
My Lycan

I dread my eighteenth birthday with every fiber of my body. Why? You must ask. Let me tell you. I'm a werewolf and when we turn eighteen everyone expects you to find your mate. What people don't get is your mate can accept or reject you. They are usually like "My mate going to accept me because of such and such." Fuck no, it doesn't work like that all the time. Guess what today is. Ding. Ding. Ding. You got it right. Here's a cookie for you. Today is my birthday and I want to fall in a hole. Can someone dig one for me or must I do it myself? No? I guess I'll have to. All jokes aside there is more, I have to go to school. That is just plain bad luck there.

Taekooksangel · Celebrities
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23 Chs

10: Resentment

A Day To Remember - Resentment

Planning the proposal was harder than it should have been along with keeping Tae from finding out but it's worth it. Jimin and Hoseok has almost told him on different occasions without meaning to but thankfully someone or myself distracted them by calling or telling them that someone needed to talk to them about something.

Jimin, Baekhyun, and Jin took Tae to the mall to distract him for a couple of hours as the rest of us gets everything set up. We've been working on everything for an hour before my phone rings.

I check it to see that it's Yugyeom. He's keeping track of Kalina.

"What's wrong?" I answer?

"We were tracking her until she got to Bulgaria and we lost her."

"She could be anywhere by now."

"She did have a male with her. Well quite a few with her when she entered the airport. She's masking her scent with theirs. We will find her and I know time is of the essence right now."

"That it is. Be careful if she has to she will kill you and the others which doesn't need to happen."

"We'll be careful anyways good luck with the proposal."

"Thanks Gyeom."

"No problem Kook. Anyways I'll let you go, bye." He says before hanging up.

I put my phone up as I see Hoseok, Namjoon, Yoongi, and Chanyeol look at me expectantly wanting to know what happened.

"Yugyeom and his team followed Kalina to Bulgaria then lost her. She had many guys with her so she's using their scent to mask her own." I say before my emotions go straight to fear but it's not my own, it's Taehyung's.

After this happens my phone rings. I look down to see that it's Jin. I answer immediately.

"I.... I... I'm so sorry Jungkook. I'm so sorry. Someone took Taehyung."

"Tell me what happened."

"We were walking through the mall and suddenly it got crowded the four of us decided to to hold hands so that none of us would get lost. At one moment I feel a searing hot pain on my wrist. Someone had cut my arm with something silver that had three blades like claws. That being said I let go of Taehyung's hand. I'm so sorry."

"Everything will be fine and I know exactly where Kalina is because she's the one who did that to you. I had forgotten she had custom silver nails. They aren't fully silver the tips arenas the rest are platinum. But silver doesn't do much to us like it does werewolves she must have doused them with a poison that works only on Lycans. You need to be treated."

"Don't worry I am. Thankfully Baekhyun is taking nursing courses."

"Did you follow his scent afterwards?"

"Yeah we did. We followed them to an abandoned warehouse. Jimin is sending the coordinates to you right now." He says right before my phone goes off again.

I pull my phone away from my ear, it's Jimin.

I put the phone back to my ear.

"Hide and try to mask your scents. I don't either one of you getting caught and captured. I need you all to help me get Taehyung back."

"Yeah we know. We're in a building next to the one that is across from the warehouse. We'll wait for the rest of you to get here. Baekhyun and Chanyeol don't need to go in that building with us. I'm not saying that because they're werewolves I'm saying it because Baekhyun is pregnant. He's an omega like Taehyung and Jimin."

"Ok, I'll tell him that he needs to bring him back here instead of staying. I don't want anything the happen to either of them."

"Alright bye."

"Bye." I say hanging up putting my attention back on the guys.

"Kalina took Taehyung and has him in a warehouse. Jin, Jimin, and Baekhyun are in the building next to the one across from it. Chanyeol, I don't want you or Baekhyun there. It's not because you are werewolves it's because if something else."

"Why? What's wrong?" He asks immediately.

"Baekhyun will tell you when he's ready."

"Now I'm more worried."

"Don't be. It's nothing back really."

"Ok, I'll take your word for it."

"The rest of you are going to come with me into the building. Hoseok call Yeonjun and Chan for them to bring their groups to help since Yugyeom and his group won't be able to since they can't get here in time."


Taehyung's POV

Well today was supposed to be a good day and look how it's come out. I get kidnapped at the mall by one of the first people I would think of. Actually all three of them are here by that I mean Kalina, Minho, and Yuna.

The only thing they have done is tie me to a chair. They have been arguing the rest of the time. About what? I have no clue. To me they are speaking gibberish. I also don't know how long I've been here along with the fact I don't know how long they have been arguing.

"FINE DO WHAT YOU WANT. DIE! I DON'T CARE!" Yuna yells out at Minho who looks at me with determination.

He walks over to me and yanks my head to the side and bites my neck making me groan in pain.

When Minho pulls away from me he starts coughing. He continues coughing until he falls on the floor.

I look at Yuna who is upset and pissed off.

"Your resentment of me drove you to this? To help her? What did she offer you? Power beyond everything? Sorry to tell you this but she can't give you that if she can't even get it herself. You're all crazy. Now he's killing him self because of his obsession and stupidity."

"SHUT UP! Minho, I told you, you were going to die but did you listen to me me? No! Your stubborn ass didn't and now you're dying you selfish son of a bitch." She says angered and distraught before turning her attention to Kalina.

"You're the one who pushed him to do it. You gave him false fucking hope by telling him that since he was an alpha he was strong enough to survive the damn bite. You knew damn well he couldn't you bitch. We all knew he couldn't. But you fucking convinced him he could. Why?"

