

All of humanity gets teleported to a world called Domainia. Along with everyone John was also teleported. His life was not a very good one so he sees this as an opportunity to make his life better while also fighting for it.He gained three op skills and two new friends on the way.Will he make more friends or will the three of them do it by themselves.Will they become the most powerful people in Domainia and possibly return to their world?Read and find out. (This story might and I said might have a girl.So if you came here expecting some lovey dovey type stuff in this book there is none.) [I changed the cover,so if your the owner of the cover just contact me if you want me to take it down] ♤folded_water1has been the first person to give a power stone so their name will be here forever♤

Apocalyptic_Writer · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Made the Vice Leader of Suicidal Tyrants Ch 6

'Are you really asking me this'

'I know it's a lot but can you please take me in'

'Ugh fine but don't take me for a push over'

'Really, you're not screwing with me right'

'No I'm not joking, but I'm not going to take you now, I'm doing something at the moment's

'THANK YOU,You dont know how much this means to me'

'Alright Michael ,see you soon.But know this I'm not going to be responsible if you die.'

^John had a reason for taking Michael in.He now had a person to do the things he didn't want to do.The good thing is that

With that John exited the friend chat.

John needed to upgrade his base if he was going to take Michael in.

He placed his hand hand on his wooden house.

[Would you like to upgrade you wooden:Cost 2000 would and 1050 stone]

John answered yes and stepped back.

A pleasant light enveloped the house

[Process will be done in 2 minutes]


John stood there and watched the count down.

^Two minutes past by on an instant^

[ Process complete,House upgraded]

As the light dissipated John saw his new house.

It was like a those 2 story wooden houses that you see in those horror movies, with the deranged couple.

"This looks so f*cking cool"John said out loud while admiring his new and improved house.

John headed inside,the interior was very spacious.

The bed was nowhere to be see.As a matter of fact the whole room was different.

There was a a new room,stairs leading to the second floor,there was also a a huge ass table in the middle of the room.

After searching there room and seeing nothing hidden he headed to the to the extra room.

In one corner of room had a big grill, it was big as a normal stove.In the other corner of the room was the table that was originally in the living room.On top of the table was many varieties of dry spices.Above the table was a small cabinet..Upon opening it John could see 2 small knives,about 6 wooden plates staked on top of each other and about 6 cups also stacked on each other.

"I can't believe that this all came from just one upgrade.I wonder what will happen when I upgrade it again."John thought

"Ok lets check the second floor"John said while

going up the stairs.

Upon almost reaching the end of the stairs,John could see the faint glimmer of light coming from the top.

When he stepped of the stairs he could see that the source of the light was two lamps that hung from the ceiling.

He could also see three doors that seemed to be leading to different rooms.

Upon opening the first door John could see a simple bed,one table two chairs and a lamp hanging from the ceiling.

The second room was an identical copy of the first room.

John approached the third door upon opening he saw it was empty.

John entered the room and looked around in confusion.

He was half expecting this room to be another bedroom.

"Ohh well...there's only two of us anyway"

He closed the door and headed downstairs.

"Open friend chat"

The blue transparent screen appeared and on it was a circular image that had Michael's face on it.

John clicked on the image and the blue screen got distorted a little and his talk with Michael earlier appeared.

'Michael I'm coming for you now,so pack your sh*t and get ready'

In no time Michael replied.

'Ok I'm going to get ready now'

'Michael I forgot to ask you,what did you get from the chest under your bed'

'I got a pair of twin blades and a pouch of watermelon seeds.l'


John opened the door and headed out.

He0 had many plans in mind that they could work on together.

The only problem is Michael's level.If he was going to stick around he couldn't be level zero forever.John was lucky to have enough resources to upgrade his house.(Guys I forgot how many resources he has.I wrote it down in my story book with all the chapters but I can't find the damned thing.So expect some mixed up numbers)


John walked for twenty minutes and finally reached Michael's house.

He could see Michael outside waiting on him.

"YOU ready to go ?" he asked

"Yes but what do with my old house,I was thinking we strip it down for resources"Michael replied.

"Yeah we could do that,but it would have to be tomorrow,now come on"John said turning around and started walking.

"Ok John"Michael responded while walking fast to catch up to John


Twenty minutes later they both reached reached John's house.

Seeing the wall surrounding John's house Michael couldn't help but be amazed.

"If this is the progress he made in only two day's what will happen in the next two days or even tomorrow.Im glad I made the right choice in teaming up with him.I can only hope he isn't one of those people who make their parter risk there lives"Michael thought.

"Stop there for a moment"John called out.

Michael was so distracted that he didn't hear John.


Michael had hit his face on something super hard.The problem was that he hadn't seen anything in front of him.

"SH*t!!" he groaned.

He looked at John to see he was trying not to laugh.

"What hit me,cause I'm sure nothing was there"he asked

"It was the barrier that protects my house,I tried to warn you but I guess you didn't hear me"John said.

Michael nose was bleeding a little.He used his shirt to stop the bleeding by holding down on his nose.

"Hiw am I supposed to get in if this stupid barrier won't let me in ?"Michael asked.

"I dont know.Maybe this will do something"John said while grabbing Michael's hand.

The blue message board appeared.

[Michael Powell Level:0 Ststus:Bleeding nose

(Would you like to team up with Michael (Y/N)

"Seems like it works"John thought while clicking on YES.

[Permanent (Y) Temporary (Y) Exit (Y) ]

He clicked on permanent.

[Are you sure (Y/N)]

He clicked on Yes.

[You have teamed up with Michael POWELL making him the first member of your group.As the first member of your group he has been made the VL(Vice leader).You have been made the leader of your group.To upgrade your group to a GUILD you must have twenty members.Please chose a name for your group,It will be permanent until your group upgrades to a GUILD.(Input Group Name)]

"Ugg how about Suicidal Tyrants.....No tha-"before John could finish his sentence a message appeared.

[You have selected Suicidal Tyrants as your group's name.....Completed]

"F*ck.....I didn't even get to come up with a different name"He grumbled.

[YOU have joined the group Suicidal Tyrants.As the first member you are appointed as VL(Vice leader).]

"Vice Leader...really that's awesome

This was the message that appeared in front of Michael.

"Try entering now"John said while letting go of Michael's hand and stepping to the side.

"Ok"Michael answered.

He walked forward and stretched out his hand that had a little blood on it.As his hand came in contact with the barrier his hand fazed right through.

Remember this is just a story.

Apocalyptic_Writercreators' thoughts