
~chapter 3 English is no longer boring to me ~

-perspective: Eliot harlequin Adam-


following page(this) contains: ▪︎NFSW sences (well not really

TT u TT)and some

▪︎sex jokes

▪︎and sexual content

please proceed with caution (ꗞ∀ꗞっ) don't say I didn't warn you (◕‿◕) but for unholy people go head (⌐͡⎚ヮ͡⎚✧)⌐


As I got home from school I went to my bedroom feeling tried and a bit relieved to see that Aoi was going to be my tutor from now on i mean I do need to improve my English skills cause like I'm failing terribly in mrs Mrs.oka's class she is just so frickin frustrating!! like she is a legit WITCH not to mention she puts everyone through H.E double tooth picks. Sometimes i wish I was still in my mom's whom but something I do seem to wonder is how Aoi's going to tutor me? I mean he can't get that strict about stuff or can he? well I guess I'll just have to find out tomorrow.

As i sat down for dinner my mom ask "Hey, Eliot is true that your having a tutor for English tomorrow?" ahh shit..listen when your parents hear about your school life it's a mess they're always jumping into conclusions but as the good kid i am said "yea I'll be starting it tomorrow so I'll come home a bit more later." she nodded her head with a smile and said "well that's great maybe they'll actually put some information in your mind instead of anime waifus!" i swear mom's can be brutal at times but, of course my older sister who's into gay hentai stuff said "maybe they can help out when you have a lil somethin' down there if you get what I'm saying?~" she said in a teasing manner. I got up and walk away from the dinner table a bit irritated from what she said as i slightly looked back my mom was scolding her for being inappropriate. But i just smug it off i knew she was kidding so I didn't get that mad about it. I laid on my bed after finishing all my homework I had today tho what my sister said kept swirling in my head then out of nowhere I hear Aoi's voice but not in his soft-nostalgic voice it was more of like a sexual manner i spring up and felt really red and confused of how I could EVEN think of turning a innocent lil person like he is into a seductive person, dang watching anime films with my sister got me damaged in the head-.

°°time skip°°

it was now lunch break and I saw Aoi pop out of the blue "こんばんは (kobanwa) good evening eliot!" he said in the most innocent way ever possible imaged, makes me feel kinda guilty of what I heard in my head last night. But anyway I followed him like I usually did and it seems he's been getting used to it now, which made me feel a bit more comfortable to see that he's seeing me as a kinda-ish friend instead of a stalker but i don't know why but hearing me say that he's seeing me as a friend kinda made my gut feel unhappy. So I did what anyone would wanna do "Hey, Aoi what am I to you?" he froze with a smile and said "すみませんごめんなさい (sumimasen gomen'nasai) sorry, pardon me?" i leaned on his shoulder and moved my head towards him and repeated what I said to about how he sees me? he made a flustered face and said "W-Wah well I uh-mm w-well I guess as a friend??" i got off his shoulder and said "oh okay, I just didn't want to seem like a stalker-" but somewhere inside me was a bit unsettling but I just ignored it. As seven-th period was about to start I saw sofia chemister with one of her boyfriends i didn't get a clear look at who they were taking to but the closer I came the more clearer they became to me it was...Aoi I saw her boyfriend punch the locker as Aoi closed his eyes tightly. I clenched my fist and started slowly walking to them but the more I walked the more speed I but in my steps but they then started abusing him my alarm in my head went on. without hesitation I yelled "OMG!, is that sofia chemister with one of her sex toys D~ang you must really love seeing yourself getting dom" i said in an a overly sarcastic yet enthusiastic tone they looked each other and ran off "bunch of cowards" i mumbled under my breath I went over to Aoi who only had a bruise on his arm with a slap mark on his pink cubby squish-adle cheeks. I got all worked up witch is VERY rare to see me in i questioned him with a Bunch of questions saying "are you alright" or "does it hurt" but what caught me off guard was when I said "do you need to go to the infirmary?" which I didn't realize until Aoi said "w-well not really but thanks" holy goodness, you can NOT believe how cringed I am of what i just said I stood up and gave Aoi a hand in getting up. The day went on and it was then noon I went to the library were we agreed on meeting up when class was over i see Aoi there running while as he stopped to catch his he says "I'm really sorry, about being late it's just that I stumbled upon a friend I didn't see in a while!!" i reassured him saying that it was fine we then finally commenced the tutoring session we started off with the basics verds and adverbs and all that junk somehow I liked it more then Mrs.oka's teaching. He would stop when I didn't understand and would correct my spelling instead of criticizing me for being a nimcompop "alright so can you tell me what it means when come has the 'ing' in it and when it doesn't?"Aoi said pointing his index finger on the word on the wipe-brord and my smart ass decided to turn it into a sex joke and said "well the difference is when you say 'come' your giving the dom a heads up and so they could make you 'come' faster and coming is were the bottom spreads th-" Aoi said "黙れ(D-damare) s-shut you we have to focus on the lesson!!" he said while turning red which made me pleased with myself as the lesson went on it was then 4:48 P.M. we pack everything up and lock the library door as we went down the hallway I saw Aoi closing his eyes and wobbling around i thought it was cute but I just felt a peice of me die if he were to continue like that so I carried him in my back and didn't know were he so I ask the sleepy abundance of kawaiiness he answered weakly yet clearly " Thomson Rood, 23 Avenue second house down the right.." he said all drowsy it w as now 5:11 P.M and I finally arrived at Aoi's house I knocked the door and his parents came in and thanked me for bringing him home safe as the door closed i could hear Aoi's voice say "great job today!, see ya' tomorrow Eliot" as the door closed and say a small smile with a weak wave...Damnit why is he so adorable at times. as i got home my mom looked at me worried wondering were I was i said " my tutor got really tired and slept on the way walking so I decided to bring him home and now I'm here" she sighed and said at least I was alright but of course I had to hear a sexual comment from my sister "w~ow who knew you were top bunk~" i made a 'Shut-up-hentai-lover-freak' face and went straight home tho I kept thinking of Aoi back there.

"UghhhHHh..great now he's in my head-"

and somehow felt relieved that, that dummy got in my head guess I'm a have migraines now and there and I fell asleep tomorrow is going to be another miserable day but since I get to see Aoi I guess it wouldn't really be miserable that much.

to be countinue...¯\(´∇`)/¯~☆