
MY LUST SYSTEM: War Against The Heavens

Is it worth it? What is the use? Why even bother? These questions have plagued Leo all his life. From losing his parents at a young age and grandparents later on, teaching him the futility of life. He lived a boring and uneventful life until fate caught up to him. Ding! [Congratulations! You have been chosen the inheritance of Lust] [Rejoice, you have been chosen by the demon Lord to lead the war against the heavens] The introduction of the system into his life soon turned it into something adventurous. Tasked with sleeping with virgins, seducing the righteous, and spreading immorality to the entire realm, Leo is exposed to a world he never knew existed. The war against the heavens will not be easy and as one of the seven deadly sins chosen by the demon lord, Leo has become a target of the supreme deity and the hosts of heaven leaving him no choice but to sleep with women and share the joy of lust to the world in exchange for power! "A difficult task but it is one I am willing to fulfill!" [New mission acquired] [Task: Seduce and Sleep with….] [Extra information: As the wielder of the Lust inheritance. Host gains strength through sexual intercourse and engaging in immoral activities.] [Reward: Unknown] [Penalty; Unknown]

3_Sins_Studios · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
310 Chs

Mr. Lance

Leo woke up with a slight headache. He sat up and looked around only to see the bottles of wine littered across the floor. Next to him was Maria, but she meant little to him now. For some reason, he didn't achieve his goal.

[As the Sin of Lust, the host is expected to be adventurous.]

A simple notification appeared, making him frown.

"Leo?" Maria's voice rang from behind causing him to turn around to meet her gaze.

"Hey... Maria, I have something important to tell you." Leo said with a sweet smile.

Maria's eyes widened with surprise, and she leaned forward before asking.

"What is it?" she asked.

"I think you shouldn't come here anymore." Leo said with a sweet smile.

Yes, many would call him a bastard for the way he broke up with her, but that was him trying to be nice. If the system doesn't support monogamy then he has no reason to waste his time with her.

He needed to become the man that everyone wants but cannot get.

The perfect man.


"Mr Leo Wright, you can go in now." A middle-aged curvy secretary announced over the counter.

Her eyes were pinned on Leo as if she was gazing at an exotic animal or something not far from it, but Leo was too focused on the image before his eyes.

[Name: Leo Wright]

[Race: Human]

[Sin: Lust]

[Unassigned point: 0]


[Strength: 1]

[Speed: 1]

[Dexterity: 1]

[Charisma: 3]

[Demonic energy: 50]


Leo put the bonus point he got the previous night into his Charisma, increasing his beauty. He would be lying if he claimed not to notice the secretary's gaze. To this, Leo shot her glance, admiring her firm bosoms that were struggling to break free from the evil clutches of her shirt.

"He is probably hitting that too." Leo commented under his breath before walking into the office.


Leo walked in to see a three hundred square feet office, which made him slightly envious. The room was cold but well-lit. Behind the main office desk was a massive glass wall, revealing a breathtaking view. There was a glass table by the side and a few cushions.

While Leo was observing the place he could feel the eyes of the CEO on him. He could feel arrogance, but a hint of fear was hidden in all of that. This is most likely because he was from the famous Whites' associate Law firm which was by no means a small firm.

As for the man's arrogance, it probably stemmed from the fact he knows the financial situation of the client and doubts Leo would be too willing to dig deep into the matter. Most lawyers were like that; having their effort equal their pay.


Leo sneered in his mind as he strode forward with confidence. With his charisma stats at three points, he had become someone even men would envy.

"Welcome, Mr. Wright. To what reason am I graced with your presence?" Mr Lance, the CEO of Lance Inc. said with a hint of contempt hidden behind the smile.

Leo snorted disdainfully in his mind but in reality, he revealed a charming smile while extending his hand forward. The two shook and smiled brightly at each other but deep down, the animosity they felt for the other was mutual.

"I have come as James Brent's attorney to ask a few questions. I hope you don't mind?" Leo said as his eyes revealed a flash of cruelty, but Mr Lance didn't seem to notice.

"Ha! I didn't think the renowned White Associates Law firm would defend just about anybody." Lance joked as he offered Leo a seat.

"Hahaha! Surely you must be joking. Making sure even the common man can experience the liberty that comes with justice is the motto of every lawyer and law firm." Leo said with a smile.

"As it should be." Mr Lance replied dryly.

"So tell me, what do you wish to know?" Mr Lance decided to end pleasantries and dive into the main topic.

"My client was accused of stealing factory equipment, so I'm here to understand the situation properly. Before concluding that he is guilty, how did your company conduct its investigation?" Leo asked without hesitation.

"Of course, we put together an investigation team that questioned everyone involved in the matter. When the investigation was done, all evidence pointed at James. He should have been grateful that we didn't press charges and only let him go." Mr Lance said the last part with obvious disdain in his heart.

With the Empathy ability, Leo could feel the animosity Lance felt toward this employee, but he wasn't sure why.

"All evidence? If that's the case, can I take a look at the video footage from the security cameras?" Leo responded calmly, unfazed by Lance's piercing gaze.

Upon hearing the request, Mr Lance turned pale and quickly averted eye contact. The once domineering man seemed to shrink back in fear and even went as far as to reveal discomfort through his body language.

"There were no security cameras installed at that particular facility..." Mr Lance replied whereas Leo nodded calmly.

He maintained an indifferent look on his face as he spoke again.

"If there are no security cameras, then you are saying you concluded based on the word of mouth of your staff or did you find the missing item in the possession of my client?" Leo asked the last part with a raised eyebrow.

Mr Lance was left speechless, unable to retort. His eyes darted around dramatically as if he was silently praying for someone to bail him out of this situation.

"Do you even have an investigation report?" Leo asked with disdain visible in his gaze.

Mr Lance could only lower his head in response. He never expected someone from such a prestigious firm would even bother with a case like this.

"We have one, but we can't show it to you at the moment." Mr Lance replied.

"You can take your leave now if that's all. I have a meeting right after this."

"That will be all Mr Lance. Many thanks for your cooperation." Leo said.

Leo then calmly stood up and left, not bothering to look back even for a second.

The truth remains that the average human is dumb and impatient. Mistakes are bound to be made due to one reason. Men lack the patience needed to take time and care to conceal their intentions and set up their plots. If people are patient enough, they can get away with a lot of crimes.

If they were patient enough to allow this case of theft to linger just long enough, they would have seen the loopholes in their plan, and they would have boldly claimed James must have sold off the item. They could even have set up enough 'evidence' to frame James while covering up any tracks. However, they discharged him quickly without any proper investigation.

This is the difference between the best and the rest; a fool and a schemer. While it seemed small and negligible, it meant a world's worth of difference.


Leo stepped out of the Lance Inc building looking disappointed. He had hoped for more, but this ended up as nothing more than an easy win. He didn't expect to be done so soon, and the case could already be considered won.

With so much free time on his hands, Leo decided it was time to find out more about the system.