
my lucky encounter from the game turned into Reality

Player_Undead · Fantasy
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302 Chs

Episode 177: Dream in the game becomes reality


42. Dragonland (3)

The pure white space was quite large, but it was too narrow to contain the area I explored on Earth.

It is about the size of a soccer field and about 40 to 50 meters high.

All that was visible in the white space on all four sides was the entrance we came in through, a door with no clue as to where it led, and a device that appeared to be a controller rising in the center.

"Adrian, come here."

Blake called out to me as I stood still and looked around blankly.

His voice was full of questions, it seemed like there was something unusual about the controller.

I massaged my temples.

And then I walked away, shaking off the emotions I had been struggling with.

"What does this look like a device for?"

I looked at the controller with a magnifying glass.

[???? / Relic]-No information available online and in Lucas Library.

-As a result of analyzing the era, it is assumed to be an item from the mythical era.

-It has the function of absorbing and accumulating magical power or divine power, and is expected to exert very powerful abilities with the accumulated energy.

-The magic circle connected to the artifact is spread throughout the space and is shaped to amplify the signal.

-The artifact is operable without any signs of damage, and there is a high possibility of guessing its purpose when operating it.

-Red Mithril 72%, Orichalcon 11%, Tourmaline 7%, Mercury 4%, ??? 4%

There are many things that even Archduke Lucas does not know about items from the mythical era.

So, this is how I felt when I first discovered the Holy Sword, one of my current weapons.

Just by looking at it, 11% of a piece of iron that could weigh hundreds of kilograms is orichalcon, an amount that is beyond imagination.

This meant that it contained at least tens of kilograms of Orharcon.

Even if you sell just that, it will cover the entire annual national budget.

'Is this the first time a question mark has appeared on the material?'

And in terms of materials, Mangyeong, who was able to perfectly distinguish even those from the mythical era, such as red mithril and white metal, included 4% that he could not identify for the first time.

'If you have the ability to accumulate energy, you will need a medium to store it.'

Perhaps the 4% question mark is for energy storage purposes like magic stones.

Among the magic stones in this world, the one with the greatest value is Dragon Heart.

It would not have been difficult to obtain a dragon heart in the mythical era when monsters abounded, so there may be more than just a dragon heart lying dormant.

"First of all, it appears to be an item from the Elyos clan. "I see that it absorbs not only magical power but also divine power."

"Well, you can tell just by looking at the atmosphere of the facility. "It's a pure white space everywhere. It's a place where demons would get motion sick."

I told him the materials the controller was made of.

"In the end, it means winning. But in my opinion, this facility itself is unusual. "It's the first time I've seen the entire facility give off the vibe of an artifact like this."

He may know more about artifacts from the mythical era than Archduke Lucas.

This can be seen as his privilege as he has the authority to move freely in Dragon Land.

"Once you take this controller apart and sell it, you can make a lot of money."

At my words, Blake laughed and asked, "Why are you like this?"

"Artifacts are most valuable when they are in the form of artifacts. It's not even a junk shop, so why would they disassemble it and sell it? "How does it work so well?"

That is correct.

In the first place, there is no way he was short on money as he gave dragon byproducts as a gift to someone who saw them for the first time.

What he wanted was an artifact from the mythical era, not a resource.

I laughed out loud and then asked him with a serious expression.

"Then may I investigate this artifact in more detail?"

"I understand. "I'll leave it to you."

I walked over to the controller and placed my hand on it.

Then a hologram appeared, and the corresponding information message appeared.

[The device's energy has been completely discharged. It will take another 90 days to fully charge.] [Due to its age, the device can operate for 2 minutes and 8 seconds with one day (24 hours) of charging.]The mana in the air that the artifact is currently absorbing is at a frightening level.

If this is the case in Dragon Land, where mana is dense, it seems that it will take longer to recharge in a normal city.

"It's too inefficient to be a simple illusion magic?"

Of course, it is not just an illusion as the illusion magic is close to being completely real.

However, since it is an artifact that requires 90 days of charging to operate for only 3 hours, it goes beyond common sense.

After all, aren't the artifacts from the mythical era completely over-technology even by current Rondel standards?

I wondered if the charging speed would be faster if I poured some of my magical energy into the device, but I decided against it.

