
my lucky encounter from the game turned into Reality

Player_Undead · Fantasy
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302 Chs

Episode 209: Dreams in the game become reality


48. Arrangements just in case (3)

Benjamin was taken aback by the sight of Adrian suddenly barging into his room and starting to drag him somewhere as he spent the day helplessly.

"Oh, Your Highness? "Where are we going?"

Adrian smiled like a playful boy, saying he would know when he got there, and Benjamin, who found it difficult to ask the same question, secretly looked at the faces of the group he was with.

'I've seen it a few times. Was he definitely the strongest swordsman in Rondel?'

The first thing that caught my eye was Blake, a dark elf with a skin tone close to gray.

A person who can cut a sky fortress in two just by swinging a sword from a distance.

Benjamin, who was frightened when his sharp eyes inadvertently turned towards him, quickly averted his gaze, and where he turned his gaze, there stood Celine, a pretty woman with red hair and red eyes.

She looked at Benjamin looking at her with a puzzled expression, but since there was nothing good about threatening Adrian's acquaintance for no reason, she had to laugh awkwardly.


There is no man who wouldn't fall in love with that smile.

If I were to choose the most beautiful person here, it would be Arcia, but Celine's beauty was no exception.

Although it was his first time seeing the woman, Benjamin thought that the woman who smiled at him was definitely a good person with a good heart.

However, as if to pour cold water on Benjamin's sentiments, the bug he encountered the most in Gongwang Castle started giggling and started talking.

"That woman is a devil worshiper. "A true servant of the devil who will cut off your head as soon as the church finds you."

Benjamin showed disbelief and said he couldn't believe it.

Bug asked Celine to take a good look and asked a meaningless question.

"Selene, if you're a devil worshiper, have you ever kidnapped people?"

"It's not that I don't have experience, don't get me wrong. I'm not some crazy pervert who kidnaps random people. "All I did was kidnap someone to suit my purpose or to open the lid on those who looked down on me."

"Huh… … ."

Benjamin swallowed a sigh of relief at Celine's answer.

I once again realized that Rondel is a place where you should not judge people based on their appearance.


So Benjamin quietly followed Adrian with his mouth shut, and after a while.

The surrounding scenery changed along with the dizziness unique to spatial movement.

And what caught my eye was a pure white space.

A place that gives off a completely different world view than the one you were just walking through.

At the center of the space was a large device whose purpose was unknown, and Adrian approached it and began operating it.



As if the light of the world had been turned on and off in an instant, I had been moved to a place I had never seen before.

The place changed from a white space that was easily over 500 pyeong to a small room that could easily fit two large beds.

Until then, Benjamin had no other thoughts.

However, as soon as I left the door connected to that room, my eyes widened.

"W-No way, not here."

A building of a familiar style.

Home appliances from familiar brands.

Even people wearing familiar clothes.

"I can't stay long. But it will be enough time to relieve your longing."

Benjamin, who was highly exalted, asked, holding Adrian's hands as if folding them.

An eager expression and restless behavior.

Adrian smiled and nodded.

"that's right. It's Earth. "The two people here are my parents who gave birth to me and raised me on Earth."

At the same time, Adrian said briefly, 'Is your son here?' and pointed to a middle-aged Asian man and woman serving drinks.

"Oh, oh oh oh!"

Benjamin clenched his fists and cheered.

I burst out with joy at the fact that I had finally returned to my hometown.

"Hey, why is that person like that?"

Adrian's parents were puzzled because none of the people from another world who had appeared with their son had shown such a dramatic reaction.

"They are people from Earth who came into our world. He is from Singapore, and he says he fell into the sea and when he woke up, he was Rondel. So I was protecting him."

"Well... … . "It must have been a lot of trouble."

After hearing the situation, Adrian's parents, who have high empathy, felt sorry for Benjamin and gave him a can of Coke, Blake's favorite.