"Because I needed him out of the way and I knew what he wanted. Of course I knew what would happen so I let it happen. He wanted to do it so badly so I let him." Kalina says smirking sinisterly making Yuna growl in anger.

I know what's going to happen so I put my head down and close my eyes so I can't watch. I can't shut my hearing off I have to hear the screams and cries of pain coming from Yuna as Kalina rips her apart while poisoning her with her silver made nails. I feel warm liquid land on me but I do nothing.

When Yunas cries stop I open my eyes but I don't lift my head.

"Now that they are no longer in my way let's have a little chat."

"LOOK AT ME WHEN I TALK TO YOU SLUT." She yells out but I don't make a move she stomps over to me and grabs me by my hair and yanks my head up so that I am now looking at her.

Just to piss her off more I look anywhere but at her which she growls at making her pull my hair even harder before slapping me.

"Do you know why I'm doing what I'm doing? You know you're going to die right?" She asks.

"Because you don't have a life. You want to destroy someone else's happiness for your selfishness. You want a throne. You want power. I don't think being with Jungkook is going to help you get a throne. What about your mate? You have one out there."

"I don't have a mate anymore. I killed him. He wasn't rich. He wasn't royalty. He didn't have power. He had looks yes and was a Lycan but he was a nobody. He couldn't give me what I wanted so I had to get rid of him."

"Did you forget that when a Lycans mate is killed the person who killed them will be at the top of the kill list? Jungkook along with the others are going to kill you and anyone else who gets in their way because you forget a Lycan can't live without their mate. You killed yours which is against the law of supernaturals if you may have forgotten. If you were still alive you'd be tried for killing your mate which I doubt you would be alive because Jungkook and the others would have killed you." I say before she starts laughing.

"Do you know what the is most poisonous thing to a Lycan is?" She asks with a crazy mad look in her eyes as she waved her metal tipped fingers in my face.

"Anasolbum, is a flower ingenious to the upper part of the Faerie realm. People have tried to grow it here but it always dies because it needs the magic of the Faerie realm to grow. The most poisonous part of the flower is the roots but so are the petals. It takes it forty eight hours for it to take effect but you'll have symptoms throughout the whole forty eight hours. So I'm guessing that's what is on your nails." I say making her even annoyed.

"You're also missing a key factor in that. Determining on how strong your Lycan is determines on whether or not you will live or die. In the end it all boils down to strength of how strong you are." She says before she thrusts her fingernails into my side making me groan in pain once again.

I will not give her the gratitude of showing her how much pain I am in. I will not let her win but the pain mixed with the burning sensation becomes so unbearable I pass out.

Four minutes before midnight

Jungkook's POV

We hide in the building as we see Kalina leave the building. Once we know that she is fully gone we leave the building and heads to the one she had come from. When we go up the floors the smell of blood hits our noses along with other people scents. Yoongi and I look around the corner to see ten to fifteen male Lycans standing in the hallway guarding a door so no one can get in.

No of them are armed why would they need to be? All of us head in the hallway. I punch the first person who I get to phasing my hands. My claws slash at his neck after he gets a few hits on me. I do this with two others as the rest of the guys have gotten rid of the others.

I open the door to the room that they were guarding to find Yuna and Minho dead on the floor well what's left of Yuma. Taehyung is passed out tied to a chair with a fresh bite mark on his neck and knife like wounds on his side.

I immediately make my way over to him and the smell hits me.

I wonder why I couldn't smell it before?

"Anasolbum. She's poisoned him with anasolbum. You can't burn it off by phasing like other poisons. You have to wait the whole forty eight hours to see if he's strong enough to fight it. He is strong enough. I know he is. I can't loose him. I can't. I've waited to long to have him just to loose him to a bitch who wants power and throne that she doesn't and never will deserve. I'm going to kill her when we get her." I say as I get Taehyung out of the ropes.

I pick him up off the chair and carries him out of the room. Chan, Yeonjun, and their groups follow us to our house. When we get there I take Taehyung to our room.

I wash him off as much as I can and bandages his wounds before putting him in comfortable clothes and places him comfortably under the covers. I kiss him on the forehead then leaves the room and heads to the living room.

"Jin, you along with Tae has been poisoned with Anasolbum. You didn't get as big of a dose as Tae did that's why it hasn't effected you much but it will. No matter the dosage it takes forty eight hours in all. We all know that you can fight it. You are strong. Taehyung will fight it. He is strong. You will make it. You will make it. Namjoon hyung, he's looking faint take him to your room. Yeonjun and Chan keep tabs on Kalina. I'm going to stay with Tae the rest of the day. When him and Jin gets over this. They will wake up they have to. Tae has to. Update me if anything happens." I say before heading to mine and Tae's room.

When I get there Tae has moved a little but not much. I take a shower and change my clothes to black sweat pants and a white t-shirt. I lay on the bed next to him on the bed. I turn on my side and runs my hand through his hair.

You can fight through the poison. I know that you will. You need too, you have too.

We're trying Kookie.


Yep, I haven't talked to you yet but as I said we are trying to fight the poison and we have hours to go.

I know that's the thing I don't like. Jin has been poisoned as well.

He was?

Yeah she scratched his arm when you were kidnapped.

Ah, I get it. He ok?

He was up until a few minutes ago when he started looking sickly but now you need to rest.

Okie Kook.

I kiss Tae's forehead as I continue to run my fingers through his hair.

I get up and heads to the bathroom to get a washcloth as he begins to heat up. I place the washcloth on his forehead after wetting it with cold water and wrings it out. I go over to the thermostat on the wall and turns the air on before getting back in the bed.

Since this is all I can do for now I pay on the bed beside him before falling to sleep unintentionally.