
Part 2

I think I bumped into a wall, wrong, it was a man, no wrong again, it was two men, in black suits with their sunglasses, geez, they look like one of those bodyguards of a mafia--- and then realization hit me.


This isn't happening to me right now.. ? Right? I admit I kinda little nervous right now, wait, what exactly is hapenning?

"Watch it."

I heard a deep voice, I turned to see Ken looking scary like he was about to punch someone, he was following me!

"Sorry Young Master." Those men in black immediately said almost in chorus with their head bowed down to Ken. Young Master? "Sorry Sensei." They also turned to me. Okay.. ? Uhh..

"I'm okay.. Not a scratch, carry on." I managed to say. I'm hearing alarms in my head saying that I probably should step back, and get out of here NOW, this is a danger zone. I know I might exaggerating it, but--

"Sensei, we are to deliver your papers to the principal, and return those books." The other man said to me. Gulp.

"Uh, it's not really that heavy so I can do it by myself." I said, well at least I tried to resist.

I started walking but they didn't let me pass. These men!

"It's an order sensei." said the other man.

"And whose order is that?" I raised an eyebrow at them, okay I think I'm pissed rather than nervous. I'm still a teacher here in this school. This is not a playground for gangsters or any mafia gangs, I thought they might respect that.

They didn't answer my question instead they just looked at Ken. This is starting to gave me headache literally.

"Okay then." I gave them my things and they left with no other words. I really don't know wha'ts going on but I deep in my mind I kinda know I'm safe. I turned to Ken and look him in the eye. I have to admit I started to feel a little nervous again.

"What do you want?" I managed to ask him first since I am the older one and his teacher on top of that, I am the one who should be composed. I started to think of the possibilities of what could he possibly want with me. As far as I remember I never had any of my students come up to me or even bother me. I have been peaceful in my stay in this university. He didn't answer me.



We passed through the corridors with the two men in black ahead of us. Outside waiting was 3 black cars. Okay?

"Please get inside sensei." Ken opened the car for me. I looked at him again before entering I wasn't really sure what is going to happen, but what can I do, for your information I have a really weak body, I look pale, over all I can't afford to fight.

I looked at him again and ask. "Am I in trouble? Where exactly are we going?" I know it's kinda late to ask, don't blame me.



I looked outside the window and we arrived at a park. Tha cars stopped and we got outside, there's not much people in this area. I looked around and I felt like this place is familiar to me. This is the park where I used to visit near the hospital where my mother was admitted. This place is really calming and doesn't have much people. But I stopped coming here when my mother died, and I have to apply for jobs, the university is a little bit far from here. I haven't been able to unwind myself since my mother died. It was always been fighting to survive.

I looked at Ken whe he walked to a bench and sat, I looked back at the bodyguards, they were standing like statues outside the cars, and the others sorround us from a distance. I followed Ken and sat beside him.

Am I not in trouble? I thought we were going somewhere else. I somehow relaxed and released a sigh. I was looking on my shoes suddenly finding it interesting and after sometime I was shocked when Ken suddenly stood up.

"Please go out on a date with me sensei." He said, and in a moment there I thought he was ordering me but he bowed his head to me.


He just bowed his head to me?

Go out?


With him?



He is asking me on a date!

I immediately looked around feeling uncomfortable what if someone has heard him, they were no one except for his bodyguards which doesn't seem to care, and then I looked at him. And then I realized, definitely no, this can't be true..? Right?

"I'm sorry Mr. Yamamoto but if this is a joke. I'm leaving, I have no time for this, excuse me." I somehow managed to composed myself, I silently thanked god I am the older one here.

I started to walk, but to my surprise he suddenly grabbed my hand. I wasn't actually hurt.

For a moment there I thought he was going to do something to me. But then he just stared at me coldly, with those pair of black eyes and right there I realized he was serious...

He's serious.

He's really serious.

And scary.


"I'm serious. I really like sensei." It was Ken once again, with his deep voice.

But--- I'm his teacher!

Wait, Does he even know me? How?

What am I thinking?

Ugh, I'm so stupid.

I'm such an idiot. What do I do? I let out a sigh and look at him.

"I'm sorry Mr. Yamamoto but I can't and I won't go on a date with you. Sayonara (Goodbye), Ki o tsukete kudasai (Take care, Be careful)." I immediately avoided his eyes and walked pass through him. And to my surprise he didn't follow me. When I looked back at him he was still standing there. He was probably just messing with me. I thought.



Its me the author

So what do you think of Izuki's character? just let me know if there is anyone reading this..

You can ask me questions, I would really want to have some friends here.. Thank you..