

"Do you think this is a movie, Eve? You know you can never be with a Nightshade," her father shouts. "I have made up my mind, Dad," she said. Her father took a long look at her and sighed. "When you play with fire, expect to be burnt. What's forbidden is forbidden." Evelyn Gray is the last daughter of Ethan and Elena Gray, members of the Shadow Pack. Her life took a twist when she crossed paths with two men, Lucas and Albert, and eventually fell in love with Albert, a member of the Nightshade Pack, a rival pack. Evelyn must choose between the suitors her parents have arranged for her or her desire to be with Albert, who is already betrothed to Nora. When one of Evelyn’s suitors dies, it threatens to tear them apart. They have to look for a way to clear Albert’s name and uncover the secrets behind the rifts in their packs. Will their love be able to overcome the betrayals and deceits that abound or will this forbidden love lead to further feud?

Lydia_Phillips2002 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs



As I walked into the conference room, I noticed Rose was seated there with the gentleman from the elevator.

"Here is the cousin I told you about," Rose said as she stood up to greet me the second time that day, "You didn't give me a chance to explain back then." Referring to the incident in the elevator.

"Oh!" was all I could say as I looked at the gentleman. I thought the cousin was a she.

He had a little tan on his skin and was slightly built with a manly structure around him. With the way his suit fit his frame, I guessed he was in the corporate sector. Truly, he was all shades of handsome.

"I am Lucas," he said in a baritone voice as he removed his hand from his pocket to shake me. I was phased at first but then shook his hands so as not to embarrass him or myself.

"Evelyn," I said as I motioned for him to sit down.

"What a lovely place you have," he said, "just as bright as that dress you have on."

"Ohhhh flirting already," I mumbled to myself before sitting down.

I was surprised he noticed the dress though.

"His mother is human," Rose whispered to me.

"And he can hear like a werewolf," Lucas said with a smile.

"Oops!" Rose exclaimed, as we all giggled.

"It's my pleasure meeting you, Mr. Lucas," I said, "I'm sorry I didn't pay attention to you earlier on the elevator."

"No, it's fine," Lucas waved me off, "It's not every day that a man comes to get his unit fixed up. We usually leave it for Mrs."

At least he was a married man so I don't have to worry about him trying to flirt with me.

"I'm glad you chose us," I said.

"I understand you are business-inclined so no offense taken," he added, "I also take great pride in my work."

"Are you an attorney?" I quizzed.

"Wrong guess," he clicked his tongue, "I'm an investment banker. I'm sure I can show you some little tricks on how to make some extra cash on every penny you make here."

"That would be nice," I replied. "In that case, I will give you a 50% discount if you make that happen."

We were oblivious to our surroundings as Dora stepped in beside me.

"Tea or coffee please?" Dora asked Lucas.

"It's past noon," Lucas said as he looked at his wristwatch, "I would rather have a glass of whiskey for the cold."

I nodded to Dora. "Anything for you, Rose?"

"I should be heading back to the office," Rose said, "I'm not being paid to discuss decorations." I chuckled at the thought of it.

She stood up and made for the door. Dora closed the door behind her and stepped out as well to get the gentleman's order.

"What would you want us to do for you?" I asked Lucas.

"As a bachelor, I would like your professional opinion," he said.

Is he married or not? Now I'm genuinely curious

"You have to tell me what you have so we can recommend the right samples for you," I said absentmindedly.

As I sat opposite Lucas trying to understand a word of what he was saying, my mind wandered back to the memories I shared with Thomas.

Lucas had some semblance of Thomas. The way he laughed, the warmth of his hands, the curves of his jaw, and his dress sense. He was polite and looked like someone who couldn't hurt a fly. If I didn't know better, I'd say both of them were kindred spirits.

"I hope you could help out with that?" Lucas finally said.

"Huh?!" I tried to recollect myself, "Of course, I would have someone check out the condo and send you some samples."

"I have some pictures here if you don't mind," he said as he tried coming over to my side of the table with the manilla folder in his hands.

Just then my phone rang and it was my homegirl, Vivian, calling. At that moment, Dora came in with a glass of whiskey for Lucas. She received the manilla folder from Lucas.

"Just a moment please," I whispered to Lucas. I picked up the call and heard noises in the background.

I was paranoid at first but I tried to keep my cool.

"Hey, Vee!" I said a little loudly, "Are you alright?"

"Hey, girl! Thank goodness I caught you," Vee shouted.

"Are you in some kind of trouble?" I said.

"Me? Trouble? Come on!" Vee said, "I have some exciting news for you and I can't wait"

"Alright Vee," I said a bit relaxed, "So spit it out."

"Joe just proposed to me now! I just got engaged, Eve!" Veescreamed, "Right in the middle of the drizzle."

"Congrats girl! That's great news," I said feeling excited. I felt a pang of sadness hit me as well, "where are you right now? It's very noisy over there."

"We're at the wrestling stand," Vee said, "right in the rain. Can you come over please?"

Joe was an amateur wrestler who was looking for a breakthrough in the big leagues. Maybe getting married to Vee was the lead, I scoffed.

"Uhmm, Listen, Vee, I'm at work right now," I said as I held my left ear so I could focus.

"You're the boss for Pete's sake," Vee screamed, "please come over and be happy for your homegirl."

"Alright," I replied with a little enthusiasm, "I'm with a client now. Once I tidy up, I'm coming over so we can party!"

"That's the spirit!" Vee yelled. I cut the call before she could say any other thing.

"Going somewhere?" Lucas asked.

"I have to," I said with a smile, "my best friend just got engaged."

"That's great news," Lucas said, "it calls for celebration."

I just smiled. If he knew better I just wanted to find myself in my room and scream my lungs out.

"Hey listen," Lucas came closer, "my condo can wait for now. You need to go and be with your friend. This is one of the happiest days of her life and she thought to share it with you." He looked at my cleavage and said, "Moreover, your pretty dress shouldn't be hidden within the confines of this wall."

He is sweet; but so is Thomas too.

"Thank you," I muttered then looked at Dora, "Clear my schedule for the rest of the day. I might not be back."

As if I was bewitched, I stepped out of the office to the elevator.

As I drove to meet up with Vee, I felt hot tears drop down my left eye. Vee was also from a rich home. Her father owned a couple of buildings in Mooncrest. But Joe? He came from nothing and yet they've stuck together all these years. Maybe he was in it for the money, yet he stayed.

What about me? This was like my second relationship and it all ended in disappointments. Thomas was from a rich home too, so it wasn't about the money then. Maybe it wasn't meant to be or maybe he was just an asshole.

As I approached the intersection, I was so lost in thought that I didn't see the vehicle approaching from the corner. The driver slammed on the brakes in time for me to avoid the collision.

I blanked out a little but soon, a tall figure in dark shades was knocking on my window. I rolled down the window just a little to hear what he had to say.

"Ma'am are you okay?" he asked.

I nodded.

"I can call an ambulance if you're in any form of discomfort," he added.

"I'm fine," I added. I didn't want any more complications today.

"Are you sure you're okay?" he queried.

I simply rolled up my window and sped off as if nothing had happened.

I just wanted to cry in my mother's arms. Vee can wait.