However, despite that insignificant action, Benjamin once again said, 'Oh! I exclaimed with admiration, 'Cola!'


He emptied the Coke in one shot with an extremely happy expression, and Adrian spoke to his Earthly parents.

"We have a place to go for a short appointment. "I'll be back soon."

"okay? It's a shame. come fast."


And Adrian took only Benjamin and used space travel somewhere.

For Benjamin, it was the third time he experienced the sensation of moving in space today.


The two appeared on the rooftop of a building with an impressive open view from a 30-pyeong apartment, which is narrower than Gongwangseong.

A group of people were waiting on the rooftop in advance.

What was unusual was that everyone except one person was sitting in a wheelchair.

"It's been a while, so take off your translation ring. "It's a place where you can communicate even if you try to communicate in English."

"Oh, I understand."

Benjamin took off the translation ring he was wearing at Adrian's suggestion.

"It's a miracle!"

Regardless of the conversation between the two, Adrian and Benjamin suddenly appeared with a flash of light, and the people gathered on the rooftop looked very surprised.

However, the man in the center of the situation was not embarrassed, but approached Adrian and politely treated him.

Even though Benjamin was from Singapore, he immediately recognized who the man was.

"I was waiting."

He was none other than Choi Young-seok, the head of Daehan Electronics, a global IT dinosaur company.

However, Adrian did whatever he wanted, as if he had no interest in the other person's status.

"First of all, I want to help you meet the Singaporean woman who asked you to find her before."

When Benjamin took off the translation ring and realized that Adrian was speaking Korean fluently, he felt that he was from the same world.

Even though I couldn't understand what was being said in detail, I felt like I was the topic of the conversation.

"Already, I have found the person you mentioned and placed him on standby in the decorated parlor downstairs."

"Okay, then please guide this person. "Don't do stupid things like surveillance or wiretapping just to get information, and don't be a bother to that woman."

"of course. "How dare you do such a thing against the Almighty?"

Choi Young-seok's reaction was like a priest facing the Lord.

Benjamin expressed doubt as he saw the head of Daehan Electronics approaching him, and Adrian gestured with his chin to follow him.

Then a memory appeared in Benjamin's mind.

One day, Adrian asked me to write down my sister's information.

Benjamin followed Choi Young-seok, placing his hand near his heart, which had begun to beat with a feeling of insecurity.

And after a while.

A very luxuriously decorated reception room appeared on the floor just below the rooftop.



There, he was able to reunite with his younger sister.

Seeing the two people like that, Choi Young-seok spoke fluently in English.

"We have prepared a variety of refreshments over there. Please have a comfortable conversation while eating."

"Okay, thank you."

When Choi Young-seok withdrew, only Benjamin and his younger sister Amy remained in the living room.

"Where on earth have you been all this time!?"

Benjamin also answered with tears in his eyes in response to the watery question mixed with rebuke and longing.

"It's long."

"But tell me. "I will listen."

Benjamin expressed his gratitude to Adrian for providing this opportunity and began to tell his sister about what he had experienced.

* * *

Through Mangyeong, I looked into the faces of the people gathered by Choi Young-seok.

Different races, different ages.

However, the number of people seems to be limited to just 10 people.

I thought there were too few people.

[Andrew Rothschild] [Austin Rockefeller] [Arhaan Kennedy].



The three closest white people had family names that could not be ignored.

The Rothschild family, who always appear in conspiracy theories, the oil magnate Rockefeller family, and the Kennedy family, a famous tragic political family... … .

That wasn't all.

The faces of the people standing behind the three could not be ignored.

The son of a Saudi prince and an Indian prime minister, the wife of the French president, a close associate of the Russian president, etc.

Once again, we have selected enough members as extracts to make you think that it was a good decision to choose Choi Young-seok.

Honestly, it's amazing how they brought this many people together in one place.

He was not the head of a global dinosaur company for nothing.

