
My Lust Booster System

Morgan Berry, a.k.a. the ugliest person to ever exist, finds himself transmigrated into a body of a handsome king—Brunos Pegrinan—in a world of succubus beauties. However, his joy lasts for seconds. This brand-new body had been locked for 200 years. His reputation and throne, stained and taken. Old enemies are now stronger than he is. Rules have changed. Many things have changed. Will a weakling like him survive this lustful demon world? Thankfully, Ding! [Lust Booster System loading] Does he really need to be lustful to survive? 'What a strange world!' Join this journey, and through love and support, help our brave and cunning Morgan become the emperor and return to earth to make those who wronged him pay. Wait! He wants revenge? To who? Oh sorry! I forgot to tell you what a miserable death he died. Actually, he was an author and his books had been rejected by publishers for 10 years. Also, his mother, the only person who loved him, was dead. But he never gave up. Who would have thought that after hustling and becoming famous, the very people he promoted would try to kill him? EXCERPT: ———————————————————————————— "Aren't I dead?" "I'm the former king of the Grinan Realm in the Succubi Realms?" "Among the remaining few males?" "Wait! Are you kidding me?" ————————————————————————————

7inkz_etls · Fantasy
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64 Chs

Trial Quest

'A system?' He couldn't believe it. After the concept of transmigration, there came another unbelievable phenomenon. Was it because he was an author? Because these were his favorite genres?

He harrumphed as he inspected the screen. It was like in games. 'Impossible! Isn't this world technologiless?'

"And what do you call technology?" He heard a voice that reminded him of the beauties at receptions in 7-star hotels.

Startled, he turned around to check if there was someone behind him but he found none. "OK! it's a system thing." He told himself after remembering how the systems in his novels were like. But this was odd. There was no mana, no...

"I asked you," The receptionist beauty asked again. "What do you call technology?"

'This system is odd. Just like Kellen. She was the one who would never give up unless her questions were answered.'

"Technology is," He answered as if talking to a person in front of him. Why was he even answering? "I mean... phones, jets, cars, electricity and..."

"He He!" Her laughter cut him off. Is this a system or a person? "What does a succubus need all those for? She can fly, glow and use telepathy. Some can even teleport." She paused to laugh again. "I've been against this mission but I think I'm going to have fun working with an idiot like you."

'What? It seems like I'll never be respected. On Earth, I was ugly. In the Succubi Realms, the weakest and this system is calling me an idiot.'

"There is no need to hate yourself." Her professional voice was back. "I'm here to help you be strong and handsome, but you will have to be brave and wise to succeed."

'This thing sounds like a human or some creature not a system.'

"Of course I'm a creature if you put it that way," she said.

'What? So she can hear my thoughts?'

"You've got that right. You don't need to open your mouth while talking to me."

'Tell me about you then!' He knew this was the first thing the characters in his novels used to ask whenever they encountered this system thing.

"Since this system is in development, our organization appointed me to be beside you in case the system fails and..." She paused like timid girls do before telling the hot guys at school that they fell for them. "And trust me, I didn't think I would interact with you this soon. You are quite interesting."

'Sounds like you're falling for me.'

"Never!" Her voice became serious again. "This system, unlike others we have, is given to the weakest person on every planet to give him what he needs to become the strongest. Names vary per planet. Yours is called Lust Booster 'cause all you need is lust."

At least now Brunos had hope. Living with beauties without the power to do anything, as he had lived on earth, had a repulsion for him. Before the night Lilyard visited him, he had been depressed by the fact that he would never marry.

Corners of his lips curled into a smile of satisfaction as he asked, "So, how are these tasks like?"

He wondered if it was fighting or invading dungeons with dragons to collect treasure. That would be his death. He prayed for storytelling. At least he would try.

"I told you the system is still in development. I mean, we know the beginning and the end. We will draw ways based on who you encounter and how you react."

'What's the beginning then?'

"Trial quest." She replied quickly. "It's about seducing..." She paused as if startled. Like a guy caught watching fuck your stepsister videos. "Forget it! You can find it in your notifications."

"So you don't like anything about seduction? Is that why you were against this mission?" Brunos said surveying the screen in front of him for the notification bar.

"I was assigned to it as a punishment," she replied. "I'm a goddess of virtue. Don't ask for more."

Brunos could sense sadness in her tone. He was about to ask when the task dashboard came into his sight.

[Trial Quest]

[Task: You are required to seduce the first female you meet after obtaining the system.

