
my lucky encounter from the game turned into Reality

Player_Undead · Fantasy
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302 Chs

Episode 95: A chance in a game turns into reality

25. Put on a pair (4)

"Damn it!"

Louis Fairmont, who was moving to the underground bunker of the Presidential Palace while being escorted by vanguards, swore.

The Vanguards thought that Lewis cared about the people he left behind at the party hall.

No matter how selfish he was, weren't these people who attended the party at his invitation?

"What a disgrace this is!"

However, after hearing the shouts that followed, the Vanguards had no choice but to admit that the target of their security was a person with a personality breakdown beyond imagination.

'Does your own reputation matter even in this situation?'

'You piece of trash.'

Still, I can't help it.

They were soldiers who followed orders, and Louis Fairmont was an essential figure for the future of this country, enough to invite a declaration of war from the Brigham Empire.

Of course, it would be great if Lewis' personality was as good as his importance, but is there anything in the world that is perfect?

No matter how bad Lewis was, his trump card was a treasure among treasures that could not be let go.

Therefore, the Vanguards faithfully performed their duties no matter how inconvenient it was.

"huh? "Huh!"

"Stop it!"


However, soon something unusual occurs, and Louis Fairmont and the vanguards guarding him fall into confusion... … .

"W-what!? "What on earth are you doing?"

This is because one of the Vanguard units guarding the Presidential Palace suddenly attacked Louis Fairmont and his group.

The number of Vanguards guarding the Presidential Palace is 2,000.

If 1,000 of these are on duty, the remaining 1,000 are resting and on standby.

The Vanguard unit that attacked them was a unit that should have been resting.

"You guys wake up! "There's no need to protect that damn bastard!"

"What kind of bullshit is that!? These traitors! Rep. Louis Fairmont is the future of the Republic! "What are you trying to do by attacking someone like that?"

"Our actions are for the future of the republic!"

I wondered if they were armed enemies disguised as camouflage, but after talking to them, I found out that they were actually colleagues.

"For the future of the republic!"

"For the future of the republic!"

They even shouted those words and attacked fiercely, as if they were under group hypnosis.

Even though strengthening magic was cast throughout the Presidential Palace, as many as 100 Vanguards poured out their force, everywhere was destroyed and collapsed.

-Quaaang! bang!

"Don't just attack blindly! "Explain why you're acting like this!"

"What! "I will no longer stand by and watch the corruption in this country, including the Feomont family!"

"Yes, you guys… … ."

"That's right, it means I will contribute to the revolution!"

Although I knew that the group called the Revolutionary Army was a polarizing force, I couldn't help but notice that there had been some kind of anomaly when the Presidential Palace security unit, which had been chosen with great care, turned around.

"Do you know that the criminal activities of the scum you protect are revealed in detail online? "That guy, along with the president, is a bug that is eating away at this country!"

There is no one in the presidential palace who does not know that the Fairmont rich are unclean people.

Nevertheless, protecting them was to prevent the collapse of the country.

Although there were issues with his behavior, the Republic of Prius was one of the most powerful countries in the world today, and when you lead such a huge country, all kinds of things happen.

"You're protecting him to prevent the collapse of the country? Do not be ridiculous! It is the two rich men of the Fairmont family who are causing the country to collapse! How can you honestly say that having a wild party while the Brigham Empire is pushing in at every moment is the right thing to do!?"


"If we just hand him over to the Brigham Empire, this war will easily end! "Go away!"

"what? Are these bastards trying to survive by selling the future of the republic!?"

"If you can't guarantee tomorrow, what good is the future? And I don't need the fucking Fairmont family's future!"

With their cries as if they were pouring out all their anger, Lewis's guards began to push back.

This was a difference in will rather than a difference in skill or equipment.

"How dare these traitors!"

In the meantime, Louis Fairmont memorized a spell that increased the traitors' combat power, and their attacks became more intense.

"Lewis Fairmont!!!"

Handing over Louis Fairmont to the Brigham Empire was a very simple way to end the war, as everyone knows.

However, the reason why this choice cannot be made easily is because the title of the person who obtained the legacy of Archduke Lucas was so strong.

Even though it may be difficult right now, if we get over this crisis, the Prius Republic will become even stronger.

This was the common thought of the soldiers who followed the president even during the war with the Brigham Empire.

"I can't stop it like this! "We'll be hanging around with them, so you take Representative Lewis with you!"

When Louis, frightened by the terrifying sight of the force swirling in front of his eyes and the entire presidential palace collapsing, took a step back, the superior in charge of the guard unit shouted:

"no! Stop it!"

As a result, the attacks of the Vanguards, who were referred to as the revolutionary army, became more fierce, but it was not easy to penetrate the Vanguards who were fighting to block the opponent, not to kill them.

"profit! Louis Fairmont! There will be no one on your side! "Always watch your back!"

At the commanding officer's curse-like shout, Louis Fairmont trembled and left the scene with the fewer number of escort vanguards.

"La, General Raminus! "Where is General Raminus!"

"Probably around the bunker... … ."

"Hurry up and tell them to come out and meet you!" "There is a traitor hiding among the palace vanguard!"

"All right!"

General Raminus was one of the eight Auror Masters representing the Prius Republic and a close associate of his father, Catro Fairmont.

Even during the war, there were two Auror Masters left in the Presidential Palace, and I don't know about the other one, but he was never one to do something outrageous like a revolution.

"We are taking Mr. President to the bunker and are coming to meet you right now!"

When Louis Fairmont found out that he was already moving for him, he was relieved and ran and ran through the chaotic presidential palace.

