
my lucky encounter from the game turned into Reality

Player_Undead · Fantasy
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302 Chs

Episode 232: Dream in the game becomes reality


52. Rondel's changes (3)

This is an offer I have no reason to refuse.

At least when it comes to things related to Earth, I can take Rondel's steering wheel.

"good idea. "There is no one more suitable than Prince Lawrence, who was the first to notice this situation."

In addition, Emperor Edward's proposal was a scenario that Emperor Michael also wanted, so he eagerly agreed to it.

I also nodded in response to the two people's reactions, and thus became the head of the alliance group.

"All right. "Let's do our best."

Only he himself knows what Emperor Edward was thinking when he made this suggestion.

However, his emotions expressed in Mangyeong are full of betrayal and anger.

Betrayal and anger are not emotions I would feel in the current situation, so I just took it to mean that my disappointment in the goddess was that great.

"sorry. "It seems like I just shook the hearts of the two of you for no reason."

My apology is directed to saints and saints.

As a saint, Ivril recovered surprisingly quickly and smiled bitterly.

"It was a good experience. This has solidified my thoughts even more."

She said something incomprehensible.

Currently, the five of us are standing at the top of the Goddess' Path, a sanctuary.

When I asked her what she meant, Ivril just smiled and began to walk down the Goddess' Path without any hesitation.

However, unlike Ivril, the jihadi saint could not escape the shock.

I guess it was quite a shock to see the goddess not caring about Rondel.

This is understandable as he is the head of a religious order that worships the goddess.

Rather, Ivril's reaction can be seen as too light.

"how… . What have you done... ?"

I was about to put my hand on the saint's shoulder to ask him if he was okay, but he suddenly asked me as if he was talking to himself.


The saint glared at me as I questioned what he meant.

And he questioned me.

"His Royal Highness Prince Lawrence's actions are a challenge to the Church."

Of course, all of these positions were created because of me.

So, as a minimum duty, I apologized to those who found out the unwanted truth.

But wasn't it the goddess who caused it in the first place, not me?

I was just confirming the facts with the goddess.

Can this really be called a sin?

"Does this mean that the saint should have passed without knowing what the goddess' plan was? "I don't care what damage it causes?"

"If that is the goddess' will, then of course it must be so. However, because His Majesty the Duke of Gong went too far into the matter, antipathy towards the goddess was instilled in everyone who accompanied her. This is disloyalty."

I'm sorry, but I'm not a fanatic enough to accept even death as God's will, so it was difficult to understand his way of thinking.

Thanks to this, I had to look at the saint with a puzzled expression, and Emperor Edward also expressed his discomfort, as if his thoughts were different from mine.

"That's far-fetched."

"What did you say?"

"The saint is now taking out his anger on a strict person."

The opponent is none other than the Emperor of the Brigham Empire.

Even if he was not a saint of a world-wide religious order, his remarks could not be ignored.

In the end, the saint just glared at me and began to go down the Goddess' Path, following Ivril who had gone down ahead.

'It feels like something is going to happen.'

I'm sorry to him, but I'm not what I used to be.

This means that it is not the time to fret and fuss over the saint's reaction.

I exchanged glances with the two emperors and shrugged my shoulders.

The two people also shook their heads at the sight of the saint and walked away.


Naturally, as we left the sanctuary, a loud camera shutter sound rang out.

That's right, the Goddess' Stairs is basically a sanctuary that only saints and saints can climb.

The only exception is the anecdote in which Archduke Lucas had a conversation with the goddess Ola during his lifetime, and that exception occurred again today.

Moreover, since it could be said that it was the leaders representing Rondel who had come to meet the goddess, anxiety was rising among the reporters.

"His Majesty Prince Lawrence! "What on earth is going on?"

Even though this place is a sacred place, a reporter who is a commoner cannot dare to ask questions to the king without permission.

This means that the situation felt serious to them.

When I looked at the reporter who asked the question, he flinched a lot, but soon seemed to have composed himself and asked me for an answer with unwavering eyes.

He is a reporter with a strong sense of professionalism.

I liked that look of him, so I said something I wouldn't have said before.