Considering the amount of magical energy the device was absorbing, it seemed difficult to have a significant impact no matter how much magical energy I poured into it.


I played around with it to find out its exact purpose.

Then, when the hologram displayed a new image, both eyes opened wide.

[1][2]There were two spheres floating below the numbers 1 and 2, which were the shapes of Rondel and the Earth.

How many people from Earth are completely familiar with the entire map of the Earth?

But this Earth was in perfect shape.

Although my memory is vague, I did not feel the slightest sense of incongruity in this map.

Whether it was a complex country like Indonesia or the Philippines, or the numerous islands that exist in the southern part of the Korean peninsula, they were perfect forms that would be difficult to create even if I searched through my memories.

What this means... … .

"Was Earth's information entered in the first place?"

This means that the Earth is not a completely isolated place, but a place recognized by Rondel.

Well, the constellations of the two worlds match.

Considering that people from Earth like me, Archduke Lucas, and Benjamin exist on Rondel, I can only assume that the two planets are related in some way.

Thanks to this, I began to think that this device was not simply an illusion.

I've tried various things since then.

"That's very unfriendly. Can't there be an explanation somewhere?"

The controller was only a device for operation, and there was no explanation anywhere on how to operate it.

Does it feel like playing a game without a tutorial?

I was touching various things like that... .

[With the current charge level, transmission to area 2 is possible for 2 seconds. Do you want to start sending?]When I touched the globe, I could see the above text.

I thought about it for a moment, but then touched the message window with a determined expression.



In an instant, the surrounding scenery changed.

The house on Earth where we had been staying just now came into view.

"uh? son?"

My mother, whose eyes were swollen and swollen, must have been crying because I had suddenly disappeared, looked up at me again with a surprised expression.

I said this to my mother.

"I will definitely come back."

"Sleep… … ."

And then we returned to the pure white space.

Apparently, the 2 second transmission time refers to the time spent on Earth.

"Adrian! If you do something, you have to say you are doing it! "You were surprised!"

Blake protested to me with an embarrassed look.

But I had to look at him with a dumbfounded face.

"This seems real."


"I don't think it's an illusion."

Blake and Arcia widened their eyes at that.

"Do you think we really went to Manuel's hometown?"

I nodded loudly with an expression of encouragement at their reaction.

"I don't know the principle, but it seems that way."

"You thought this was a fantasy, right? "Why did you suddenly change your mind?"

"Of course we can't be 100% sure. But that is the situation."

Blake seemed puzzled by my words and pointed to the door we entered through.

"I continued to feel the presence of that door even on Earth?"

"What if only the body remained here and only the spirit passed on?"

"Just the spirit? "For all that, the sensations I felt there were very vivid."

"Some ghost-type monsters exert physical force even though they have no substance. "It's not impossible."

The Roadmaster's ability to control the body was so excellent that he may have been aware of his body even though his mind had passed to the other world.

In reality, Arcia and I didn't feel anything like a door.

"Isn't it simply your hope?"

"Considering the amount of energy this artifact uses, it's not strange at all. It only lasted 2 seconds, but the energy consumed in those 2 seconds was similar to the total amount of magical power I possessed. "It's enough magic to run fifteen 9th-circle spells at the same time."

"Well, the energy consumption is definitely excessive."

Even Man-kyung had a similar opinion to me.

[Dimensional transmission device??? / Relic]First of all, this is just an incomplete guess, but Blake sighed deeply at my remark.

"If that is true... … ."

His complexion darkened.

The reason is obviously because it reminds me of Archduke Lucas.

First of all, this device is not a complete dimensional transfer device.

It's just a short stay.

However, that alone would have relieved much of Archduke Lucas' longing for his hometown.

Then, wouldn't it have been possible to live a life a little more for yourself, rather than a life devoted to research?

I also became solemn at his reaction.

Somehow, I feel like Archduke Lucas has gone through all the hardships and I'm just skipping the sweet part.

"I wish I had discovered this sooner."

Just as I felt sorry for Archduke Lucas, Blake also felt sorry for Archduke Lucas.

Even if this device did not allow a complete return to Earth, the genius Archduke Lucas would have put it to good use somehow.

Maybe I could have returned to Earth through this.

