
Kana Hashimoto

Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction. Names(Aside from Kana), characters, business, events and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Kana Hashimoto is a Japanese well-known actress. She have a lot of projects inside and out the country. Since she has so many projects, she feels tired and went to Italy for a brief vacation.

When she arrived in Italy, she visited some popular attractions and went in to a pub in the evening to have some drink.

"Sorry we don't serve alcoholic beverages to minors. You can have pizza though." Giovanni suggested.

Kana raised her eyebrows in disbelief.

"Are you kidding me?" she asked, pulling out her passport to prove her age. "I'm 24 already!"

Giovanni's cheeks turned red with embarrassment.

"I'm sorry," he said.

"I'm just used to dealing with customers who try to fake their age to get served alcohol. And besides, you look... a minor."

Kana laughed it off, welcoming the chance to speak to someone who wasn't fawning over her as a celebrity. They struck up a conversation, joking and teasing each other as the night wore on.

As the pub began to empty out, Kana decided to make a bold move.

"Hey, Giovanni," she said, moving closer to him.

"I know we just met, but would you like to go out with me tomorrow?"

Giovanni's eyes widened in surprise. "Me? A bartender? And you, my co-worker told me you're an actress. Would it be really be alright?"

Kana shrugged. "Why not? It's not like I have to worry about paparazzi snapping photos of me here in Italy. And besides, you're single right?"

"I've been single since birth." Giovanni grinned, feeling a sense of courage he hadn't known before. "Alright then, let's do it."

The next day, Giovanni took Kana on a tour of the city, introducing her to his favorite cafés and hidden corners of Rome. They laughed freely, enjoying each other's company without any pretense. Kana was surprised by how fun and easy it was to be around Giovanni, feeling like she had known him for years rather than just one night.

As the sun began to set, Giovanni took Kana to a secluded piazza, illuminated by strings of twinkling lights. He took her hand, a gesture that felt natural and easy.

"Kana, I know this must sound cheesy, but being with you today has been one of the best days of my life," Giovanni said, looking deep into her eyes. "I don't want to just see you once and never again. I want to get to know you, to be with you. Forever."

Kana felt her heart swell with warmth, feeling a connection with Giovanni she had never felt before. "I want that too," she said, leaning in to give him a kiss.

It was a simple, sweet kiss, and hugged but it felt like the beginning of something new and exciting for both of them. As they pulled away, they each felt a sense of joy and excitement for what lay ahead - a love story that they couldn't wait to write together, whether it was in Japan or Italy.

"Ouch!" Kana fell down from her bed and woke up.

"Damn. Our love story is so short Giovanni." Kana mumbled as she was still on the floor.

The end.