In the past, I thought this presidential palace was a bit small considering the reputation of the Republic of Prius, but when the emergency came, I thought it was too big.

There is a direct elevator from the President's office to the bunker, but it was far from the square hall where he was.

It was a mistake to set up a party hall in a separate building instead of the banquet hall in the main building in order to have fun comfortably.

But in any case, you can escape this threat as long as you reach the underground bunker.

The bunker was not only solid, but also had multiple escape methods.

"Lewis Fairmont!"


However, the traitors appeared faster than General Raminus.

About 10 Vanguards came running shouting his name.


But their attack couldn't reach Lewis.


"Oh oh! General Raminus!"

This is because Aura Master General Raminus and his subordinates appeared at the right time and killed them.

Louis was greatly relieved to see General Raminus like that.

It was as if we had already arrived at the bunker.

but… … .



As the wall of the building they were standing in burst open, a bright blue energy came over Louis.

General Raminus, embarrassed, rushed forward and blocked his path.

"It's a shame."

And the person who appeared was unexpected.

"General Nathan! "What is this?"

This is because he was the second Auror Master, General Nathan, who was stationed at the Presidential Palace along with General Raminus.

General Nathan, with his splendid red hair loose like a lion, glared at Lewis with his characteristic blood-red eyes.

General Nathan usually looked at Lewis like he was looking at a bug, and Lewis had long disliked the sight of him covered in blood, so he was able to shout out without hesitation.

"As expected, you were the traitor who incited the Vanguards! General Raminus, attack General Nathan! "He is the leader!"


General Raminus hesitated for a moment, but looking at the attack just now and the current situation, he had no choice but to admit that they were enemies, regardless of whether they were monsters or not.

Like that, General Raminus aimed his sword at General Nathan, and General Nathan, who looked like a wild beast, curled the corners of his mouth.

"Have you forgotten how to swing a sword because you've been farting at the president?"


As the battle between the two Aura Masters began, the Vanguards around them quickly dragged Lewis away.

If you got involved in a fight between Auror Masters, you could lose your life in an instant.


When the protection of General Raminus, who was like a strong wall, disappeared, Lewis had to grind his teeth.

"W-what!? "It wasn't the Brigham Empire that attacked the capital, but the National Guard of our Republic?"

And as they approached the bunker, they could see what was happening.

According to news delivered through telecommunications, the National Guard, led by Marshal Ansen, had joined hands with the revolutionary army and formed a surprise force to oust the president by cart.

In addition, Marshal Ansen is trying to sway public opinion by revealing to the public the President's and Lewis's infidelity, and it is said that many citizens are being swept up in the atmosphere of revolution.

"So the internal cracks in the Presidential Guard are also the work of Marshal Ansen, not General Nathan?"

"I guess so."

Louis gritted his teeth as he finally learned why betrayal after betrayal had occurred in succession.

If Marshal Ansen turned his back, nowhere could he be considered safe.

Even among the Vanguard currently protecting him, it was not surprising if a traitor appeared at any time.

And the vanguards who guarded him seemed to have the same thoughts, so they kept each other in check while running.


"Chief Secretary!"

How long did it run like that?

Safely reaching the elevator leading to the underground bunker, he was able to see the President's Chief of Staff coming out to meet him along with many Vanguards.

"Hurry up and board."

"Thank you!"

Since we rushed from Square Hall to here, it only took 5 minutes.

But those 5 minutes felt like an hour.

Louis Fairmont entered the elevator under the guidance of his chief secretary.

Now, when the elevator door closes, he goes straight to the underground bunker.

- Excited. Excited.

The few seconds it takes for the elevator doors to close are unusually long.

Could it be that someone steps in just before the door closes, like in a movie?

For some reason, I felt an uneasy feeling.



Fortunately, the elevator doors, which were nearly a meter thick, closed without interruption.

And with a slight sense of floating, I felt the elevator quickly descending into the basement.


Louis Fairmont finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But along with the relief, I was overcome with discomfort.

"Why do I have to go through this humiliation?"

Everyone who boarded the elevator together knew the reason except me.

But no one spoke out loud.

"Those bastards won't be able to die in peace."

And Lewis's face turned vicious with intense hostility.


A moment later, the elevator door to the underground bunker opened.

The underground bunker of the Presidential Palace was nothing special.

It was no different from a sky fortress with extremely strengthened armor planted in the ground.

However, the interior was not very spacious and consisted of a bedroom, a bathroom, and a situation room.

"Lou, Louis!"


The elevator was connected to the situation room.

Because of this, he was able to reunite with Cart Fairmont, the president of the republic and his father.

The president seemed very surprised, seeing as his complexion was dark.

However, Louis did not care about his father's expression and told him everything about the hardships he had gone through to get to this place, as if complaining.

"Do you have any measures?"

However, he had to tilt his head when he saw his father saying nothing and avoiding his gaze.


And soon Louis Fairmont realized something strange.

"Father, who are they?"

This is because inside the bunker were people whom Louis Fairmont had never seen before.

A young man with extravagantly handsome and gorgeous silver hair and blue eyes and a woman with brown hair and green eyes with eye-catching beauty and body were looking at him.

But these are obviously characters I've never seen before, so why does it look strangely familiar to me?

In addition, the mischievous smile on the mouth of the silver-haired, blue-eyed young man evoked some unexplainable discomfort.

"I thought he was a bad guy, but maybe he's just an idiot."

Adrian Lawrence, a young man with silver hair and blue eyes, said this while tapping his shoulder with the magic staff he was holding like a cane