

LIAM "Take this money and Abort the baby" After few years JENNIFER "Take this money and never try to see my baby or me" After three years BABY LOYAL "Dada can you please teach me this math sum" LIAM "I am not good at math my baby you can ask mommy" BABY LOYAL " Mommy look Dada doesn't know math, then what are you good at dada? JENNIFER "He is good at BLACKMAILING then SPOILING OTHERS BODY moreover good at PLAYING WITH HIS MONEY IN OTHERS LIFE. HIRA" Stop it, Jennifer! not in front of baby loyal". JUST READ WHAT HAPPENED BETWEEN LIAM AND JENNIFER.

Maya_Dev · Celebrities
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31 Chs


My name is Jennifer I am not that beautiful but my friends always call me beautiful I don't know why? I don't use any makeup products because I like natural beauty and I don't have any pimples on my face many girls get jealous of it but I never mind them.

Right now, I am unemployed but I am searching for a job I have a cousin her name is Naira, and she hates me because I always say her to behave well and come home back in time but she never pays heed to my words. So, we fight often I am elder than her so I don't use any harsh words like her. Her father died years ago so Naira and her mother are currently staying with us my dad is taking responsibility for our family my mother and my father work hard. I wanted to help them so daily I will go in search of a job but always I ended up in failure.

Today I am preparing myself because my friend Flami called me for an interview so I am Arranging all files.

(flashback on phone)

"Hey, Jennifer it is me Flami I called you because I got you a job offer and it is inside our city, if you wish you can go for an interview tomorrow I already said and gave your details to them".

I felt so happy after hearing this all I wanted is a job and to help my mom and dad

"Yes Flami, thanks a lot I will be ready tomorrow just text me the time and address thanks a lot once again"

(End of Flashback).

Mom! I am going for an interview I will eat my breakfast on my way and Naira is still sleeping, just kick her mom.

The voice came from the kitchen

Be careful Jennifer! Wherever you go just come back home in time, Naira is our little girl so if Jennifer plans to attack her, we don't consider her because Naira is also like my own daughter all I want is she should never think about her father so whatever she needs we will do it for her. Since her father died her mother is not in good health condition so Naira is our responsibility now.

Jennifer's POV.

This sun is so muggy I can't bear its heat I forget to take my umbrella.

oh god, it is getting late why this bus isn't arriving yet?

Bus Arrived ….

So finally, she got on the bus and imagined that her life is going to be better after her job is confirmed.

Finally, I am standing in front of the company I am kind of nervous but I should be confident in front of the people who interview me

When I entered the company the members greeted me and that gave me the energy I waited till they called my name.

"Jennifer it is your turn," The assistant said.

Then, I enter the cabin "Good morning Sir".

"Morning Please sit"

"Here Is my file sir you can check"

When I handed my file they accepted it.

"Ma'am we are expecting for experienced candidate your marks are high but we can't offer this job to you, ma'am".

when I heard their words I can't able to control my emotion I was about cry but I tried to control it.

Right now I am standing outside and I don't know what to decide? So, I am heading home I am going to call Flami so I can tell her that the company was expecting an experienced candidate but I don't have any kind of experience in that job so I didn't get the job.

"I am sorry Jennifer they didn't say to me that they were expecting experienced staff sorry I should have asked them my fault," Flami said.

"Hey it is okay it was not your fault, by the way, thanks for suggesting the offer I didn't get the job but I got some experience because I talked with them".


I need to help my parent's poverty but I didn't get the job I thought I will get it for sure but nothing is in our hands. Mom! I am home they asked for an experienced candidate so I didn't get the job, where is Naira? Mom.

She is out with her friends than about the job don't worry you can try some other job "her mom, said".

Mom, you are giving more freedom to her and it is not good for her please stop giving more freedom to her. See the time mom it is going to hit 8:30 pm still she isn't here let me call her.

I was about to call Naira all at once I heard the doorbell my mom opened and Naira stepped in, I just stopped her

"Where were you, Naira? What were you doing all this time?"

"Stop it, Jennifer, what is your problem you are not my mother to ask these kinds of questions so please stop it I am already tried" Naira yelled.

She directly went to my mom and she got money from my mom and gave it to her friends who were standing outside I went to my mom "You are spoiling her mom why are you giving her money whenever she asks you know you and dad work hard to earn money" I shouted.

" So, Jennifer I am repeating stop judging me you have no rights", Naira yelled.

Look at her mom in front of you she is disrespecting me

Leave it dear she is your only younger sister and nowadays teens are so reckless if I stop her she would think about her dad so please don't make it a big deal she is under us so we have to take care of her "my mother replied ".

"mom everything has its limits I think in her matter you are crossing the limit with her so, please consider me I am telling all these for her goodness".

"I can understand you, sweety, now eat your dinner and go to bed I love you, Jennifer, thanks for your support" my mother consoled me.

Whenever I see naira she would be on her phone messaging someone or talking with someone she is a good girl I think her friends are terrible and I should keep an eye on her.

Because of Naira's stupid activity, Jennifer's whole life is going to change ..but she likes to keep an eye on her will she fails or ???.....

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