
My lover my pet

"Why did you choose me if you were just going to moan his name...in my mouth? You clearly told me i was your choice. You said you forgave me and that it was now alright between us. Only for me to kiss you now and have another man's name escape your lips." Not man. Wolf. Not just wolf. Alpha. Not just any Alpha. Kyran. It was Kyran. The name of the man I wanted to keep moaning. The name of the man I wanted beside me right now. Kyran... He is beautiful. So freaking beautiful looking at him sometimes hurts my eyes. But also very annoying. Especially when its full moon and i have to deal with him being that hunk of a man rather than an adorable little husky, and ordering me around, doing whatever he wants with me. How does he even expect me to fall in love with him this way? Probably in the way he pins me to wall and steals my lips in his.

Ameenah_Haruna · Fantasy
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86 Chs

Torn Dress

I sat up, my heart breaking. I knew it was going to be hard, but Kyran has never refused a kiss from me. Even when he was angry. Even when I chose Tony over him. But now, his face as he suddenly moved away stuck in my mind.

I drew my knees to myself, as hot tears stung the back of my eyes. I blinked rapidly, trying to stiffle them back, but it was past the stage where I could. Once the first drop rolled out my eyes I figured it was okay to cry too.

I sat on my bed, crying my eyes out, not minding that I hadn't even slept on this bed, but here I was, anointing it with tears.

I fell asleep shortly after, knowing that while I was asleep, I couldn't feel the pain of his rejection or the regret of not being wise enough to know he was the one I would want in the end. The only thing I could feel, was that I was in love with him.