

Chapter 2

(Kim sul came down. Jang min realized that it's his protector. Ajab was bleeding and her condition were not good seeing it jang min tried to call the doctor but Kim sul stopped him from doing it because they can't let anyone know about them. While all this was happening Ajab collapsed over jang min due to excessive bleeding and wound)

JANG MIN: - Hey! Hey! What happened wake up hey. Can't you call the doctor she is bleeding too much man call the doctor if you wouldn't she will die.

KIM SUL: - she will survive I know her and we can't call the doctor we can't let anyone know about our secret mission (i.e. protecting the crown price). Please understand prince.

(Jang min annoyingly lifts Ajab and makes her lie on the bed)

JANG MIN: - but how can you say she will survive do something please.

KIM SUL: - you may take a leave prince. I want to do dressing of her wounds.

JANG MIN: - I will but if she dies due to your carelessness I will make you pay for that.

KIM SUL: - I m a warrior and she is too and I know what to do in this kind of situations.

JANG MIN: - okay

(Jang min went out of the room and Kim sul applied herbs on her wound and dressed it and then asked the crown prince to come inside on the other side Ajab was still unconscious)

JANG MIN: - why is she still unconscious and now at least take that mask from out so that she can breathe.

KIM SUL: - sorry neither I nor she can reveal our identity.

JANG MIN: - but ….. She is not well.

KIM SUL: - sorry I can't do anything about this matter I m ordered like this.

JANG MIN: - but she is burning like fire

KIM SUL: - it is because her body is fighting against the wound so that it could be healed so don't worry prince.

JANG MIN: - then when will she gain conscious??

KIM SUL: - may be by tomorrow morning.

JANG MIN: - and if something happens to her I will hang you in front of the market.

KIM SUL: - don't worry nothing is going to happen she has faced much more injury and serious injuries in the past this is nothing for her.

JANG MIN: - how can you say that when she is bleeding too much.

KIM SUL: - how do you think she made up till here even when she was bleeding too much hm…. It was because she had experience way too much than this once she fell down the cliff when she was 10 and as you can see she is still alive so what an arrow will affect her. Prince we are warriors and we all are trained like this. You do not need to worry about her and please I need to tell you that there is no one in your quarters except us till tomorrow afternoon the king has ordered this because of her so please don't make any havoc and tell me if you need anything I will bring you that.

JANG MIN: - at present I only need one thing that is being her alive and well so you take good care of her.

KIM SUL: -of course I will after all she is my partner but our first priority is you, prince.

JANG MIN: - take good care of her I m going to bed.

KIM SUL: -but where are you going I can't let you go alone prince.

JANG MIN: -if you will come with me then who will take care of her.

KIM SUL: - please sleep in this room so that I can do both my duty at the same time.

JANG MIN: -but how can I sleep here when a girl is there??

KIM SUL: -I will make her lie on the floor so you can use the bed.

JANG MIN: -I do not need bed to sleep I can sleep on the floor.

KIM SUL: - but prince how can you sleep on the floor.

JANG MIN: -then what are you expecting from me that I should sleep on the bed and let a girl sleep on the floor and that when she is injured.

KIM SUL: - but...

JANG MIN: - what?? I can do this at least for those who are risking their lives for me.

KIM SUL: -0kay then I will prepare bedding for you.


(Kim sul prepared the bedding for him and took care of Ajab all night and when the prince fell asleep he took of the scarf from her face. The thing was he himself was worried about her but somewhere or the other he know that nothing is going to happen to her. The sun rises and prince woke up but in his room there was no one. Jang min went outside his room and found…..)

JANG MIN: - are you okay?? You were injured how come you are standing here you should take rest you were injured.

AJAB: -let's go for practice..

JANG MIN: -but you are injured how can you fight in this situation now.

AJAB:- I what?? I m injured such a ridiculous joke I m completely fine. Let's go for practice.

(Jang min and Ajab start practicing)

(while fighting)

KIM SUL:- where were you yesterday I got so worried About you.

AJAB :- Sorry I can't tell you that it's not something you should know.

KIM SUL:- but why I mean you are my protector and I should know something but strangely I don't even know how you both look like??

AJAB:- i promise one day I will tell you everything what you want to know so please be patient.

KIM SUL:-but when ??

(suddenly the sword got slipped from Ajab's hand she shouts in pain)

KIM SUL:- are you fine? I told you to take rest as you are injured.

AJAB:- Don't worry injuries and scare are the honor for a warrior.

KIM SUL:- But even though you should take care of yourself. Let's stop here please.


AJAB:- Good morning chona.

KING:- Ajab are you alright after yesterday's incident??

AJAB:- I m completely fine thanks to you sir and I came to know who were those who attacked the prince and also killed my father and I m not going to sphere anyone of those.

KING:- Calm down Ajab we will take revenge but when it is the right time don't worry.

AJAB:- But...

KING:- I can understand how you are feeling but still we will take our revenge only on time until then we need to stay quiet. Okay …..But by the way who are they ??

AJAB:- okay. He is king lee jiho who is trying to steal your throne.

KING:- Ajab just make a strategy to fail all his plan. We will not attack first we will wait just like a lion for our prey and then attack him and you be careful of Yoon hoo I have heard he is great at fighting.

AJAB:- who is he?

KING:- you don't know about him he is a soldier in jiho's army and I have heard he is great at his work.

AJAB:- yes sir I will be careful. But until when I have to wait .

KING:- Just for few days let him believe that we don't know anything about him and when he will be relieved we will attack him at that moment and put him in a situation where he has no way to get out.

AJAB:- okay I may take a leave now.

KING:- okay

(On the other hand prince was on his way to his room and when he opened the door he saw…..)

KIM SUL:- who are you ?? why are you in my room.

MEN:- you are asking a devil who is he??

(kim sul started clapping to call Ajab,his protector but no one came.He got scared and started calling for guards but no one arrived. To save himself he took out his sword)

MEN:- you think you can defeat me with this toy I used to play with this when I was four.