Duration: 5 minutes.

Females in the area: 11

Reward: You will keep the system.

Penalty: Losing the system.]

[The system is not for cowards. Rewards must be worked for. You must be brave and cunning to earn them. That's why we have to first test you. If you fail, you are not eligible to keep the system.]

'Eleven females?'

Brunos was rejoicing that the task seemed easy, but as soon as he saw the number of the females around the area, the joyful expression disappeared. He had been thinking he would meet Lilyon and her maid first. At least around them he could manage. But there were other females. What if he didn't meet Lilyon or Eleanor first? He would be doomed.

He didn't want to miss this opportunity.

"Hey," Trying to call that receptionist girl in his head for assistance, he found out he didn't know her name. "Hey... Hey Goddess of virtue."

"Dollian Ris!"

"Okay, Miss Ris," he teased. "May I know if there's any other alternative to the task? I'm afraid I might encounter an albaster."

"Of course you can ask for the system to give you a female from within." She explained. "But I recommend you go with the first alternative. The one system gives you is from your life. It creates a replica of a female who hates you the most and she comes with all her ill traits. I don't think you can seduce a person like that."

'A female who hates me the most? Could it be Valeria? At least she is the only female I wronged. Or...maybe... Kellen?'

This made him curious. Wasn't it a smart idea to know those who hated him the most?

"A glimpse of her please!"

Dollian told him to stay still. After three to five seconds she said, "In front of you."

When he saw the figure in front of him, he felt the pain of a spear out of smoke piercing through his flesh. There is no way he could bring himself to seduce that witch. He hadn't forgotten how painful it was the day she attacked his empire.

"Why does she hate me?" Brunos could guess it's because he killed her daughter or maybe because he conquered her kingdom and gave it to Lilyard. But she had had her revenge on them. Why would she still hold a grudge?

"Her daughter is not dead as you assumed," Dollian started explaining. "The one you killed was a maid she loved. Her daughter lives in Valinan Caves where her mom hid the day she escaped with Loris."

The whole thing felt confusing. "Straight to the point please!" Brunos gave a puppy smirk.

"Her daughter saw you flying over the Valinan valley with Valeria and fell for you. She told her mother that she would forgive her for killing her dad if she brought you to her. When the witch came and told you to marry her daughter, you refused. She used the powers in Loris to curse and lock the Succubi Realms hoping you would give up and accept her proposal. You didn't. As a result, she killed the majority of males in your empire, thinking you would change your mind. She even gave you a travel right out of the Succubi Realms to pay her a visit. Instead, you gave it to Lilyard to go on Earth."

Though it answered most of his questions, the information was too much to take in. He had been wandering why Lilyard chose to die. Now he could understand it was because of that one time travel right. Only one soul could get out and only one could replace it to come back.

Was this why Lilyon had told him he was a traitor? Did his people think he had married that witch's daughter when he suddenly disappeared for all those years?

Basing on a skinny figure in front of him, he could tell her daughter was as lifeless as her. Except for the swollen eyes and the rugby balls inside her black gown, the other thing that could tell she was a female was her hair. With the colour of darkness and long as if she was planning to make a rope bridge across an ocean from it in the future.

"Miss Ris, I'll go with first alternative."

There is no way he was going to seduce such a demon. Despite she hating him the most, where should he even touch if she allowed him to seduce her?

"OK! Go to work then. And stop..."

Brunos heard someone calling him and told Dollian to wait. A shadow of a flying bat hovered above him prompting him to look in the sky. A mixture of brown and crimson brought a smile on his face. It was Lilyon. He immediately stood up to run after her.

"Miss Ris," He said while running. "Wait for me. I have to complete the task."

"I'm within you, idiot! And stop calling me that miss thing. I'm Dollian, got it?"

Brunos had no time to argue with a goddess.

"Lilyon! Lilyon!" He ran calling.

His eyes were glued to her figure in the sky several steps ahead that he didn't realize he was approaching a steep sloped area. A few seconds later, all he felt was a fall through the bushes down a hill which was covered in tall frightening trees.

Rolliiiiing... on a branch, thud... agaiiiiin... on a stone, thud. He hit his head hard on everything he came across that he thought he was about to die.

After everything came to normal again, Brunos shot his eyes open. He gathered himself and stood up only to be greeted by a green feminine creature that stood four steps from him.

'What kind of race is this?'

She looked frightened by his presense, yet intimidating.


[Prey found. You have five minutes to go. Seduce her.]




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