
My love story by Abhishek Malhotra

Abhishek is a famous actor in India and is known for his sincerity at work place. He is a cold, mysterious and oof person. His first love is Shriya Sheren, who is an orphan. He follows her for almost three years , without her knolwedge. But he comes in front of her one day, seeing him she asks him "Aren't you the famous Actor Abhishek Malhotra, Are you the one who wants to spend the night with me." Next morning Abhishek offered her coffee with a smile on his face and said " Last night you promised me that you will let me take care of you." Will she accept his proposal to stay with him. What happens if she decides to stay with him and what are her reasons to become a mistress all of a sudden.. How Abhi is going to be make her his women and what happens when he decided to stay with her for a long time. Will she be able to manage his high profile status and become worthy to be his girlfriend. How does her life change after she met that dream man of all the girls in the entire country. Thought: "What you have left with is more important than what you have lost".

sweetykim · Teen
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586 Chs

Treat me like your own brother

Naveen was a bit shocked but he nodded his head accepting Shriya's request. Both took their respective bikes and went to a nearby coffee shop and walked inside. They occupied an empty table which is in one corner of the shop. Shriya ordered an expresso while Naveen had a cappuccino. They sat silent without saying anything and enjoying the aroma and flavour of the coffee.

Naveen wanted to know what she wanted to talk to him and what favour she wanted from him. Shriya was also curious to know what Naveen wanted to talk about with her and that to too suddenly.

"You shouldn't say a few things to Abhi" Shriya said breaking the silence between them. Naveen already guessed it and he shook his head and said "It's not under my will. He is my employer and I being his employer had to do my duties and follow his orders. I have to report to him about you everyday. Your safety is my priority. It is my job".

Shriya saw the determination in Naveen's words and she knew it is very hard to convince him. So she said "I am not asking you to lie to him or hide something important from him. I am just telling you to leave out a few things which are not so important. I don't want to bother him with those silly issues."

"Moreover he is already busy with his work, shooting, office work and he even had to go to company also."

Naveen looked at her and asked with a questioning gaze "He didn't tell you about going to company. Did he ?"

Shriya looked at him without saying anything further and Naveen asked again "How did you know about this then?".

He understood that she knew and he asked her straightforwardly. She said hesitantly "I saw him working last night and when I went to clean the room today I saw the various documents and files on the table and his signatures on the documents. "

"I also understood that Abhi and Kunal are working together. Besides acting they also does some other jobs which others don't know about. I think they are doing it under the names of Rahul and Barun".

Naveen was shocked to hear her analysis. He just listened to her. Abhi already told him not to tell her anything because he thought taht she might need time to adjust to this new environment. He didn't want to scare her by telling everything all at once. He was afraid she might feel out of the place with all those things. He wanted to keep it as simple as it can be.

But Shriya already guessed almost everything. She just didn't know the exact business they do. It was because she didn't want to dig much into it.

Naveen looked at her and Shriya asked "What I guessed is right. Isn't it ?"

Naveen didn't know how to answer her. He just said in an indifferent way. "I will not tell him about this and let's not discuss about this anymore. I will pretend I didn't hear it".

Shriya smiled hearing it. Even though he didn't say much, she still know he is okay with her request. She then asked while sipping on the coffee "So what is that you wanted to talk to me about?"

Naveen smiled and said "Shriya I wanted to talk to you about this for a while now".

Shriya listened to him carefully. She knew Naveen never called her by her in public. She also knew he cared for her but doesn't show it.

He said "I dont know how to say and where to start. First I want to say one thing. I really care about and I think off you as my little sister"

He was serious and he seemed like he wanted to say something else but couldn't. He continued while Shriya was listening with full concentration and focus "I know boss is my employer and you are also my boss but I don't know why I feel everything is personal. May be its because I have been following you for a while now or something like that .Now I feel a sense of protectiveness towards you. Not only me but everyone around you. Boss and Young Master Rahul, Mr. Rajput and his brother and now me, we are all worried about you."

Shriya smiled and said with a confused tone "Why do I feel like I am in a grave danger and you are all protecting and treating me like a Cinderella and you are all my knights in shining armours."

Naveen said not deviating from the topic with her joke "Yes you are a cinderalla and we all are your knights. But I want to say something else."

Shriya looked at him expectantly and He said "We all are worrying about you and I know boss is very attentive and truly cares about you. But....." he was hesitating bot knowing what to sat next.

Shriya said a single word with a reassuring smile "Go on... but what.....It's not like Abhi is cheating on me and you want to report it me right?"

Naveen smiled and said with the same gentle and concerned expression "I seriously treat you like my own sister and If you have any problems or concerns or any confusion about something you can discuss it with me."

"It's not under my job profile and I am not doing this because of my duty, but I truly wanted to do it from the bottom of my heart. Boss had no idea that I was discussing this with you."

Shriya smiled and said "Okay brother, but first try to call me by my name. I am far younger than you and you addressing me with respect, I feel awkward and uncomfortable."

Naveen nodded and said "I will Shriya, but remember what I just said , I really mean it. You can discuss anything with me personal, any confusions, any advices literally anything. Feel free with me. You can treat me as your own brother and be with me just like how you used to be with your brother".

When she heard this, her face fell and she became sad immediately. But when she saw Naveen, she faked a smile and said "You can't handle me if I treated you like my elder brother. He was fed up with my silly behavior back then and I tortured him to no end."

There was a beautiful smile on her face and her eyes were already moist when she spoke about her brother.

Naveen took the tissues from the tissue box and passed it to her. She took and wiped the tears that were ready to roll down onto her cheeks.

Naveen passed her a glass of water and said with a smile "Try me".

She smiled and before she could say something he said "And don't feel embarrassed to talk about something with your friends in my presence like earlier this morning."

Shriya's face was so red when she heard this. She said with a cute pout and faked anger in her face "You are not supposed to tease me, first condition".