
My love story by Abhishek Malhotra

Abhishek is a famous actor in India and is known for his sincerity at work place. He is a cold, mysterious and oof person. His first love is Shriya Sheren, who is an orphan. He follows her for almost three years , without her knolwedge. But he comes in front of her one day, seeing him she asks him "Aren't you the famous Actor Abhishek Malhotra, Are you the one who wants to spend the night with me." Next morning Abhishek offered her coffee with a smile on his face and said " Last night you promised me that you will let me take care of you." Will she accept his proposal to stay with him. What happens if she decides to stay with him and what are her reasons to become a mistress all of a sudden.. How Abhi is going to be make her his women and what happens when he decided to stay with her for a long time. Will she be able to manage his high profile status and become worthy to be his girlfriend. How does her life change after she met that dream man of all the girls in the entire country. Thought: "What you have left with is more important than what you have lost".

sweetykim · Teen
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Sweet night together 4

Sony was surprised by this sudden closeness and she looked at his weird gaze which is very new to her. She thought he wanted to speak to her and she was expecting him to say something.

Seeing her not resisting his closeness and instead looking at him with such an expecting gaze he couldn't help but lean in and kiss her. Though she was a bit surprised, she didn't dodge or resist him. Instead she reacted to him by allowing him to kiss her as much as he wanted.

She felt like stars were dancing in her brain when his kiss became passionate. Earlier they kissed and she enjoyed it but she felt a bit different and hot today. Maybe as they are very closely to each other and because of the very small space in the car, two both felt extremely hot.

She felt out of breathe and he actually bit her lower lip and it bled a little. When a faint taste of warm liquid entered his mouth he pulled back and saw the cut on her lip. He caressed the wound with his finger tip and asked with concern and worry "Is it paining ?".

She then realised that her lip was bitten by him and actally stinging with pain, but she didn't even realised it earlier as she was enjoying the moment of pleasure.

She shook her head with a smile and said in a low whisper with a blushed face "No, I liked it".

Hearing it Kunal was about to resume back to his kiss and she stopped him by placing her finger on his lips.

He was shocked by this sudden gesture from her and he looked at her with confusion. He didn't want to make some random guesses so he asked her directly "You said you liked it then why are you stopping me ?".

Sony said with an innocent smile "I don't want my friends to tease me because of those bite marks".

He smiled hearing her naive excuse and pulled back and sat straight in his seat. He looked straight ahead not knowing what to say in that moment.

Sony muttered in a very low voice "I don't want to stop you but Shri will get back to me if she sees this".

Sony was afraid to make him unhappy or something like that but at the same time she don't want to get teased by her friends. So she muttered only a few words making him even more confused.

Understanding his gaze she explained "Last week there were two hickeys marks on Shriya's neck and we teased her to no end and if she gets a chance, then she will get back to me with ten fold."

Understanding her worry made Kunal laugh out loud at her innocence and naivety. He leaned towards her once again snd asked with a teasing tone and a mischievous smile "Then Is it okay if I don't make any marks?".

Sony looked at him and not knowing how to answer him she leaned in and kissed him on his lips. This is the first time she took the initiative with him and she didn't know how to kiss, so her movements were all immature but he helped her and she soon went on with the flow.

After a while Kunal pulled back a little and cursed turning towards the other side away from her "Sh^t".

Sony was dumbfounded by his reaction and he said in a very hoarse tone "I think we should go now".

Though she didn't know why he pulled away suddenly and what made him angry, she felt hurt and a bit disappointed. She just nodded her head trying tobe calm and Kunal started the car and they drove off and the remaining journey was all quite. He spoke a few things in between and she just nodded and hummed to him.

After about a half and an hour time the car stopped at the gate and Sony looked outside from the car window.

Sony's house is situated in a very quite and a serene neighborhood and there were not many people on the road, just one or two.

Kunal got out of the car and when he came to her side of the door, she got out already and he took her into his arms again and carried her inside. Despite her pleas to let her walk, he still carried her to her door step and just when he was about to put her down, the main door was opened and there stood a fifty year old man at the entrance starting at them.

Kunal didn't put her down immediately and instead stood there carrying her. He looked as calm as he could be but the woman in his arms were trembling in fear. She said in a frightened tone "Paa,"

Before she could say anything more, Kunal greeted the man respectfully and introduced himself "Hello sir, I am Kunal Rajput, Sony's friend".

The man was still in a daze and Kunal continued "It's nice to meet you sir." The man didn't respond and Sony said "Paa". She looked at Kunal who was standing there like a perfectly carved statue with no expression on his face.

She is not so underweight and his hands must be aching for carrying her all the while and her father is not allowing them inside. So she said in a low whisher "I can walk, please out me down".

Sony's father came back to his senses and he allowed the pair to enter inside without asking anything. Kunal carried her in and he straight away went to her bedroom with her father following behind them. He gently placed her on the bed and helped her sit.

Her father observed his each and every moment. Kunal once again greeted and extended his hand towards Mr. Singh and the latter greeted Kunal back with the same respect Kunal shown to him. He asked Kunal to sit on the couch in that very room.

He asked the guest "Water or any drink?" as formality and Sony looked at her father who was still in some daze and was looking at Kunal with big surprise. She said "Paa, get him some green tea and an orange juice for me. I an damn thirsty".

Sony's father left the room immediately nodding his head and Kunal looked at her. He knew she wanted to speak to him something, so only she sent her father away with the excuse of drinks.