
MY LUST SYSTEM: War Against The Heavens

Is it worth it? What is the use? Why even bother? These questions have plagued Leo all his life. From losing his parents at a young age and grandparents later on, teaching him the futility of life. He lived a boring and uneventful life until fate caught up to him. Ding! [Congratulations! You have been chosen the inheritance of Lust] [Rejoice, you have been chosen by the demon Lord to lead the war against the heavens] The introduction of the system into his life soon turned it into something adventurous. Tasked with sleeping with virgins, seducing the righteous, and spreading immorality to the entire realm, Leo is exposed to a world he never knew existed. The war against the heavens will not be easy and as one of the seven deadly sins chosen by the demon lord, Leo has become a target of the supreme deity and the hosts of heaven leaving him no choice but to sleep with women and share the joy of lust to the world in exchange for power! "A difficult task but it is one I am willing to fulfill!" [New mission acquired] [Task: Seduce and Sleep with….] [Extra information: As the wielder of the Lust inheritance. Host gains strength through sexual intercourse and engaging in immoral activities.] [Reward: Unknown] [Penalty; Unknown]

3_Sins_Studios · Fantasy
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310 Chs

Dark Miracles

Deep within the library's dimly lit chambers, Leo and Lara moved further into the labyrinthine shelves that were brimming with ancient, dusty tomes and scrolls. Leo's steps were confident and purposeful, his fingers delicately tracing the spines of the old books as if he were greeting long-lost friends.

With a practiced ease, he began selecting ancient-looking volumes, their cracked leather bindings and yellowed pages attesting to their age. It was a mesmerizing sight to watch him work, his calm and composed demeanor as he delved into the writings and texts adorning the walls. The way he flipped through the pages of the books with rapid precision almost made it appear as though he couldn't understand the language.

Lara couldn't contain her curiosity any longer, and she decided to voice her question. "Leo," she began, "can you really understand these demonic texts?" Her voice held a hint of wonder, her gaze fixed on him as she awaited his answer.