"It looks like there will be a big month. But don't worry too much. "I will do my best to resolve the situation amicably."

The reporters were speechless for a moment, but then the camera shutter sound rang loudly again and questions poured in from all over.

When they answered the previous reporter's question, they seemed to have let go of the reins.

"I'm sorry, but this is all I can reveal right now."

However, he no longer opened his mouth to answer their questions.

I walked along with Emperor Edward and Emperor Michael, and we returned to the original meeting hall.

* * *

"hmm… ."

"You don't like it?"

I shook my head in response to the question of Count Elfrid, who had been kidnapped by Blake and then released.

"No, I like it. However, I can't help but feel a little burdened."

We are now looking down at a huge port city from the sky.

Not only I, a member of the 9th Circle, but also Count Elfrid, head of the Brigham Empire's intelligence department, was an archmage of the 7th Circle, so it was easier to fly than to ride in a car.

So what are we doing now... .

"Do you need to feel burdened? The city is the territory ruled by Archduke Lucas. Therefore, it is natural that His Royal Highness Prince Lawrence, the official successor to the Grand Duke, will take over."

The Emperor of the Brigham Empire had decided to give me the title of former Archduke Lucas, so I was inspecting the territory.

The city located beneath our feet is 'Alcantra City', an imperial territory of the Brigham Empire with a population of 6 million.

Including the surrounding satellite cities belonging to the same region, the population easily exceeded 10 million, which was equivalent to 70% of the territory ruled by Archduke Lucas.

"His Majesty said that he hopes for your understanding as the remaining 30% of the territory has been given to the vassals of the old Archduke Lucas."

"This is enough. And of course, the vassals who helped Archduke Lucas should have that right."

Honestly, this alone is too big.

I suddenly received a large territory from the Brigham Empire, which is far away from the Dukedom that I directly rule.

The reason why the situation came to this was because while bargaining with Emperor Edward over the contract, he made an unexpected proposal.

'You yourself do not want to give up the opportunity you have gained, and our Brigham Empire is unable to let go of Archduke Lucas. Then do it like this.'

'I will inherit the position of Archduke Lucas to you. Then, since we will become part of the Brigham Empire, everything will be resolved.'

An unexpected proposal to be the duke of the Reinharts Empire and the grand duke of the Brigham Empire.

This is the method suggested by Emperor Edward as the only way to resolve this situation amicably without a major dispute.

It was such an unexpected suggestion that I was taken aback at the time.

'Although your homeland is the Reinharts Empire, you must not forget that the source of power that formed your power was created in our Bringham Empire. Surely you don't want to confront your teacher's country?'

It was not at all unheard of for one person to hold titles in two countries.

However, in this case, the other title is usually an honorary title, and in my case, both positions have great power.

Since this was an unprecedented and unconventional appointment, I thought it was bound to be talked about here and there.

However, what is puzzling is that Michael, the emperor of the Reinharts Empire, also agreed, saying it was a good idea.

So I had to ask two people.

'And what if I decide something else later?'

Excessive power concentrated on one person can cause bloodshed.

It will be a huge burden on the two imperial families in the future.

However, the two people's reaction to this was very optimistic.

'I think it would be easier since the two imperial families can work together to suppress you?'

'It means that Prince Lawrence is a bridge between the two countries, and at the same time, he is the subject of special management by both countries.'

It sounded like he was trying to use me to build a friendship, but I had no reason to refuse when he said he would give me power.

So, with the approval of the two emperors, I became the Prince of the Reinharts Empire and the Grand Duke of the Bringham Empire.

However, the reaction of the people of the Reinharts Empire was not so good.

[I think this is an act of handing over Prince Lawrence to the Brigham Empire. This is a clear mistake by the imperial family.]However, if the Brigham Empire's response was good, it was not.

[He is a person with a very strong sense of the Reinharts people, and could easily shake up the Bringham Empire from within.]The responses seemed to represent my concerns.

But, let alone the reaction of the people, it was surprising that the nobles were so quiet.

I thought there would be a little more fuss... .

The answer to this question was given by Count Elfrid.

"There are quite a few people who consider the Grand Duchy given to His Majesty Prince Lawrence to be an alliance with the Reinharts Empire."

