
My lovely secret

IF YOU'RE SEARCH FOR SOMETHING TO HEAL YOUR HEART THAT WILL BE CONFIDENTIAL, TRUST THIS STORY, YOUR HEART WILL BE CONSCIOUS. LOVE! The story of a girl with a mysterious appearance, living in the love of her parents. Because of social prejudice, she didn't go to school until she was 18 years old, that's when she met her youth.

Annedo · Fantasy
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9 Chs


farming a pole? Dan has not tried it, it must be very hard, because he saw his father working hard in the high fields standing halfway up the mountain, under the scorching sun. Dan loves him so much, that's why she tries to keep the housework neat. If you ask Dan what she likes the most, the answer will be difficult to come up with from knitting, what food do you like to eat? She would hesitate to think about what it was. Ask her what she does in her free time, and she will smile.

Not everyone is born with the right answers to many questions, and many times wondering, is this life worth living or not. But that doesn't seem so crucial to knitting anymore, because she lives not because she likes it, but because she was born and has not been found by death in this little life.

In the tightly wrapped package, the baby's high-pitched cry echoed through the air, muffled by the cold of the night dew, the shrill cry, and the wild howling of the wind in the air. The cold that night was the most chilling cold in the past years, the cold and wind swept away all the yellow-brown straw from the summer, blowing away the new early winter rice crop. In the dark sky, not a single star appeared, perhaps even the moonlight was swept away by wild black clouds like wild beasts. On that night of hatred and hatred, in the roaring wind, in the bone-chilling cold, everything was completely dead, the earth seemed to burst out of the mold of compression under human feet to interfere with the sky, it was thought it was a doomsday moment.

The ragged woman clutching her belly as big as a basket lay writhing on the cold ground, each pain spasming her lower abdomen, throbbing with each beat, making her breathing weak. Under the blood-stained hands, and the fishy smell, the woman's screams were soon replaced by a sharper sound, the cry of a child born in the bitter cold of winter. Beside the dying fire, a naked body was red, crying non-stop, the whole body was shaking like it was lacking life. The cry resounded throughout the deserted house, amid the east wind screaming the most terrible, the mother was awakened, hurriedly holding the poor baby warm in the embrace of motherly love. Hot tears fell on the baby's face with half of her hand, the mother rushed to find the first source of fresh milk for her baby, the baby was born holding warm milk and sucked it like a person lost in the desert. longing for a cool source of water. At that time, the crying stopped, replaced by a sobbing sound from the young mother trying to hug her skin and cover her baby with the most passionate kiss.

That winter night was the beginning of a person's life, the unexpected turning point of a family, and an event arranged by fate. After a night of fierce fighting, the sky and earth were peaceful, the peacefulness was incredible, the sky was clear and cloudless, the sun shone with dancing rays on the high branches, and the heat was hot and cold interweaving sends back to the air the dry to chapped skin.

People have never known why they were born, they have only been taken care of since they were babies lying in their cribs with their eyes wide open looking at the world around the house with empty memories, until they were taught to eat, to speak, to teach to pack, to teach to open. Until the harsh life pushes them to the extreme, forcing them to forget themselves to forget the reason why they were born to face the fierce reality. Everyone wants to be born beautiful, and live a peaceful life, still knowing that being born from love is the most sacred, but we don't have the right to choose, even when forced.