
My love story by Abhishek Malhotra

Abhishek is a famous actor in India and is known for his sincerity at work place. He is a cold, mysterious and oof person. His first love is Shriya Sheren, who is an orphan. He follows her for almost three years , without her knolwedge. But he comes in front of her one day, seeing him she asks him "Aren't you the famous Actor Abhishek Malhotra, Are you the one who wants to spend the night with me." Next morning Abhishek offered her coffee with a smile on his face and said " Last night you promised me that you will let me take care of you." Will she accept his proposal to stay with him. What happens if she decides to stay with him and what are her reasons to become a mistress all of a sudden.. How Abhi is going to be make her his women and what happens when he decided to stay with her for a long time. Will she be able to manage his high profile status and become worthy to be his girlfriend. How does her life change after she met that dream man of all the girls in the entire country. Thought: "What you have left with is more important than what you have lost".

sweetykim · Teen
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586 Chs


Shriya slept soundly in her man's warm embrace and she didn't even wake up once in her sleep.

Abhi smiled at the girl in his embrace and his heart warmed up. She kept her head on his shoulders and he didn't dare to move even an inch with the fear of waking her up. He looked at the ring on his little finger and a bright smile formed on his handsome face. He kissed her forehead and fell into a deep sleep.

The next morning Shriya woke up and she went to the bathroom to get freshen up. After that she came out and saw Abhi still sleeping and he was not awake yet. It was very rare for him to sleep till the sun's up.

He is a man who is particular about his regulars. He wakes up early and completes his morning run and work out even before sun rises up in the sky.

She smiled and went to the kitchen to get his morning breakfast and juice ready before he wakes up. She didn't get time to check her phone, if she did she would have seen that there were a ton of messages from her friends to her.

Abhi woke up when he didn't feel his women beside him on the bed. He looked up at the clock on the wall and saw it was already seven in the morning and when he heard sound from the kitchen, he understood what she was doing and sat up in the bed and checked his mobile phone.

He got missed calls from Kunal, Uday, Rahul and his mother so early in the morning. There were also so many text messages from Manvi, Barun, Rahul and his close friends from industry and even his father and grandfather. He even got a text message from Ravi, the newbie director with whom Abhi was doing a picture.

He was surprised but what surprised him the most was he got tons of messages on his official Twitter, Facebook and other social networking accounts.

He checked the message from Kunal first as he know his friend don't message him just like that without any important or particular reason. So he checked it first and just as he expected the message contained the major important information.

"Your relation with Shriya was exposed. Two photos on internet. But relax no one could recognize Shriya from the picture".

After seeing the message Abhi could guess what would have happened and he also understood why he got so many text messages and calls so early in the morning.

He looked around and saw Shriya's phone lying on the bed side table. He took and opened it and saw that the messages were still unopened. He understood that she didnt see the messages and he felt relaxed when he understood that she still didn't know about it yet. But he didn't touch them or delete them and left them as is.

He checked the news on his phone but not on the television as he was afraid that she might see it. He wanted to see how much it was exposed and how was it exposed?

When he opened the news app, he saw the main headlines on the news were all about him and Shriya.

The main heading of an article said "Abhishek Malhotra has a woman, He bid his good bye to his long singlehood".

Abhi found it funny and he couldn't help but laugh seeing the headlines. There was a long article below it saying "Yesterday night Abhishek Malhotra was found hugging a woman at the Red Hills mountains in the middle of the night. It is said from the sources that the top actor went on a late night date and spent quite a good amount of time with the girl. Though the picture of the girl wasn't captured properly and the sources have no information about the girl, but it is evident from the picture that the man was Abhishek Malhotra. Netizens and Mr. Malhotra's fans are guessing that their hero might have found a girlfriend, but there was no information or official statement from him or from his PR team. His manager, Mr.Uday Mehra also didn't give any official statement regarding the issue."

Below the article were two pictures of Abhi and Shriya. In one of them Abhi was hugging the girl and his face was in the direction of the camera and the girl's back can only been seen in the picture. While in the other photo, Abhi back hugged the girl and the girl is shadowed by his strong and big body".

Abhi was still staring at his phone screen when Shriya entered the room with a porcelain tray and two cups in it. She smiled at him brightly and he looked up to her to meet her eyes and seeing her all smiles, he didn't get the heart to tell her the news. But he also knew that he can't hide it from her forever.

He blamed himself for not paying attention to his surroundings. He was always careful and never made a mistake but he was so into the atmosphere yesterday and was dancing around in his heart with her sudden proposal that he didn't observe a paparazzi sneakily following them and taking pictures of them.

He was in his own train of thoughts and was dazed that he didn't see Shriya looking at him.

She called him by his name and he came to his senses and seeing him all confused and out of mood, she asked him worriedly "Is everything okay ?"