
My Lovely Miss Esper

He is a weak man with a weak personality. Running away from home to pursue a new life, but woke up in a reality that the world is not as kind as he thought it would be. Everyone despises him, everyone looks down on him. But everything changes on his 22nd birthday. It was the day his new life begins.

Shynobi · Action
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77 Chs

Chapter 64 – The hideout (2)

Volume 2 Chapter 11


The darkness has already enveloped the whole city and its surroundings. The battle has already stopped but the sound of a siren could still be heard everywhere.

Due to the chaos created by the terrorist and the number of casualties have been too numerous, the city is already in turmoil. The authorities and the hospitals are filled with wounded people. Though it shows that the chaos is over but everyone in the city knew that it is just beginning.

Those who are taking care of the aftermath all have their hands full.

While this is happening, inside a luxurious room of one of the mansion state in Green Garden Paradise. A tall and bulky man is looking at the side near the window. That side was a bit dark and he has not noticed it at first but now his eyes are bulging while looking at the figure standing in the shadows.

What made Bromite froze in place is neither the appearance of the person inside the room nor how that person entered the room without him noticing. No, those things did not matter anyway. What scared him at this point is the possible identity of that man.

Large beads of sweat immediately covered Bromite's forehead as he watches that shadow slowly moved. It was like he is looking at a ghost that suddenly materialized from the void while looking at him directly.

No matter how strong or powerful Bromite is and was, he still could help but feel afraid at that figure which reaps the lives of his men in the forest.

The masked man is like the god of death at that time and everyone who faces him would surely meet their doom. And he was one of the lucky ones which escaped the clutches of the masked man at that time.

However, right now, he feels that his luck has just run out.

As the person within the shadows looks straight at his eyes, he saw the faint red glow on the masked man's eyes which sent shivers down his spine.

He wanted to move, but it seems that his body is already frozen in fear.

Curt on the other hand could not help but give off his killing intent. This is true especially when he heard that his girlfriend Jenny Mae and his friend Melissa were the targets of this psycho. He saw how that man looks at those two pictures and it really ticks him off.

So now he is very resolute to kill the man to prevent any future troubles for Jenny Mae and Melissa. If he could not do so, then he would not be able to forgive himself.

However, right now, two things are entering his mind. If this is a normal fight where his adrenaline would kick in and his instincts would control his body, he would not hesitate to do as he planned. However, the weak side of Curt is trying to rationalize and he wanted to just capture the man and the people in this room and hand them to the police.

He already knows that the police are outside the main gate of the Green Garden Paradise. So he could just hand the terrorist over to the police after he subdues them.

His indecisiveness was immediately noticed by Bromite who has a sharp intuition about these things. A slight smile appears on his face. Though he is not familiar with using the prosthetic, yet he is already 70% able to use them.

Without warning his hands moved and grab the rifle on his side. It is already natural for him to be able to use rifles along with his power. However, it has been a bit long since he uses one, so he is a bit rusty.

But as soon as his metallic arm touches the rifle, his instinct kicks in, and immediately grab it and then pointed the muzzle towards the masked man.

"Amateur… Haha…" Bromite shouted.


As soon as he pulled the trigger and the bullet went off, Bromite suddenly feels his chest being hit by a powerful blow. It was as if a jackhammer hit him directly to his chest and he could even hear the loud cracking sound of his chest bone breaking.

Before he could feel the pain his sudden vision blurred.

Curt was able to move at the right time and dodge the bullet by a hair's breadth and immediately countered with a straight punch. Due to him not focusing and was a bit hesitant at that time, he was not able to control his strength.

As he watches the flying figure of the man he just punched his eyes are wide open in shock. This is because he could clearly see the chest of the man caving in.

But he could not care anymore about the guy as he knew that the gunshot has already alarmed the people in the mansion.

And true to his conjecture, he could hear many footsteps rushing inside.

Curt did not hesitate and immediately broke a corner of the table. Then he began flicking some broken fragments towards the light inside the room, which turned the whole room dark.

