
Chapter Forty

Loren still despised social events.

Despite attending so many, the brunette found herself feeling overwhelmed at the thought of being around so many people. While in France, Loren barely left Alexandre's house, for she was wrapped in a bubble of sadness and loneliness. She spent months alone, refusing to interact with the outside world. So it was quite strange to be out and about again, but she was happy to be surrounded by those whom she loved. 

Lady Danbury's ball was already in full-swing once the Bridgerton's arrived. Beautiful flowers decorated the walls, the lovely scents filling the air. Polite gentlemen and pretty ladies littered the dance floor, swirling around in continuous circles of dance. 

Loren once again found herself beside Benedict, which felt very strange. Ever since she could remember, Anthony had always been the one to escort her. But due to recent events, Loren had found herself bonding more and more with the second eldest Bridgerton. She had a reason too, Benedict was the only one aware of the situation between Anthony and herself. On the day of Daphne and Simon's wedding, Anthony had let it slip that the two were engaged. He knew everything that occurred between the two, and had never told a soul. 

Eloise stood with her Mother, fidgeting with the fabric of the gown as she stared at the large crowd. It was quite obvious to the entire family that she was not happy to be here. But, this was the life of a debutante. Violet glanced down at the the girl's hands, "Stop fussing with your dress." She scolded. Eloise sighed, rolling her eyes. "You look lovely El." Loren said, trying to help the situation.

The girl sent her a glare, "I look like a cow trussed up for auction." She mumbled, to which Benedict mooed. Loren smacked his arm, chuckling softly. She missed being out with the family, and intended to have a nice night out with them. Anthony approached the group and began an indepth conversation with his Mother. 

Loren started to lead Benedict toward the refreshment table, this was the normal routine, but Benedict didn't move. The woman faced him, confusion etched upon her features, "What are you doing?" She questioned. Benedict then nodded toward the corner of the room, sending her a toothy grin. A man was approaching the pair. He was handsome, very handsome, and yet seemed very sweet. 

Loren glanced at Benedict, worry evident in her eyes. She wasn't ready to deal with men today. But Benedict gave her an encouraging nod before turning to the man who now stood before them, "Good evening, madam. You look beautiful." Loren smiled at him, "Thank you, you look very nice as well." She replied, cringing internally at her awkwardness. 

He bowed politely, "My name is Charles Baird." The woman curtsied, "Loren Smith," She replied. While the man introduced himself to Benedict, Loren took this moment to take in the man's appearance. He was tall with chocolate brown hair, dark eyes tinted with kindness. Loren was one to immediately read people, and she could tell that he was a good person. She prayed that he was a good man.

Loren finally began listening to the conversation between Benedict and Charles, who were hitting it off, "I'm originally from Birmingham, but my family insisted I come to London to find a wife." Benedict nodded, "They didn't have any eligible ladies in Birmingham?" Charles laughed heartily, the rich sound sending chills down Loren's spine. "Apparently not, according to my Father." Benedict chuckled softly, "Well, there are many nice ladies here, I am sure you will find someone."

"I certainly hope so." Charles then turned his gaze upon Loren, extending his hand toward her, "Might I have this dance?" He asked. Loren was shocked, she had rarely been asked to dance my anyone other than the family. While she had no desire to be dancing, she felt drawn in by Charles. There was something charming about him, the kindness radiating off of him made her want to accept. And she did.

The two made their way onto the dance floor as the orchestra piped up with a new song. Anthony's gaze fell upon the woman as the stranger beside her twirled her around. Jealousy gnawed at his heart. He tried not to show how distraught he was, but Violet knew better. "You lost her." She said. Anthony turned his gaze upon his Mother, "What?" "You lost her, Anthony. She would have made a great Viscountess." The man sighed deeply, "Mother, can we not discuss this now?" 

"I was merely stating the truth, dear. Everyone always thought you were going to be together eventually." Violet was unaware of what happened between them, but Anthony believed that it was now time that she found out, "Mother, could we talk outside?" He asked. Violet stared at him in confusion, "Eloise needs to be chaperoned-" "I will have Benedict watch her. There is something I must tell you about Loren." 

Without another word, Violet led her son outside, wanting nothing more than the truth of what truly happened between them.