"If that's what you said, I guess I'll have to think about how to use this. "It's a bigger deal than I thought."

I couldn't help but nod my head at his sentiments.

Afterwards, I continued to tinker with it, but I couldn't find any special additional features other than being able to select a movement area on Earth.

"What on earth is this facility for?"

"well? "If you look further, you will find the answer."

I let go of the controller.

Then a question suddenly occurred to me... … .

"Wouldn't the dragons notice if I sucked in magic power at this rate?"

In response to my question, Blake said to wait a moment and went out through the doorway, but returned not long after.

"I couldn't feel anything wrong outside. "I don't think anyone will be caught using this device."

If you are a roadmaster who is sensitive to energy, then yes.

I was greatly relieved.

It's a connection to my hometown that I somehow obtained, so it can't be taken away by a dragon.

"And actually, even if they knew, they wouldn't move."

"is it so?"

"Yes, dragons are more lazy than you think."

"When the demons descended, didn't they always appear and fight?"

"That's because the longer you wait, the more troublesome the situation becomes. "Only the dragons who lose at rock-paper-scissors step forward."

It feels like the dragon's image is somehow broken.

"The only time a dragon becomes active is when a hatchling (young dragon) is killed. "Your country's ancestors experienced that anger firsthand."

"ah… … ."

There was a time when the Croisen Empire and the Reinharts Kingdom were tied together under the name of the Empire of Calvados.

However, that country was famous for being destroyed overnight by the dragon's wrath, and it was because of hatchlings.

"Now, let's get out of here and look over there, right?"

Blake pointed to a door other than the entrance.

The door was bigger, not smaller, than the door that was open when we came in.

When Arsia and I nodded that we understood, Blake hummed and took the lead.

The device that Mangyeong arbitrarily named 'Dimensional Transmission Device' was amazing, but it was not the type of artifact Blake wanted in the first place.

What he wanted was something that an individual could possess and use, like my holy sword.

"What about the trap?"

"Can not see."

"good. Then open it?"

And we headed to the next room.

What appeared next was a much larger space than the previous room.

However, the scenery there was completely different from our guess.

"what's this?"

What spread out before my eyes was a forest.

A forest that makes you wonder what it would feel like if the Garden of Eden existed in reality.

There are trees with fruit hanging here and there, a valley with infinitely clear water, and even animals that I have never seen before running around in such a forest.

It was a beautiful place, almost like a painting.

Who would have imagined that there was a place like this underground?

"The energy of the fruits growing throughout the forest is extraordinary."

"yes? "What do you mean?"

"It's all elixir. They are all excellent elixirs. "I think this place was like a recovery room for the Elyos."

I swallowed dryly as I heard Blake's story.

The representative elixir is Dragon Heart, but since no one has tried it, I'll pass.

One of the best elixirs in Rondel is gentian flower.

The roots look like mandragora, but Gentian flowers have white grass and red fruits and produce 2 to 3 fruits at a time.

However, I have heard quite a few stories about knights who ate the fruit becoming Aura Masters.

There are so many elixirs that neither Arcia nor I have tried yet.

"If we eat it, will it have any effect?"

"You too will see the results."

"What effect?"

"You increase your magical power and aura, and you take a step closer to the next level."

"You can't go beyond the border?"

"That's impossible unless you eat dragon heart. First of all, that alone is a huge effect. And since I am able to maintain a long lifespan thanks to the elixirs of Dragon Land, it will be greatly effective in extending my lifespan and maintaining youth."

If nothing else, I was impressed by the extension of lifespan and the maintenance of youth.

There are plenty of people who would hang themselves for that alone.

'If you use these elixirs well, you can greatly increase the quality of your subordinates.'

Next, I looked at animals I had never seen before, running around here and there.

Their characteristic is that they are all cute.

"They are divine beasts. "These are the guys you can often see deep in Dragon Land."

However, Blake did not attach much importance to animals.

"The best you can do is tame it and make it a pet. That puppy-looking guy over there turns into a wolf when his owner is in danger. It looks grand, but its combat power is only that of three ogres."

Isn't that great enough?

Even high-ranking knights could not fight ogres alone without Vanguard equipment.

Isn't it the best dog to guard the house?

I need to take a few with me.