'I guess they must have been scared of the great disaster, seeing as there is a person with a disability in such a famous family.'

Maybe it's natural.

Due to the great disaster, many countries were destroyed and many people died.

Just like Choi Young-seok, the great disaster did not regard him as rich.

"Are you sure you can treat us?"

Most of these people suffered after-effects from the disaster, but some also suffered from common illnesses.

But what was clear was that everything was within the treatable range.

I approached Arhaan Kennedy, who was paralyzed from the waist down at a young age.

The reason I chose him as my first target was because he asked me if treatment was possible.

I thought it would be better to show him in person rather than explain at length in words, so I used the 8-circle Revive magic on him.


Dazzling light and a colorful magic circle encroached on the rooftop of the building.

It was a sight that could have caused chaos on the ground, but since magic had been deployed around them in advance to block vision, only those involved were able to enjoy the splendor of the magic.


People all exclaimed in exclamation at the mysterious energy and visual effects that gave them a sacred feeling.

And after a while, I grabbed Arhan Kennedy's arm and said,

"Your strength will also increase, so you won't have any difficulties in your daily life right away. But don't forget to exercise regularly."

Soon he, who was sitting in a wheelchair and giving me more intense gaze than anyone else, stood firm.

"Ah, I feel it. "I got my senses back."

Arhaan Kennedy continued to express his gratitude, shedding tears of joy.

"thank you! thank you!"

When he got up and started walking as if nothing had happened, the expressions on the faces of the people who had been skeptical changed completely.

Additionally, intense eyes were directed at me.

I left Arhaan running around cheering and started treating people one by one.

It didn't take long to treat all 10 people.

However, compared to the short time spent, the effect was dramatic, and my perception of them was... … .

"Ah, great saint."

He became a saint.

I said that to them.

"I don't want my existence to be known to the outside world yet. And don't forget that the treatment is not free. "The treatment was carried out to obtain continued help from you."

"of course! Say anything! "I will do my best to help you!"

The earnestness they had turned into trust in me.

The number of people I have treated is only 10, but the power I have gained from them is at an incredible level, regardless of whether they are in politics or business.

"Then I would like to ask you a favor right now. You all know that an island has risen between China and North Korea. Please help them as much as you can to prevent anyone from harming the island. "That island is a place I promised to protect."

"All right."

They accepted my request without comment.

"great. Then I will come back in 3 days. We'll give you the same treatment then, so bring three people each who need treatment. Of course, people who will help me. "You are my helpers from now on."

People bowed their heads, wondering if it was okay.

It seems they have completely decided to treat me like a saint.

"Oh, is it over already?"

My first helper, Choi Young-seok, who had taken Benjamin downstairs, approached me.

Since all of the people he had carefully selected and brought with him had completely recovered, he looked surprised and impressed as if he had expected something like this to happen.

"Please bring 10 people next time."

"Is that okay?"

"Instead, I would like to bring in Koreans as the center. "I think this will be our base of activity."

"Yes, I will."

And as a generous gift, I gave everyone a ring that improves vitality, strength, and agility.

"Strength in my whole body!"

"Don't rely too much on tools, and take off your rings when exercising."

"Haha, I understand."

The artifact was a treasure worth a thousand pounds for those who had just gotten out of bed.

Everyone laughed in delight as they felt the effects of the artifact.

For those who spend their days helplessly, they may feel like they have become superheroes.

"Even if it doesn't help me, there are probably people you want to treat. Please note that we will also make time to provide treatment to those people once a month."

"Is that true?"

The statement that he would periodically treat his acquaintances meant that he would completely recognize them as his own.

Having recruited the world's leading conglomerates and politicians, I launched myself into the air.

"Please tell my group. "I will return to my original location in 20 minutes."

"all right."

With this, I have finished creating my companion.

I left behind those people who seemed to be praying for me while I was floating in the air, and used the teleport to return to my house in Bucheon.

From now on, I'm going to do an experiment with bugs.