
MY LUST SYSTEM: War Against The Heavens

Is it worth it? What is the use? Why even bother? These questions have plagued Leo all his life. From losing his parents at a young age and grandparents later on, teaching him the futility of life. He lived a boring and uneventful life until fate caught up to him. Ding! [Congratulations! You have been chosen the inheritance of Lust] [Rejoice, you have been chosen by the demon Lord to lead the war against the heavens] The introduction of the system into his life soon turned it into something adventurous. Tasked with sleeping with virgins, seducing the righteous, and spreading immorality to the entire realm, Leo is exposed to a world he never knew existed. The war against the heavens will not be easy and as one of the seven deadly sins chosen by the demon lord, Leo has become a target of the supreme deity and the hosts of heaven leaving him no choice but to sleep with women and share the joy of lust to the world in exchange for power! "A difficult task but it is one I am willing to fulfill!" [New mission acquired] [Task: Seduce and Sleep with….] [Extra information: As the wielder of the Lust inheritance. Host gains strength through sexual intercourse and engaging in immoral activities.] [Reward: Unknown] [Penalty; Unknown]

3_Sins_Studios · Fantasy
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310 Chs

Crimson Serpents.

The moon hung high in the night sky, casting an ethereal glow over the desolate urban landscape. In the heart of the city, a dilapidated warehouse stood as a silent witness to countless clandestine activities. On this fateful night, it would serve as the meeting ground for two rival gangs - the Underworld and the Crimson Serpents.

The Underworld, notorious for their drug trafficking and the creation of the Lucid Heaven had a reputation that sent chills down the spines of even the most hardened criminals. Their leader is a mysterious figure who is said to have single-handedly pulled the small gathering of thugs to a wealthy group in the state of Florida.

The Crimson Serpent, on the other hand, was a gang driven by a sense of loyalty and honor. Led by Damian "Crimson" Sullivan, they specialized in theft and extortion. This group has grown over the years by bringing down smaller groups and gathering resources from whatever possible source.

Of all the groups in Florida, these were the first to make contact with the Underworld for a discussion. While they had a violent history, the underworld currently lacked people like this.

Thanks to Leo they have acquired a stable source of wealth. What was left now were foot soldiers to control the streets and make sure the products arrived safely to the consumers. While the Crimson Serpents lacked the kind of funding the underworld could offer. This is why this meeting was crucial for both sides.

As the clock struck midnight, the sound of screeching tires broke the silence. After the car arrived, each carrying members of the Underworld and the Crimson Serpents, their presence marked by the low rumble of powerful engines. The atmosphere crackled with tension as the two gangs eyed each other warily.

Dominic Moretti emerged from his sleek black sedan, his piercing gaze sweeping the room. He wore a tailored suit, the epitome of danger cloaked in elegance. He is the original leader of the group that now makes up the core members of the Underworld. He became Leo's right-hand man and acting leader when the 'Old Demon of the Underworld' was not around.

Damian "Crimson" Sullivan stepped out of his matte black muscle car, exuding an air of quiet authority. Dressed in a dark leather jacket and jeans, he commanded respect with his presence alone.

Inside the warehouse, a long table had been set up, adorned with stacks of cash and bags of drugs - symbols of power and influence. The dimly lit room was filled with a mix of anticipation and caution, as members of both gangs took their places, their eyes locked in a silent battle of wills.

Dominic and Damian stood face to face at the head of the table. The tension was palpable as they exchanged a brief nod, acknowledging the gravity of the situation. The room fell silent as Dominic addressed the gathering, his voice laced with a dangerous edge.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we all know why we're here tonight," he began, his words cutting through the stillness. "The Underworld and the Crimson Serpents have seen the need for cooperation, so we have come here tonight for an alliance."

Damian's voice carried an equal measure of conviction as he Interrupted Dominic, "Don't get the wrong message, Dominic of the Underworld. The Crimson Serpents have not come to annex the Underworld and not form an alliance. This meeting is meant to discuss your terms of surrender."

The room suddenly turned tense and members of the Underworld quickly reached for their weapons but the Crimson Serpent members seemed to have prepared for this situation long before.

In a matter of seconds. Dominic and his men were completely disarmed.

"Don't worry about your men outside. They will all share a similar fate as yours." Damian let out an evil chuckle, leaving Dominic pale and confused.

Before coming here, he and the members of the Underworld had been extremely optimistic about the alliance. They considered this a major break and simply didn't expect everything to take a drastic turn.

"Raaaa." Dominic roared as he charged at Damian, throwing a fast right fist.


Damian skillfully ducked to the side while raising his hand to block.


Dominic felt a fast left uppercut connect with his chin from the darkness below.


Dominic felt a numbing feeling wash through his entire body. He staggered back but Damian followed him tightly, sparing him no time to recover.


Dominic frowned as he quickly adjusted his stance while his fist shot forward like a spear, tearing through the wind while charging at Damian's face.


Damian suddenly ducked, going under Dominic's fist. Without hesitation he unleashed a barrage of attacks on Dominic's body, bathing him with dangerous body shots.

"Fuck." Dominic bit the bottom of his lips as he tanked the blows. He knew the clear purpose of the body shots was to get him to lower his hands.

Once he does that, the battle ends!


"Aaah!" Dominic tilted and groaned loudly in pain. He could feel his body getting extremely sore with each blow getting worse than the previous.

Even though Dominic attempted to hold out as much as he could, it was useless. His hand lowered instinctively in hopes of protecting his sore body.


A fist smashed into his face, knocking him off his feet. Dominic fell to the ground and spat out a mouthful of blood. His body twitches occasionally in pain as he gazed at Damian and smiled, revealing a bloodied set of teeth.

"Do you think taking us and forcing us to work for you will change a thing?" Dominic was fairly calm even in his situation. He looked Damian straight in the eye, showing the resilience of someone confident in his backing.

"Don't bother, even if you take us only our leader can make the Lucid Heaven." He added.

Hearing this Damian frowned. It seems like a rumor that the Underworld is completely reliant on the mysterious old man turns out to be true. He pondered on how to lure his man over and whether he should kill Dominic and the rest.

After giving it some thought he decided against killing them. They weren't sure what type of person the old man was and Damian understood that they needed a bargaining chip just in case something unexpected happens.

Damian turned his attention to Dominic and he smiled devilishly.

"Give this man his phone back. You are going to make an important call right now that will determine whether I will let you all live or die." Damian said as he took the phone and tossed it back to Dominic.

"Give your boss a call." he added soon after.