Then within the shadows of the room, his figure suddenly melds.

This is one of the skills that suddenly came out of his mind as he planned to infiltrate the house, the Shadow Walk. He knew that this skill would be able to make him move through the shadows. However, the downside of this skill is that it would take time for him to come out of the shadows, it's around 3 seconds.

This means this skill is only for hiding and not for sneak attacks. Plus his figure would immediately show once he is exposed to direct light, without the presence of a shadow.

However, at this moment, his is the perfect skill for him to dodge the large number of people coming towards the room.


The room door was kicked open and a number of armed men suddenly jumped inside the room with their rifles on the ready.

Behind the group is a slim woman wearing a leather jacket and pants with a black half-mask, she looks like a black cat in one look.

Feline has a look of anxiousness in her eyes as she went inside the room.

"Here!" one of the armed men shouted.

The rest walked closer to him and they saw the bloody lifeless body of Bromite lying inside the broken wall.

"Bromite! No… This… How could this happen? Who… who did this?!" Feline shouted as the wind around her began to be agitated.

The armed men surrounding her took a few steps back away from her with fear in their eyes. It took her a few seconds to calm down, then a resolute gaze appears in her eyes.

"Take him with us… we must move out of here now!" she commanded as she walks out of the room.

The masked men carried the body of Bromite and followed Feline to the ground floor. Then they enter a secret passage behind the statue. Unknown to them, one of the armed men shadows suddenly moved a little.

The group was followed by the rest of the armed men in the mansion until no one was left.

After a while, outside the mansion's gate, a few military armed vehicles have already arrived followed by the guards and espers in charge of Green Garden Paradise security.

"There! That's the identified escape vehicle used by the terrorists! Everyone spread out!" shouted a soldier which looks like the commander of the group.

Both the espers and the soldiers moved in an orderly fashion as they infiltrated the mansion. An esper suddenly stopped to the side and concentrated his power. Then his eyes suddenly glowed and look at the mansion.

He suddenly stopped and frowns a bit.

"What is it? What did you see?" the commander asked with a frown.

He could sense from the esper's reaction that there seems to be some problem.


"Empty? What do you mean?"

"I mean… no one is inside the mansion…"

"That's impossible… we heard some gunshot when coming here."

"Yeah, that's on the second floor. But for some reason, I could only see some blood and some damaged walls."

"Damn it!..."

The commanded looks at his subordinates and gives out his command.

"Search the area thoroughly! We must find those b*stards that attacked our city!"

After his command, he looks at the people of the Green Garden Paradise security team, and then snorted coldly.

The soldiers infiltrated the mansion but true to what the esper said no one is inside.

"Sir! Look!" suddenly one of the soldiers shouted.

Everyone looks in his direction and saw what he is pointing at.

"Blood… of course!" the esper who has searched the mansion using his power suddenly had an inspiration.

He immediately once again activated his skill.

With his power, he is able to clearly see the traces of the blood and where it is going. Following the esper, the soldiers arrive in front of the statue behind the two large main staircases of the mansion.

"There is some kind of interference in here that prevents me from seeing what is underneath. But I think there is a passage in her that leads underground." The esper said.

With a nod from the commander, one of the soldiers took out an explosive and then set it on the assumed concrete door of the passage.

"Fire in the hole!"


The mansion ground shook as the concrete door was blasted open and in front of the soldiers is a stair that goes spiraling downwards.

"The blood trace continues in this place…" the esper said but then frowns.

"But I could not use my power in here." He added.

However, the soldiers decided to follow the stairs and it took them a couple of minutes before reaching another door.

As soon as they reached the door, they could immediately sense that there is something wrong. And their suspicion became stronger when they saw that underneath that door is a pool of crimson blood slowly spreading out.

The soldiers look at each other and knew that they might be encountering a dangerous fight. So everyone readied their weapons. The espers on the other hand also prepare themselves for a possible fight.

One of the soldiers walks forward and sets up some explosive charges on the concrete door and everyone prepares.

"Fire in the hole!"