After deathly dinner, I went to my room. The room was same as before. Same color, Same decoration and same 'I'm back' Feeling.
After I finish unpacking my bags and shower, I went to see my baby. YU Jun was sleeping soundly. I tuck his blanket and kissed his head before leaving.
I know my mother will take good care of her grandson even though she's angry with her grandson's mother. But as a mother I can't help but to double check before I going back to sleep.
I quietly exist out of Jun room before heading balcony. It was bright outside. Stars and moon are sparkling and the cold blow of wind.
The cold wind were making my shivering but not much as thought of meeting with my exes and Jun's father to know about his existence and he wanted to take Jun away from me?
It makes my heart ache. It doesn't have been 9 hours since I got here but I started to regret my decision to come back.
My father called me when my thought was kind of killing me. I looked at him. He put a swal on me. "Xiao Yan it's getting cold. You should wear more clothes otherwise you might get cold."
I looked at my dad before giving him a hug. "Dad I'm scared. I somehow start to regret my decision to return. He will take my son away from me."
I cried. My dad pat me. "No he won't. Xiao Yan look at me" I look at him "You cannot hide forever. Someday you have to face him. So collect yourself and we will try our best that he never let him know that Jun is his biological son."
I nod. My father asked me to rest early because I had to rejoin the office. He asked me to keep secrets about jun's father from my mom because she had ill temper and she might do something inappropriate.