
Chapter 5: Seductive Touch

It was a little after eight at night when Silvana tiptoed out of her house. Before Amelia had left, she had helped to make Silvana look dazzling with a sage green wool dress, black stockings, and knee-high brown boots.

“I’m going to make you look irresistible,” Amelia had said, brushing mascara onto Silvana’s eyelashes.

Silvana was so excited she hardly felt the pain from her wounds as she clipped her seatbelt and drove off onto the highway. The lights from the city buildings gleamed as she sped by.

Would Bruce even be home? She hoped he would.

The drive was fast but felt like forever, and as Silvana pulled off the highway and into the gravel driveway inside the forest that Bruce lived in, she second guessed herself that she was arriving at the correct place.

As she stuck her car into park she heard a loud rustle in the leaves nearby, and saw a slender gray wolf with amber streaks in its coat rush into the woods.

It was gone as soon as it came, so Silvana thought nothing of it.

With a dry throat Silvana got out of her car and walked to Bruce’s front door with a small box of chocolates from Amelia. The lights in the house were off.

Still, she went to knock then stopped herself.

“Hey Bruce, remember me?” She rehearsed, trying to steady the nervousness in her voice.

“No, that won’t work,” she mumbled to herself.

“What about,” she whispered, “I wanted to say thank you for saving my life.”

“That’s perfect!” she thought. Then she would hand him the chocolates, smile seductively, and offer to check on him.

She took a deep breath and went to knock again.

But before her knuckles could rap on the door, it flung open and Bruce stood before her, shirtless, with bags under his eyes as if he hadn’t slept since their last encounter.

Silvana yelped and wanted to stick to her script, but got sidetracked counting the number of abs Bruce had, and tracing the mighty veins down the muscles of his arms.

“It’s late,” Bruce said with a voice that made Silvana shudder. “And you shouldn’t be here.”

Silvana noticed that he still hadn’t tended to the scratches on his back. What had he been doing all this time?

She handed him the box of chocolates and gathered her courage. She had this one shot and couldn’t screw it up! So she said, fixing a sexy smile on her face, “This is a little thank you gift for saving my life.”

Bruce took the box, didn’t so much as glance at it, and said, “No problem. Now leave.”

He began to close the door.

“Wait!” Silvana exclaimed with a raspy, disappointed voice.

Bruce hadn’t felt much pain when the evil spirit slashed him with an axe, but he felt the most unbearable pain at the sound of Silvana growing upset. Although he’d been insanely busy since the carnival attack, Silvana had been on his mind nonstop. He would try and get work done and his mind would flash to the cups of her black lace bra, and how he wanted to tear it off her. He thought about how right it felt to have her in his bed, him standing guard and watching over her.

He thought about how he had about a thousand things to get done, but the only thing he wanted to do was toss Silvana onto his bed and lift up her dress.

He grit his teeth. The hardest part was that he now had her scent, and he could smell the lust from her. She wanted the same thing.

Maybe something even kinkier.

Bruce kept the door opened and allowed her to speak.

“You’ve still got open cuts,” Silvana said, reaching for Bruce’s shoulder. He recoiled and she wavered, but then he caved and let her touch him. Silvana couldn’t believe the strength in only his shoulder, and she had to stop herself from lunging on top of him and leading him back to the bed he had unbuttoned her shirt in.

“Please, Bruce,” Silvana said timidly, and with real care. “Let me take care of you like you took care of me.”

Bruce inhaled sharply and stepped aside.

The two entered the home and Bruce led them through dark hallways. Silvana tried to keep up but stubbed her toe on a heavy moving box.

“Sorry,” she said. “Do werewolves not believe in lights or something?”

Bruce flicked a switch. The hallway lights came on and Silvana saw that the hallway was filled with labeled moving boxes. Was Bruce leaving already? They had only just met!

“Forgive me,” Bruce chuckled, putting his big hand on Silvana’s back to see if her foot was okay. As she nodded he said, “We can see in the dark. Keeping the lights off saves money, and we need every cent we can get right now.”

He instantly regretted saying all that. He had told a witch about a weakness, and had broken werewolf code without even thinking about it.

Then again, he was breaking all sorts of code just by having Silvana inside his house, or by saving her life in the first place.

“I’m sorry to hear,” Silvana said. “Is there anything I can do?”

“Sure,” Bruce said, leading her into his bedroom and closing the door behind her. His mind wandered and he thought about how hard she could take him, and if the bed would break if they both released themselves to each other’s passions.

“Help me by never mentioning any of this,” Bruce said.

Silvana gulped, thinking about how Amelia would be pressing her for details. Silvana didn’t know how long she could keep a lie up to her best friend.

“I won’t tell a soul,” Silvana promised, standing over his wide shoulders as he sat on the bed. She opened the medical kit that was still on the covers, pressed some alcohol to a cotton swab and said, “This might sting.”

“I doubt it,” Bruce said confidently, and Silvana found herself aroused by his might. He didn’t flinch when she pressed the alcohol to his wounds, nor did he jounce when she weaved the stitches through the scratches.

The only time he moved was when she was done, and Silvana whispered in his ear, “There,” and wrapped her arms around his neck, and glided the tip of her nose around his cheek and towards his lips.

Bruce had grasped her hand in his and locked their fingers together. His grip was unbreakable and loving. He tried to fight the throbbing in jeans but was overcome with Silvana’s gorgeous face and figure. She moved around the side of the bed, still gripping his neck, and he lifted both her legs apart and sat her on his lap. She felt his hardness and went flush, groaning softly as she brought her lips to his. Bruce pulled her chin closer and their warm breath was practically in each other’s mouth when Bruce’s phone started ringing.

Bruce tugged himself away and off the bed, then answered his cell phone. His eyes went wide then sharpened, and Silvana chewed on her lip while she waited for him.

But he didn’t return to the bed.

“I’m needed,” Bruce told her. He wanted to pounce her but couldn’t. His fist clenched, he said, “My aunt is sick. It’s bad.”

He could picture his werewolf pack stringing him up for this. How many rules of the code could he break in one night? And yet, seeing Silvana on his bed like that, her dress only barely covering the space between her legs, he believed he could trust her. It wasn’t just his physical attraction either; it was something much deeper, a clawing at his heart as if he had found his soul-bond mate.

Except, that was supposed to be a werewolf.

“Wait here,” Bruce said, hugging the phone to his ear with a shoulder. He exited the room before Silvana could offer to help, and she was left horny and confused on the bed. She sighed, considering how much trouble she could get in if she was found here.

Ten minutes passed and Bruce didn’t return. In that time, Silvana remained on the bed, taking in her surroundings. She hadn’t noticed it before, but a wall in Bruce’s room was covered in pinned photos and newspaper clippings, like he was solving a great mystery. Mugs of cold coffee were spread about the table, and books as big and ancient as the one in Silvana’s witch library laid open.

Just as she got up to investigate, there was a knock on the door.

Excitedly, Silvana said, “Come in, handsome.”

But it wasn’t Bruce.

It was a slim, toned man with a mischievous gleam in his dark amber eyes. He rested against the open door frame, his arms crossed, with a smug smile on his face.

Silvana took a step back and asked, “Who are you?”