
My Lycan

I dread my eighteenth birthday with every fiber of my body. Why? You must ask. Let me tell you. I'm a werewolf and when we turn eighteen everyone expects you to find your mate. What people don't get is your mate can accept or reject you. They are usually like "My mate going to accept me because of such and such." Fuck no, it doesn't work like that all the time. Guess what today is. Ding. Ding. Ding. You got it right. Here's a cookie for you. Today is my birthday and I want to fall in a hole. Can someone dig one for me or must I do it myself? No? I guess I'll have to. All jokes aside there is more, I have to go to school. That is just plain bad luck there.

Taekooksangel · Celebrities
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23 Chs

3: F.E.A.R

(Papa Roach - F.E.A.R)

On Monday I let Baekhyun and Jimin talk me into wearing one of the outfits I bought two days prior which consists of a dark green high waist skirt, purple lace long sleeved crop top, dark green knit thigh highs, and purple suede lace up ankle boots. Since the two of them spent the night Jimin takes us and by us I mean Baekhyun, Lia, and me to school.

Lia tells me that she's going to steal my clothes but I know she's not. She only says that before going to the mall herself and gets the exact same things only in her size and in different colors.

When we get to school we get out of the car and Lia goes off the her friends while Jimin, Baekhyun, and I head inside to our lockers. We hear whispers around us either lewd or about me and Minho being mates and the fact he rejected me. I just ignore them because I could care less.

I get the books I need out of my locker and heads to my class with a fuck you and fuck everything else attitude. I feel wandering eyes on me to see that it's Taeyong and I also see Bogum starting at me as well. I give the both of them a smile making Taeyongs eye darken with lust and hunger unlike Bogum who smiles back softly at me.

Minho smells me, before he turns around my smile deadens as eyes go to pure hatred. Bogum and Taeyong see this making their eyes go wide. I leave dragging Jimin behind me as Baekhyum and Chanyeol head off to their class.

I can block smelling Minho's scent but I can't block the pain he causes which I think is completely fucked. I ignore him and his when they come in and sits down. I pay no attention to them the entire class while also ignoring persistent males trying to gain my attention during class.

At lunch Minho isn't anywhere to be seen but Yuna is and she's looking at me like she wants my head on a stick. I can't blame her Minho isn't her true mate but she can have. He's all hers. She apparently get that because she mouths a word that makes me get up about to charge at her. I'm not able to charge at her though because someone hugs me from behind before I get to her.

"Dont let her have the satisfaction that she has pissed you off baby tiger." A warm voice says from the person who caught me.

I look behind me to see that it's a lycan. Jungkook to be exact.

"Come on baby tiger. I need to talk to you." He says picking me up in a princess hold being sure to cover everything that needs to be covered as he does so.

He walks out of the cafeteria with me in his hold to his car. He places me in the passenger seat before walking around and gets in. He cranks the car and we leave.

We ride for a while in silence before we turn off the main road on a private gated drive which I'm guessing belongs to him.

I know he can sense I'm scared hell I would be able to if I didn't already know it only if it was someone else.

"Baby Tiger, I'm not going to hurt you. I would never do such a thing. I'd hurt my own self before I ever thought of doing so to you. I am just taking you somewhere private so that we can talk with no interruptions and you also to calm you down."

"But... But why are you doing this for me?" I ask making him chuckle.

"I will explain that when we get to where we are going." He says before stopping the car and turns it off.

"Come on we have to walk the rest of the way or do you want me to carry you?" he asks opening his door.

"C... C... Carry." I stutter out answering him while opening my door.

He smiles and nods before getting out closing his door behind him. He walks around and picks me up out of the car, closing the door, and locks it before he walks us into the woods. He walks for about six minutes before stopping.

"Close your eyes and listen." He says whispering into my ear since my head is laying on one of his shoulders.

I do just what he told me to do and closes my eyes and listens.

If I wasn't a werewolf I probably wouldn't be able to hear it. It's a good bit farther away but I hear it clearly; it's a waterfall, not to big and not to small.

Jungkook walks us the remainder of the way to the waterfall and sets me down.

It looks like a picture that I have never seen, it is so beautiful. The canopy of the trees gives enough sunlight to make the water sparkle as it runs down and into the blue pool below.

Jungkook waits patiently as I look at the scenery before me.

The first time I met Jungkook was at the art gallery my family owns when I was twelve. Let me reword that. The first time I met all the lycans from school minus Kalina was at the gallery.

I was putting some new pictures up on the wall while my parents were attending to other things when they came up to me. Jungkook is the one who asked me who took the pictures in the photo gallery portion of the art gallery. I told them that it was multiple people who took the pictures. He made a point of showing me the pictures that he was talking about. I realized that they were mine and had stuttered out that they were mine. I didn't expect all four of them to buy the one plus seven more so two for all four of them. My parents were proud of me when I told them.

When I am done looking around I turn my attention back to Jungkook so that he knows that I'm ready for him to explain to me what is happening.

He motions for me to sit on a nearby rock with him.

"What all do you know about lycans baby tiger?" He asks.

"Not much only that you are considered royalty and some of you are royalty. When you leave somewhere you aren't considered rogues. You don't have a mate. You pick your own." I say making him nod his head.

"You are correct. We are guided by our true instincts which leads us to finding our mate. Unlike you werewolves we can't reject our mate. We have to have our mate. They are crucial to us. We have to have them to calm us down or we massacre anyone and everyone that is in our way minus innocents, they will be spared. If we don't have our mate their is nothing you can do but to kill us. When we see our mate for the first time it doesn't come to us as a smell. It's immediate. It's a pull in our chest that's like a anchor at the bottom of the ocean floor connected to the ship above waiting to be pulled up." He says as a question pops up in my head.

"Why are you discussing this with me? Of all people." I ask genuinely confused.

"Because my baby Tiger, you are my mate." He says looking me in the eyes.

"You're... I'm.... I'm... I'm your what now? I'm not sure if I heard you correctly. I'm pretty sure you said that I'm your mate?" I ask confused.

"That's exactly what I said baby tiger. I said that you are my mate. Before you ask I didn't claim you when we first met because that's obvious. You were twelve. Too young to be mated, too young to be corrupted. You were still innocent. If I had known that stupid alpha was going to reject you I would have claimed you when we saw each other in the hall before you even met him later at lunch. From what I saw and heard that morning you didn't even want to meet your mate because of fear of being rejected. When I heard that I had my own thoughts. 'Who is stupid enough to reject baby tiger?' Well now we know." He says chuckling.

The kind of chuckle that lacks any humor showing how pissed off he really is from it.

"Baby tiger I marked you through your wolf when we first met so he knows me. That's why you don't feel as intimidated as most werewolves do when they are around us." He says watching my reaction making him smile before he chuckles once again.

What the hell he looks like a whole ass bunny when he smiles. He can look like a whole ass meal and be fucking cute at the same time now I can die in piece.... good bye world it's been fun.

"I can see all the questions you are asking in your head. Your facial expressions give them up. It's pretty cute and very entertaining to watch. Just to answer your unspoken question I couldn't bring myself to be around you much less talk to you without having the urge to mark you. Lycans can bite where ever they want on the body not just one designated spot like werewolves. I'm not going to force you. I've waited this long. I can wait a little longer so that you can absorb what I have told you."