"is it so?"

"What kind of being are nobles? I'm sure everyone has used a calculator. In the end, they decided it wasn't a bad thing. "The Reinharts Empire has great potential for growth, so we want to benefit from it."

"You are saying that from the perspective of the Reinharts Empire, you will not reject the Bringham Empire because it means you will have a strong hand?"

"That's right."

If the nobles were thinking that way and were welcoming this situation, then I was the only one caught in the middle.

If there is a problem in both countries in the future, everyone will come to me.

This will further strengthen my power, but since the two emperors are not fools, they will probably keep a close eye on me.

"Do you like the territory?"

"sure. "Just across Brave Bay via sea route is the Duchy of Lawrence. Once again, I think I have figured out the location of the Duchy of Lawrence well."

The Kingdom of Lucias lies between the Brigham Empire and the Duchy of Lawrence.

Although it may seem difficult to travel to and from my territory by land because you have to go through one country, if you use the sea, you only need to cross a bay, so it feels surprisingly not far.

"Then, please sign the document."

Therefore, I signed the estate gift document without much hesitation, and Count Elfrid sighed in relief and smiled pretty.

"It is truly an honor to meet His Majesty King Lawrence at Brigham Empire. "Actually, I've been a fan of His Majesty the King for a long time."

"Haha, thank you."

I heard that her nickname is Ice Princess or Ice Witch, but I don't know who she is, but I feel like she got the nickname wrong.

"By the way, I think I will also be assigned to the 'Rondel Peace Organization' this time. "I hope to see you often in the future."

"is it so? i look forward to."

The Rondel Peace Organization is the name of a union organization to which the two principalities of the Brigham Empire, the Rheinharts Empire, and the Rheinharts Empire belong.

It is expected that there will be a tremendous synergy effect if Count Elfrid, head of the Brigham Empire's intelligence department, is assigned Count Gregory, a member of Blue Moon's special unit.

The Rondel Peace Organization is still in the early stages of formation and has not been officially launched, but it plans to further expand its scale by attracting major countries such as the Republic of Prius and the Allied Powers of Elysia in the future.

In other words, there was no doubt that it would soon become a large union encompassing all of Rondel, like the United Nations on Earth.

'If that happens, will I be in the same position as the UN Secretary-General?'

This is it, I feel like there is too much work to do.

But what… .

I wasn't too worried.

Fortunately, I have competent subordinates and the ability to discover such competent people.

'The relationship with the Brigham Empire, which was the biggest concern in Rondel, was resolved.'

Now I just need to prepare for the future.

* * *

Branguiche's rare located in Dragonland.

Branguiche, who was in a high mood because it was soon time to visit Earth, had to frown at the unexpected visit of a guest.

"What brings you to such a shabby place, Stania?"

A huge dragon with silver scales that contrasted with Black Dragon Branguiche's main body came face to face with his lair.

The silver dragon named 'Stania' was one generation older, so no matter how strong the dragon's personal tendencies were, it had no choice but to show courtesy.

There was no separate class or status among dragons, so he was a gangster.

[I heard you often go in and out of human countries these days, right?]Therefore, I couldn't help but feel nervous when the human nation was mentioned by the older man.

"Jae, I found an interesting friend."

[friend?]A voice full of absurdity.

However, Branguiche had no hesitation in calling humans his friends.

Dragons forming relationships with humans have happened many times in the past.

[Well, I guess it doesn't matter.]Fortunately, Stania did not find fault with this.

In the first place, the only reason I brought up the topic of human society to Branguiche was to ask him about his current situation.

In other words, it means that the business is separate.

[There is something you need to do.]"yes? Me? "I'm busy."

[What can you do if it's because you didn't show up to the meeting recently? These are the rules of the few dragon clans, so follow them.]In response to Stania's response telling him to shut up and listen, Branguich eventually pouted his mouth in dissatisfaction and waited for the next words to come.

[The goddess's situation seems unusual. I think He is planning to do something to Rondel. Since you seem to have deep ties to human society, please find out what was going on in secretly approaching the saint and the saint.]However, the request he made as an instruction happened to be related to the work he was doing.