
My magic is too overpowered!!

Story of a reincarnated person who has really op magic. Story summary - He was a normal otaku but he died. Now he got to reincarnate in otherworld but he still lived a normal life. Finally at the age of 18, he awakened his system. His system always showed wierd symbols on his magic stats so he thought that the system is malfunctioned. Later when he got into a magic school sis he realise that it's not his system that is wierd. It's just his magic that is tooooo op!!!!

Only_omnipotent · Fantasy
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1 Chs


Chapter One: Rebirth Kazuya Nakamura was a typical office worker in Tokyo, working long hours every day to make ends meet.

He had few friends and no family to speak of. He spent his days going through the motions, feeling like he was stuck in a rut.

One day, while crossing the street on his way home from work, Kazuya was hit by a truck. He felt his body being crushed under the wheels and the pain was excruciating.

As his vision faded to black, he felt an overwhelming sense of regret for the way he had lived his life.

When he opened his eyes, he found himself in a different world. He was now in the body of a newborn child, lying in a crib.

He looked around, trying to take in his surroundings. The room was plain and sparsely furnished, with only a few items scattered about. Kazuya tried to move, but found that he was unable to. He felt weak and helpless, like a newborn should.

He realized that he was no longer in his old body, but in the body of a newborn baby. He looked at his hands and feet, marveling at how tiny and delicate they were.

As he lay there, trying to make sense of his new reality, he noticed something strange. In the corner of his vision, he saw a strange screen floating in the air. The screen was divided into different sections, displaying a variety of stats and information.

[Welcome to the System!]

Kazuya was taken aback by the sudden message that appeared on the screen. He looked at it in confusion, wondering what it meant.

He tried to touch the screen, but his hands simply passed through it.

Looking closer, he noticed that one of the stats on the screen was labeled 'Mana'. It read 'Error', but the number was significantly higher than the other stats on the screen.

He wondered what it could mean. As he lay there, contemplating his new situation, the door to the room opened and a woman walked in.

She was young and beautiful, with long black hair and sparkling green eyes. She looked at the baby in the crib and smiled.

"Ah, you're awake!" she said, her voice soft and gentle.

"How are you feeling?" Kazuya tried to speak, but all that came out was a small gurgle. He looked at the woman, trying to communicate his confusion.

"Don't worry, little one," the woman said, picking him up and cradling him in her arms. "You'll get the hang of things soon enough. I'm your mother, by the way."

Kazuya looked at her in surprise, wondering how he had ended up with a new family. He felt a pang of guilt for leaving his old life behind, but also a sense of curiosity for what this new world had in store for him.

As the woman held him, Kazuya felt a warmth spread through his body. He felt safe and secure, like he was being held by someone who truly cared for him. He closed his eyes, feeling himself drift off to sleep.

When he woke up, he was lying in his crib again. He looked at the screen, which was still hovering in the corner of his vision. He tried to focus on the stat labeled 'Mana', but the more he tried to concentrate, the more confused he became. He heard a soft voice in his mind.

[Don't worry about that for now. It's a little complicated, but you'll figure it out eventually.]

Kazuya was startled by the sudden voice in his head. He looked around, wondering where it had come from.

[Who are you?] he thought, wondering if the voice was some kind of spirit or demon.

[I am the System. You have been chosen to participate in the Rebirth Project. Your mission is to help bring balance to this world and restore order.]

Kazuya was still trying to wrap his head around the idea of a system and a Rebirth Project, but he felt a sense of excitement at the prospect of doing something meaningful with his new life.

[How do I do that?] he thought, wondering what kind of abilities or powers he had in this new world.

[Your abilities will become clear as you grow and develop. For now, focus on learning about this world and the people in it. You will need allies and friends if you want to succeed in your mission.]

Kazuya nodded, feeling a sense of determination. He would do whatever it takes to succeed in this new world and make a difference.

As he lay in his crib, he thought about the woman who had picked him up earlier. She had seemed kind and loving, and he felt grateful to have her as his mother.

He also thought about the childhood friend he had left behind in his old life. He couldn't remember her name, but he knew she had always been kind to him, even when he was too busy to pay attention to her.

He wondered if he would ever see her again, and if she would recognize him in this new body.

As he drifted off to sleep, he felt a sense of peace and contentment. He was in a new world, with a new body and a new purpose. He didn't know what the future held, but he was ready to face whatever challenges came his way.

In the coming days and weeks, Kazuya would learn more about this new world, make new friends, and discover the true extent of his abilities. But for now, he was content to simply rest and reflect on the journey that had brought him to this place.