but I just do nothing, Tom said looking very embarrassed.

You don't have to worry, as time goes on you will become a great leader and as for the items I gave the both of you, consider it a gift from me, I let out as I caressed his back.

Rick, thank you very much, May mumbled as she redden.

Okay, you guys better leave now, I said reminding them that their parents might get worried if they did not get home on time.

That bastard, Ben yelled as he walked towards his house with is friends or henchmen. I'll make sure his life becomes a living hell just you wait and watch.

Don't you think that young master is taking this too far, one of his henchmen whispered to the others.

What did you say? Ben yelled as he shot a lightening bolt at the henchmen before warning him. Joe, how many times will I tell you to never interfere in matters that doesn't concern you.

I am sorry young master, the boy called Joe apologized before he began to tend the wounds imposed on his body due to the lightening bolt.

I warned you but you didn't listen, another henchmen said as he helped his friend get up.

Author's Note:

Previous chapters with grammatical errors will be updated soon. Thanks for supporting me by reading this book.

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